Mangalore : Waging a Lone Battle to Overcome Harsh Realities of life...

Mangalore : Waging a Lone Battle to Overcome Harsh Realities of life...

Pics: Ibrahim Baddor 
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (RS/SP)
Mangalore, May 16: The futility, lacunae and improper implementation of various programmes undertaken by successive governments for the benefit of the less fortunate, are often reflected in the trials and tribulations the people are compelled to undergo to meet their needs and take care of their family members and loved ones, even after over six decades since the country got independence. The real life story of 65 year-old woman with meager income, who is saddled with the responsibility of having to look after three mentally challenged family members, is really heart rending one. As the government departments which are expected to come to the rescue of the people in distress have failed to do anything to mitigate her sufferings, she looks up to the help and support from kind hearted donors in her struggle to carry out her responsibilities.  

The house of Lalitha Naik, the woman in question, is located at Jayanagar in Jalligudde, which comes under Bajal ward of the local City Corporation. Odds are pitted heavily against Lalitha, who has been wilting under the heavy burden of responsibility of taking care of three members of her family.  Lalitha Naik is aged about 65 and takes care of three mentally challenged family members. They are, her younger sister, Yashoda (55), younger brother, Parameshwara (60), and his wife, Bhavani (50). The old age pension, which is very meager by all means, and a small amount she earns through beedi rolling, is the only incomes on which Lalitha depends on to pull on lives of all the three people she takes care of.  As all the three mentally challenged dependents needs her constant attention she cannot go out to work on a regular basis.  Moreover with age related diseases such as failing eye sight, joint pains etc., catching up with her she is unable to work even as a housemaid.  But all these problems have not diminished her indomitable courage and she goes on about her responsibilities without loosing hopes.  

Lalitha Naik had no children and after the death of her husband Babu Naik the family began to live in Jalligudde.  Her brother and sister are mentally challenged by birth.  She says that her brother’s condition was manageable during his childhood days and worsened with the passage of time, where as sister’s condition remained the same from birth.   

The family of four is dependent on the rice it gets through the ration card. At present, the family is able to buy 12 kgs of rice per month through the fair price shop from the income of Lalitha. She used to roll beedis in the past, but now she can not do that as effortlessly as she used also because of her failing eyesight.  But life has to go on and since Lalitha cannot venture out of the home the only course left to her is to continue to roll beedies.  Apart from taking care of her siblings that includes cooking, cleaning and washing and rolling beedies whenever she gets some free time forms the main itinerary of her daily life.

The house they live in has only two rooms. It has no bathroom or toilet facilities. A portion behind the house, covered with coconut fronds, is being used for bathing. As Lalitha Naik’s parents were very poor, they could not provide medical treatment to their mentally challenged children. Parameshwara was quite silent since his childhood, despite his illness. Hoping that he would be able to stand on his own legs, the family arranged his marriage with Bhavani, a deaf and dumb girl. Bhavani of course, helps Lalitha in the household chores including cooking and washing.

To add to their woes of sufferings, to the utter dismay of Lalitha Naik’s family, Mescom, disconnected power supply to their home all of a sudden. Lalitha was provided power connection through ‘Bhagyajyothi’, an ambitious scheme of the government aimed at providing free power to poor families. This scheme was later modified and a nominal charge was levied on the power consumers under the scheme.
Lalitha Naik claims that she had paid the bill amount to MESCOM promptly. But on one fine day when she want not at home a MESCOM ar, when she was not at home MESCOM official took away the fuse. She adds that she did not know what to do to set right this problem and hence, started using kerosene lamp for lighting. 
Her family is badly in need a doze of generous help from kind-hearted donors. The family needs money to enable Lalitha Nayak to get herself treated, and also to provide medical treatment for her three dependents.  She needs to regain her health to look after the other three family members, who are entirely dependent on her. Her income is too meager even to get a proper meal a day for herself and her dependents.

For those who wish to help her family the details are as follows:   
Address: Lalitha Naik
2-90, Jayanagara, Jalligudde
Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada District
Karnataka State.
Canara Bank, Jeppu, Morgan’s Gate Branch, Mangalore - 
Account Number -1553101007176 
in the name of Lalitha Naik.
IFS Code CNRB0001553


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  • Peter & Ann Mendonca, Karkala / Muscat

    Tue, May 25 2010

    In today's news I read about an item from Udupi: "Govt to spend 109 cr on development of temples". As far as we beleive all living human beings, especially the poor and downtrodden, are the temples of God and uplifting them is the moral responsibility of the Govt. Why then the Govt look after these poor and needy identified by means of a survey and help them live a decent and respectfull life. Write-ups like this - Lalitha Naik - in Daijiworld can help one family but what about the many in the Dist / State?
    We appreciate Mr. Prakash Shetty's testimony as a growing young boy.

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  • madav nayak, udupi

    Wed, May 19 2010

    Its a very state to live in. Hats off to Lalithaji. Daiji has give information about her, It will help her a million even if the ones who comment here would be of help. Thanks. When you help dont let your left hand know what your right is doing. Thanks

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  • latheef kodagu, al kobar k. s.a

    Tue, May 18 2010

    Govt is spending too much money for useless projects why not helping this kind of poor pepole

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  • Hanif Mohd. , KAUP, SAUDI ARABIA

    Tue, May 18 2010

    Thank u Daiji for publishing this. After reading this, many generous and kind hearted people will donate for the welfare of this ill fated family. But somebody has to ensure that the money reaches this family. I believe government is announcing various schemes for the people who are under poverty line and hardly these benefits reach those effected families. Similar way one of the middlemen/relative/friend of this family will surely look for his share..

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  • ashalatharamanand, kankanady /nagori

    Tue, May 18 2010

    well done dajii medium, please expose some poor families like this so that we can help our best.

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  • Mrs.Suman V.Uthappa, Mulki/Dubai

    Tue, May 18 2010

    Thanks Daiji for giving us a chance to help this poor family.

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  • Olivia Moras, Puttur / Toronto

    Tue, May 18 2010

    Poverty doesn't limit itself to any community. Today it's this family next may be us. Nobody knows the future. There is a great deal of satisfaction when we share & eat. Bible says ""Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". And further Bible says "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren that you do unto me”
    Let's all come forward to help this needy family. Prakash Shetty your story brought tears in my eyes.
    My Ajji ( modern world may call her Nanny) who raised us used to tell ” maga, badaverna sahaya yepola malpodu. Appe Ammerna chakeri malpodu”. Golden words by my Ajji.

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  • Ashwin S Suvarna,, Padubidri,Mumbai/Dubai

    Mon, May 17 2010

    Before commenting on the above topic,I have already transfered my share of contribution to the above A/C of MRS.Lalitha Naik. Its very sad to see the SUFFERINGS of these elderly people as they don't have anyone to take care of them nor do they have any source of income.
    A big THANK YOU to u Sir.Mr.Walter Nandalike & your team for giving importance to the above topic and giving us the opportunity to do some good deeds in our LIFE.

    Also Sir.Mr.Prakash Shetty, THANKS to u for sharing ur EXPERIENCE with us.After reading ur article I could'nt control my tears, really a GREAT DEED done by u.Do keep it up & God bless u all.
    THANKS daijiworld once again for highlighting this IMPORTANT TOPIC in our society. Last but not the least A BIG THANKS TO ALL MY BROTHERS & SISTERS who have contributed to this NOBEL CAUSE - Yours truly
    Ashwin S.Suvarna

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  • Renny Dsouza, Kinnigoli/Bangalore

    Mon, May 17 2010

    Its very common now a days children ignoring the elderly parents in the name of better opportunities abroad. Many are running away from this responsibility. Visit a Sunday mass in Kinnigoli or Belman and you will find many old souls staying alone and hopeing that their kids will come back one to look after them.

    There are cases where the children have not visited for years.

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  • Ramesh Bangera, Mijar/Doha-Qatar

    Mon, May 17 2010

    Thank you daiji for publishing this news and thank you giving the address and bank account details,as soon as I saw this news i transferred money to Lalitha Naik's account, hope it will help her little bit. I wish all our daiji readers help this family at their level best.

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  • Patrick R Braggs, Bejai,Mangalore

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Its pathetic to see that we are so engrossed in waging a battle to save holy cows,religion,and our places of worship but not our destitute fellow humans.At the last count there are 365 million destitutes in this country.But who cares?Well done Daijiworld for highligting the plight of this family,they will atleast find some good samaritans.Wonder what the local area corporater is doing.Maybe busy working for his welfare.

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  • sujithpolali, polali.k s. a

    Sun, May 16 2010

    no where is our great ledares who alwyas keep protesting for unwanted things in front of d.c office .polticance never come front and help out this pepole, they only blame each other

    Tthanks daiji team for publishing this news

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  • Ali, Mangalore/INDIA

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Please find the Great thoughts below from Great Mother Teresa regarding love & help.
    1) If we can't love the person whom we see, How can we love God, Whom we can't see...
    2) If you judge people, You have no time to love them.

    If you wan't to help any needy people then just help them, and never say how much u contributed etc etc, because it hurts a lot than facing poverty for poor people.

    Jai Hind

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  • Ali, Mangalore/INDIA

    Sun, May 16 2010

    All Mangaloreans should come forward to help our needy people instead of wasting time/energy on politics or waste publicity.

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  • Hemanth, Mangalore

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Well said Mr. Prakash Shetty. In fact it was a great deed done. God had always said "BLESSED ARE THE HANDS THAT HELP THAN THE LIPS THAT PRAY".

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  • prakash shetty, MANGALORE/DUBAI

    Sun, May 16 2010

    When Ii was in 7th std i used to come by walk from my school in the evening through a village.there was a family (i will not mention the religion)husband and wife and aged mother.they were not so poor.they had paddy field and arecnut plants(not so much).but the son and daughter in law was not taking proper care of old mother.every day i used to observe this old motherr sitting alone and doing some work. 

    She was so weak and couldnt walk properly .  She was bent and used to walk with the support of a stick.  Every day when I passed this house  I could see her face.  Whenver i saw her eyes  I could feel some grief in her eyes wanted to share her feelings/pain.but I i never spoke to her in 6 years of my school.

    One day evening when i was returning home i saw her washing her cloths in the water canal(thodu)near paddy looking her struggle i felt very sad.she cant even lift her stick properly then how could she lift a wet cloth to wash.i thought she would fell there only.she was helpless and she was crying .my heart melted like anything for this poor old lady .she saw me with the hope that i may help her.i kept my bag a side and took the cloths from her and washed it and gave it to her after removing water.there was tears in her eyes .She blessed me wholeheartedly in tulu"maga dever ninan edde malpad "(god bless you).  I felt some fullfilment in my heart atleast i did some kind of help for this poor lady.
    we can see many poor peoples in village .helping poor is like worshiping god.

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  • Jawar D'Souza, M'Lore/Doha

    Sun, May 16 2010

    I dont understand what heartless people are these mescom employees. How much electricity do these people need meagre 2 blub's. they dont have aircondition,no fridge, no fan, no washing machine , no T.V nothing monthly bill may not be more than 100/- Rupees that also they could not bare. What is life after all it's nothing, we must thank god for giving us enough, Sharing a little is nothing. Let God give strength to Mrs Lalitha Naik to look after the family.

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  • Savio , Mumbai

    Sun, May 16 2010

    Sagar, Kankanady that at least Mr Hegde contribute something. If you don't want to do anything help other then don't criticse....

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  • steve, Sharjah

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Poverty is a curse to human being. If anyone lives in poverty means they are ignorant. Now many will ask questions what about this and that my answer for you is If you believe in God that means He has created Human in RICH. if Man does not want to be rich that his

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  • Rajiie, Mangalore

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Sagar, Kankanady, Cut the Crap.... Dont point fingers on anyone. If you cant apprericate then dont criticise. Your comments are not apprericated. If parents of some of NRI'S are living alone without much help from there families..and at last sent to old can help them than putting this comment. This shows your bitterness towards your own peolple.

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  • Sagar, Kankanady

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Mr.Alwyn, Canada/Vasanthkumar Hegde, Udupi/Riyadh..there are many people among us who are helping others without knowing others including even there family members..don't try to boost yourselves as you are an NRI..for helping others there is no religion considered..if possible try to help your parents, sisters, brothers many of NRI's family are staying in deteriorating stage in there respective native place...parents of some of NRI'S are living alone without much help from there families..and at last sent to old age..jai ho..

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  • Alwyn, Canada

    Sat, May 15 2010

    Sorry to see these picture of such families. Lets do our best to help this family.

    Nagesh Naik, please comments now is this is called slavery or richness of this earth. Since you are the landlord and rest all Indians are slaves, please do your best to help this family. For sure we christians are born to help and certianly will help the needy.

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  • Vasanthkumar Hegde, Udupi/Riyadh

    Sat, May 15 2010

    I consider that it is destiny. whose fault is this, I have no answer. Let me consider that god has given me this opportunity to help this family. I contribute INR 2,000.00 to the mentioned account which might make them little happy with one good meal atleast. God bless them.

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