Ajmer: Sr Savina Pinto Elected New Superior General of Mission Sisters

Ajmer: Sr Savina Pinto Elected New Superior General of Mission Sisters
Daijiworld Media Network – Ajmer (RD)

Ajmer, Sep 19: Sr Savina Pinto has been elected Superior General of the Congregation of Mission Sisters of Ajmer (MSA) for a six-year term at their Generalate of XII General Chapter, here, recently. She is the first from the undivided Dakshina Kannada district to be elected to this post.
Sr Pinto (nee Jacintha Pinto) hails from Sastan in Udupi district of Karnataka.  She joined the MSA congregation to become a zealous missionary for Christ in North India. After completing her higher studies on Franciscan Spirituality in Rome, she was entrusted with various responsibilities of her religious congregation.

She was appointed as Novice Mistress, then nominated as Regional Superior and was elected as Assistant General of the Congregation for 12 years.
Sr Pinto is the daughter of the late Dr Sylvester Pinto, an eminent medical practitioner of Sastan and the late Faustine Buthello. Her family has many pursuing religious vocations. Her three sisters - the late Sr Jasilla BS, the late Sr Alvina MSA and Sr Wilma, Sisters of Charity at St Gerosa Convent, Jeppu, Mangalore, are religious nuns.
The Congregation of MSA has communities in Sastan, Kerala, Maharastra, and especially in North India. The nuns are engaged in medical, teaching and socio-pastoral apostolate. The sisters of the congregation will be celebrating the centenary of their presence in India shortly. 


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    Fri, Jun 10 2011


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  • Franklyn Mathias, Mumbai

    Tue, Apr 26 2011

    Dear Sr Savina and community.
    Greetings and good wishes on the occasion of your centenary. May the Good Lord walk with you and the whole congregation in your mission to women in India. Greetings from the Parish Team and prayers too. Fr franklyn.

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  • johnson, Italy

    Sun, Jan 30 2011

    helo sr.savina.congrates & prayerful wishes. this is my wish and prayer for u: b more 'other-centred' than 'mission-minded'. mission should not serve our agenda but God's. mission is not sthng 2 do but attending 2 the mystery of what Gid is doing. wish u a 'new self-awareness, 'new comminity consciousness' and 'openess to change'. all the best wishes for all your undertakings. have a graet centenery celebration.God bless.

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  • Molly, Ajit,Giselle & Criselle, Mangalore

    Sat, Sep 25 2010

    Dear Sr.Savina,Congratulations for being elected as superior general.May Lord give you wisdom,courage and strength to continue his mission.

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  • Fr. John Pais, Vittal/ Ajmer

    Fri, Sep 24 2010

    Hi Sr. Savina,
    Hearty Congratulations to you on being elected as the Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer as you are celebration the Centinary Yearof your Congragation. The Lord has chosen you for a special task. Best wishes to you and your Team. The Lord has done marvellous things in your life. Holy be His name. He has looked on His lowly servant and made her as His chosen instrument to lead the congagation in His Desert Land of Rajastan. Let Jesus the Chief Shephard Protect, Lead and Guide you always.

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  • Shaila Pinto, St.Gerosa High School

    Fri, Sep 24 2010

    Dear sr.Savina,
    CongraTulations on being elected as superior general of mission sisters.We wish you success in your future endevours..May god bless you

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  • Sr Wilberta BS, Bethany Generalate, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 23 2010

    Dear Sister Savina,

    We, the Sisters of the Congregation of the Little Flower of Bethany rejoice on your election as the Superior General of your Congregation and congratulate you heartily and assure our prayerful support. I am glad to know that you are the sister of our late Sr Jasilla BS who enjoys the beatific vision at present. Your Aunt Sr Macra BS and your sister would have rejoiced greatly if they were alive today. We greet you also on their behalf too. May God grant you all the graces you need to carry on the responsibility your Congregation has laid on you. May Mother Mary guide you and lead you on your way.

    Sr Wilberta BS
    Superior General and the Sisters of Bethany Congregation

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  • Mathew Pinto,Charlotte, Princeton, Sastan\Kuwait

    Wed, Sep 22 2010

    Dear Sr.Savina(Jacinthabai)Congratulations! for being elected as the Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer. I am immensely happy that you brought honour to our family. You deserve this God given previlege. May God continue to shower his choicest blessings on you in plenty to work many more years in his vinyard. ALL THE BEST.

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  • William D'Souza, Pulcheria Pinto, Mariel & Michelle D'Souza, Nezar, Kallianpur

    Tue, Sep 21 2010

    Dearest Jacinthabai/aunty, Hearty Congratulations! & best wishes. May God bestow upon you His choicest blessings & give you good health , strength,courage & wisdom to govern your congregation of Mission Sisters of Ajmer successfully. We are with you & praying for you everyday.

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  • Fr Clifford Fernandes, Jeppu Seminary

    Tue, Sep 21 2010

    Congratulations Rev Sr Savina, for being elected as the Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer.May the Good Lord guide and grant the strength to take this great responsibility.
    Praying for you. Fr Clifford Fernandes, Jeppu Seminary.

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  • Maria Robert Soares, Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 21 2010

    Congrantulations dear Jacinthabai,
    we wish you and pray for you that Almighty give you the needed conviction and health to fulfill your new responsibilities.

    we are proud of your achiements.

    with love and regards
    Maria, Robert, Raisa and Roma

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  • Marshal Joseph & Martha Suares , Barkur/USA

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Dearest Sr.Savina (Jacinthabai),
    Congratulations for being elected as Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer. May God Bless you with good health, courage and wisdom to carry on your mission work. Our prayers are with you always. Marshal Joseph, Martha, Tracy & Sandra.

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  • Juliet Fernandes, kadri kambala,mangalore

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Dear sr.Savina,
    CongraTulations on being elected as superior general of mission sisters.We wish you success in your future endevours..May god bless you.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    She is "Sasthanche Salak", my cousin sister. She is a very quiet, noble, soft spoken God bless her. Congratulation to her.

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  • Sunila Lobo, Sasthan / Qatar

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Congrats Sis Savina and wish you all the best

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    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Dear Jacintha Bai, Congratulations on getting elected as Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer. We pray for you to sucessfuly complete your mission.

    Everest Mama, Harry Botelho, Asha, Patricia

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  • Ms. Juliet Xavier, St. Gerosa Highschool, Jeppu, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Dear Sr. Savina,
    Hearty Congratulations & God's Choicest Blessings on your endeavors. Praying for you, in your Future Mission. We are happy that you are our dear Sr. Wilma's Sister.

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  • Jude Pinto & Fly , Sastan/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Congratulations Sr.Savina...May the God give you good health, strength, wisdom & courage to shoulder your responsibility.

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  • Meera Mathias (Aranha), Shankerpura/ Phoenix USA

    Mon, Sep 20 2010

    Congratulations on getting elected as superior general. We wish that MSA will reach new heights under your leadership.

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  • Walter Lobo,cmsf, Mangalore/Canada

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Hi Sr Pinto,MSA,greetings.God bless the mission of Ajmir and the community of Sastan.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    May the showers of blessings from
    heaven be upon you, as you serve
    the Lord Jesus Christ in Ajmer. A day spent
    for the Kingdom of God in this
    world is a worth living experience.
    Hearty congrtulations and prayers
    in your new job. God may richly
    bless you.

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  • Sr.Wilma Pinto, St.Gerosa Convent, Jeppu,Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Dearest Jacinthabai, Indeed, my joy has no bounds. I am fortunate to have you my most loving sister. God made a right choice in electing you a major superior of your congregation. You are certainly a beacon of light to lead your sisters on the path of holiness. May you be a precious asset to your religious family. May God give you good health, strength, courage & wisdom to shoulder your responsibility according to His plan & wish. May you feel divine assistance & guidance at every moment of everyday. I am sure our dear Pappa & Mamma, brother Pius, srs.Jesilla & Alvina do pray for you from above. Assuring my prayers. Congratulations & good wishes.

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  • Pinto Family, Sastan/Barkur

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Dearest Sr.Savina,We your loving brothers,sisters,sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law,nephews,nieces, uncles,aunts & cousins are extremely happy to know that you have been elected Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer. We thank God for your unique gift to our Pinto family. May God accompany you & strengthen you to accomplish your responsible task of governing your congregation according to His designs. congrats & God bless you.

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  • Fra. Martino, Pius Nagar / Rome

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulations Rev. Sr. Savina. May God grant you all the necessary Graces to animate your congregation in the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare. My Prayers and warm wishes.

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  • Fr.Cyprian Capuchin, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulations Sr.Savina and wish you all the best in your future undertakings.

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nantur/Chicago

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulations to Sr. Savina Pinto on being elected as the New Superior General of Mission Sisters, Ajmer. May God bless you always!

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  • Fr.Prakash Cutinha, Melbourne, Australia

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Dear Sr.Savina, congratulations.we are proud of you.May God bless you.

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  • Mala Lewis, Sasthan/Uppoor/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Dear Sr.Savina,
    Congratulations aunty Sr.Savina. We wish you all success in your future endeavors.
    Mala Lewis & fly, Dubai

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  • Fr. Mark Mathias, SVD, Jalamel, Shirva

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulations Sr. Savina. A great responsibility and greater still is the challenge. Best wishes to you from all your SVD friends.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulations Sr.Savina Pinto, may the Lord give your good health, peace and strength work in his vineyard.

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  • Leena Martis, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulation Sr.Savina n God bless u.

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  • juze vas svd, uppinkote/indore MP

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    congratulation Sr. Savina
    hope u remember me
    God bless u we will continue to pray for you.
    my greetings to your other sister

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  • Ostin Pinto, Muscat /Sasthan

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    It is really a great honour for all the parishener's of Sasthan and to the entire Pinto family.

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  • Romeo Pinto & Fly, Sastan/ Sharjah

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulation on your election of the Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer

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    Sun, Sep 19 2010


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  • Alwyn Lobo, Mangalore - USA

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    May our Lord Jesus Christ shower his blessings on you and fill you with the Holy Spirit, so you can reach the heart of needy people. We all must pray to Almighty to shower his blessings on her and all Nuns for their sacrificial life, Amen.

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  • Jacintha Mendonca, Vamanjoor/Dubai

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Dear Sr.Savina,
    Congratulations for being elected as the Superior General of Mission Sisters of Ajmer.May the Lord guide you and give strength to take this great responsibility.

    Jacintha Mendonca

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  • Roland, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Congratulations Sister. You deserve this honour. When I visited Ajmer to see my Grand Aunt Late Sr. Claudia, you really welcomed me and my brother-in-law and we had a comfortable one day stay. Unfotunately, my Grand Aunt Sr. Claudia died the very next day and we had to fly down to Ajmer very next morning and that time too you handled all the funeral arrangements. I sincerely thank you for the hospitalty shown to us and also the great write-up on my Grand Aunt Late Sr. Claudia - God bless you and congrates once again. ROLAND

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  • superior and sisters, jeppu,mangalore

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    Sr.Marcelline and sisters,St.Gerosa convent,Mangalore.
    Hearty congratulations dear Sr.Savina.Our prayerful support to you. We are very proud that our dear sr.Wilma's sister has been elected to steer the governance of Mission Sisters of Ajmer. May God shower His bounteous blessings on you, on your Congregation and on your family and loved ones.All the Best.

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  • capt.Cornelio, udyavar/mumbai

    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    congrats Rev. sister savina.we are proud of you.i am nepew of late Sr.virginie.all our best wishes are with you.

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    Sun, Sep 19 2010

    199112"Congratulation and best of luck" Sr, savina Pinto.elected for superior general of mission sisters." May jesus christ give you, strength, courage, and wisdom for work, more and more years to work, in his vineyard to complete his mission.

    Marian Rosario Lobo (Dubai)

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