Media Release
Mangalore, Sep 21: A four-day workshop on Human Resource Development was organized by St Ann’s College of Nursing, Mulky here at the college campus for the benefit of its GNM and BSc nursing students, recently.
The resource person national HRD trainer and director of Samanvaya Dr Ronald Cutinha guided the participants on the topics such as self-confidence, self-esteem, attitudinal change, leadership, personality development, team building and team work. Varieties of group activities were held to build cohesiveness among the students.
Another resource person Fr Victor Vijay Lobo, director of Canara Communication Centre dealt on the topic Effective Communication. Through group discussions, presentations, group exercises, activities, lectures and PowerPoint presentations the workshop sessions were made lively and effective. The effectiveness of the workshop was measured by pre and post assessment tests.
The valedictory function was presided over by the chairperson of St Ann’s Nursing Institutes Eric C Lobo who reiterated his support to make the nursing campus life comfortable. Fr Ronald Sanctis was the chief guest.
Sr Aurelia the vice-principal of school of nursing and Dr Ronald Cutinha were on the dais. The principal of St Ann’s College of Nursing Sr Lordana Kora welcomed the gathering. In all 115 students participated in the workshop.