Mohan Kuthar
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (EP)
Mangaluru, Mar 30: “Mughal king Akbar is called the great in Indian history. He was a scoundrel and a sex maniac. The king who saved India was Maharaj Shivaji,” said Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat.
He was speaking at the inauguration of Mangaluru university postgraduate student council for the year 2021-22 held at Mangaluru university, Mangalagangotri premises on March 30.
“Some are allergic to calling India as Hindustan. Some organizations call themselves right wing and sow poison against the nation. India is the country where great men like Shushrutha, Aryabhata and Charaka were born. India does not have the culture of holding a sword and forcing to pray to a particular god. The love of western culture should reduce for India to become great. Every Indian should speak about the noble people here when they go abroad. India is the country which has taught the lesson of equality and to change the world. Babar who indulged in rape, injustice, cheating and deceit destroyed the birth place of Rama. Indians and not Arabs gave place to construct mosques. This should not be forgotten,” he said.
Mangaluru university vice chancellor Dr Yadapadithaya said that it is not important to live as Indians. “But we should live meaningfully by being an inspiration to others. If we live honestly we receive the lesson of life along with education. The education of life is more important than a three hour long examination. We are forgetting our identity through western culture. Nothing is written about the noble Indian people in the school books. But there are efforts to include them,” he said.
Student welfare director Kishore K welcomed. Vice president Vedanta Muthamma, secretary Karthik Laxman, assistant secretary Skanda, cultural secretary Srasti, assistant cultural secretary Karthik and others were on the dais. Student Kaushik G N and Akshay Kumar compered the programme. Student council president Sampath B proposed a vote of thanks.
Some students attend event wearing saffron shawls
Though the CFI members protested for inviting Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat, they took part in the programme. Most of the students and student leaders took part wearing saffron shawls. As there were no opponents for students council elections, ABVP supported students were elected as office bearers.
Speaking after the inauguration, Bhat thanked CFI for the protests saying that anybody has a right to protest. “Anybody can have police cases. I have more than 100 cases. There are cases against Modi and Amit Shah also. I have not spread communal hatred in my speeches. Hindus are the most secular in the world. Cases do not make a person criminal. I do not have any criminal background.”
“Restrictions on Muslim traders were brought about by the Congress party. It was imposed by S M Krisha during 2002. We Hindus are generous. Why did the opposition staged protests for Hijab? Is it not against the Constitution? I do not know about Halal. We should not accept such meat. Let the Arab thinking be with them. We should not bring it to India. There is no such thing as Halal in India,” he said.
Comment on this article
IS Mangalore, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Quite Surprised how a university called such character for an inauguration!
DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse
Sameer, Riyadh
Thu, Mar 31 2022Dr. Yeda padithaya, The suits the boys wearing on the podium is western culture. Why didn't you ask them to wear mundu?
DisAgree [4] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse
Thu, Mar 31 2022Please change the name of university as' kalladka prabhakar university, ''and build his big statue in front of the university.
DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse
William, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Mr. chancellor, By inviting him you have disturbed the peace in the campus & belittled other religion.
DisAgree [4] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse
Alwin, Mangaluru
Thu, Mar 31 2022Bhattre hi mata patrada badle janklek bhatrena konkanerna Bakka mata devastanad archekar Bakka pooje Bakka devastana pravesha da anukula malpole. Dever ittinowlu dvesha koradchi
DisAgree [1] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse
Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai
Thu, Mar 31 2022All autocratic rulers have the same attributes, i.e. glorifying themselves, don't tell me the others were saints; every ruler has two sides; thank you for giving me a peice of history from your history books! BTW, how can you forget that our present CEO named a part of an international cricket stadium in his own name bypassing so many eligible sportsmen?? REMEMBER HISTORY IS VERY MUCH DISTORTED, ALWAYS MANIPULATED AND WRITTEN BY THE "WINNERS"!
DisAgree [2] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse
Deepak, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Ending of BJP in karnataka.
DisAgree [10] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai
Thu, Mar 31 2022Bhattre.... poojeda kelasa malpule..... Undu daaye history pujenkuvarrrr As long as you oppose wrong doings....we support you..... but don't get involved in unwanted matters which you do not know
DisAgree [4] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse
Veeramani Valathur, Valencia, Valathur
Thu, Mar 31 2022Communal division tactics bringing good results for them. It's the people who should think about this but it's a sad affairs in the country now-a-days.
DisAgree [4] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse
Pavan, Mlr
Thu, Mar 31 2022What qbout bjpees porn hub MLAs and Mps...they can release any CDs....
DisAgree [7] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse
Althaf, Udupi/Kaup
Thu, Mar 31 2022Sikka usi ka Chalta hai jiske pas Power hota hai. BJP Can do anything but at the end they are in power
DisAgree [6] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse
Althaf, Udupi/Kaup
Thu, Mar 31 2022History will remember Prabhakar Bhat as a anti muslim and hate speaker!!! What a shame!!
DisAgree [15] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse
Mann, Bangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Few years back people came to mangalore to pursue education as first choice but now that education system has been replaced by goonda system . Today varsity’s are glorifying goondas with proven criminal record and allowing them to preach hatred . Where on earth will be such a person called as chief guest . Educated mangaloreans must be feeling ashamed . I m sure . He has more than 100 cases against him and he isn’t criminal , that seems to be his part time job .
DisAgree [5] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse
Ranganath Rangamane, Shivamogga
Thu, Mar 31 2022Students should concentrate on their future. Do not entertain such people.If he is innocent, did not spread hatred speeches then why he is booked more than 100 cases in his name.Dear Students, you have long way to go...Choose your life wisely.
DisAgree [2] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse
AJ, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Ok todays target achieved directly by Regional Sales Director..Now for the month of April a new product controversy by the name Eid or next bakrid or any other will be launched and venom will be spewed thoroughly..All sales managers like bebbebe ravi ,eshwarappa,borewell tubewell should start planning and work hard and should not dissapoint Regional Sales Director Bhatta...
DisAgree [4] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse
k b r, Mangala Uru
Thu, Mar 31 2022ಕ p ಭಟ್ಟ ನಿಂದ ಆಕಾಶಕ್ಕೆ ಉಗುಳುವ ವ್ಯರ್ಥ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನ….
DisAgree [10] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse
Syed, Bhatkal
Thu, Mar 31 2022Oh Great to see no FIR
DisAgree [9] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse
Cynthia, Dk
Thu, Mar 31 2022King Akbar was a very good ruler. He loved all the religions except he was a little far from Jainism... He was funding a lot to hindu temples....It was given to understand he even built a church in Delhi.. . All rulers were proud and sex maniacs......because they were rulers. NOW ALSO, WE DONT HAVE SEX MANIACS IN POLITICS...?...Many were not caught watching dirty vidoes when during parliament sessions ???...........
DisAgree [22] Agree [88] Reply Report Abuse
H. Almeida., Bendur/Andheri.
Thu, Mar 31 2022Madam, who was the tyrant " Tippu Sultan " this Jihadi massacred my ancestors in cold blood !!!
DisAgree [35] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse
Cynthia, Dk
Thu, Mar 31 2022Sir, Yes....he is tipu....and my native place is a best proof......But Akbar didnt massacre Christians. Infact, when Portuguese approached him to help, he helped them...
DisAgree [9] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse
Praveen, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Nobody can save our mangalore...........
DisAgree [4] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse
Gibbs, Udupi
Thu, Mar 31 2022Bhat Ji, it seems that your mindset is the problem!!! You talk about past history and create differences between caste!!! Why don't you look at present sex maniacs, scoundrels, rapists, sex trades, ministers, bureaucrats sex scandals??? Concentrate on present affairs not the past and don't spoil the mindset of students and youngsters please.
DisAgree [5] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse
Shivraj, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Brahmanical and Kamandal politics generally tend to glorify Brahmin and upper caste rulers and icons of ancient India like Chanakya, Gupta rulers, Maharana Pratap, etc. They are also been accused of misappropriating some Bahujan personalities like Suheldev, Shivaji, and Sardar Patel, etc especially to further their Islamophobic agenda -- For these reasons views on AKBAR etc -- That is why Rs 3000 cr spent on the Great SARDAR PATEL STATUE -- The ultimate aim is to be at the Top of the pyramid -- follow caste system -- Control people by ensuring Good quality education available only to their BRAHMANICAL tribe -- others are illiterate swallow all that is thrown -- are foot soldiers -- UPPER CASTE MEANING IN GENERAL BRAHMINS -- their CHILDREN work in -- SOFTWARE COMPANIES -- STUDY AND WORK ABROAD -- in India -- top positions in Banks -- industry --Govt -- IAS etc --etc --
DisAgree [9] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse
Cynthia, Dk
Thu, Mar 31 2022So sad....our educational campus has gone down at this level.....cheapest .....University should be the model for students where it sees over all development of the students and build their career. Felt sad, police personnel dragging our youth in that manner......Sheee....disgusting 😢
DisAgree [12] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse
G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Mangalore University Vice chancellor has spoiled the image of the university as well as a black spot on Mangalore, by inviting wrong person to the functions.
DisAgree [4] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse
SMT, Mangalore/UAE
Thu, Mar 31 2022Feeling sad for the University management, they dint find any other better person for students event..
DisAgree [4] Agree [67] Reply Report Abuse
Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait
Thu, Mar 31 2022Looks like he is inspired by Devil (possible, possessed too). No visible signs of any spiritual Godly point of view in his nature and activities. Living bad ghost trying to pull maximum Souls to Hell🦉🧛
DisAgree [2] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Jamal, Mangalore/uae
Thu, Mar 31 2022Akbar was Great or not only History will tell. But, one thing is sure this KPB is one of the cheap rated person history will remember. Don't know why only hatred against other religion is holed up in Bhakth's mind.
DisAgree [5] Agree [38] Reply Report Abuse
Vishal, Belman
Thu, Mar 31 2022Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat is free to express his views but not in such forums. First of all we should question Mangalore university authorities for inviting him for such event. University should be careful while inviting guests for such events, be it anyone . If it was a event organized by a students association which is affiliated to some political party then it's ok but not expected such things happening from University level. This raises serious question.. Not sure where are we heading!!! God bless them.. Jai Hind.
DisAgree [2] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse
MHD, kundapura
Thu, Mar 31 2022Some people need one or the other stuff to keep themselves in the news. Why King Akbar all of a sudden came in between? Kalla(dka) bhatta is a known for ugly hate speech. He is such a low grade person to utter such a language! you can make out what kind of a person he is! If he is literate enough he cannot use such a low grade language for a well-known king.
DisAgree [4] Agree [52] Reply Report Abuse
martin, bantwal
Thu, Mar 31 2022I DONT know whether akbar qualifies for all that.. but i'm 100% SURE who's currently FITS the bill !!!! & absolutely no prize for guessing !
DisAgree [4] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai
Thu, Mar 31 2022This venomous speech will go down in history dragging along with it Mangalore university! Even professor Narendra nayak would have given a wonderful unbiased encouraging speech to these young minds.
DisAgree [4] Agree [46] Reply Report Abuse
Anonymous, mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022His every statement is a contradiction in itself....& inviting such useless people to speak to young impressionable college students..where are we headed??
DisAgree [6] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse
Althaf, Udupi/Kaup
Thu, Mar 31 2022Shame on university management for inviting people like prabhakar bhat who only knows hindu/muslim and dividing the society on the basis of hate.
DisAgree [4] Agree [70] Reply Report Abuse
Dam, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Why University invited this person to its program...
DisAgree [3] Agree [62] Reply Report Abuse
Mary Xavier Furtado, Mumbai
Thu, Mar 31 2022What about the elected MLA s watching PORN in assembly while in motion..... can he define
DisAgree [2] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse
shabi, Mangalore/Dubai
Thu, Mar 31 2022E bhata na ga mangana kayali manika sikida aga hagida,yawagalu Hindu Muslim same speech. Shame on the College management let this type of communal minded man to bring to the stage as guest.
DisAgree [3] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse
Robert Rodrigues, Muscat
Thu, Mar 31 2022The GREAT HISTORIAN.....!!!
DisAgree [4] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse
Joel, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Using those words in an University event, just shameful.
DisAgree [7] Agree [92] Reply Report Abuse
Moshu, Mangaluru
Thu, Mar 31 2022RSS infiltrated in all institutions across the nation. Imagine what would be the future of our next tender generation if the education institutions itself involve and invite hate speakers to deliver hate speech using filthy language .
DisAgree [11] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse
prakash, Manipal
Thu, Mar 31 2022This man is becoming public nuisance.... Speaking ill about a dead man is the easiest thing tongue can perform... I wonder if Mr. Bhat has a time machine which takes him to the then bedroom of King Akbar!!!...
DisAgree [9] Agree [72] Reply Report Abuse
Thu, Mar 31 2022He was speaking at the inauguration of Mangaluru university postgraduate student council for the year 2021-22 held at Mangaluru university, Mangalagangotri premises on March 30. THIS SENTENCE MADE ME TO READ IT TWICE........
DisAgree [6] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse
David Pais, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022ಪಾಡ್ಲೆ, ಪಾಡ್ಲೆ ಏತ್ಲಾ ಕೋಮೆಂಟ್ ಪಾಡ್ಲೆ, ಪಾಡ್ಲೆ, ಪಾಡ್ಲೆ ಏತ್ಲಾ ಕೇಸ್ ಪಾಡ್ಲೆ. ಎಂಕುಲ್ ಪೋಡಿಯುಜೊ. - ಕ.ಪಿ. ಭಟ್. ಎಂಕ್ ಸೆಕ್ಯುರಿಟಿ ಉಂಡು.
DisAgree [6] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse
Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai
Thu, Mar 31 2022Even today Tippu is admired for his valor against the British: London: A vividly illustrated painting depicting a historic victory of Mysore ruler Haider Ali and his son Tipu Sultan over the East India Company in 1780 went under the hammer in London on Wednesday for whopping 630,000 pounds (Rs 6.28 crore). ‘The Battle of Pollilur', which took place on September 10, 1780 as part of the Second Anglo-Mysore War, was the centrepiece of the Arts of the Islamic World and India sale at Sotheby's auction house.~ Deccan Herald~ As a visual record of the battle and to commemorate his victory, Tipu Sultan had commissioned a painting of the Battle of Pollilur as part of a large mural for the newly-built Daria Daulat Bagh in Seringapatam in 1784.
DisAgree [10] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse
jb, mlore
Thu, Mar 31 2022That painting would have been done by Tipu itself glorifying himself . Tipu was never a leader. He was merely a servant obeying orders of the Maharajas of Mysore Tipu never had any authority to take independent decisions. He only had to obey orders of Maharajas of Mysore His Highness Shri Nanjaraja Wadiyar (1767-1770) and His Majesty Shri Chamaraja Wadiyar VIII (1770-1776) and His Highness Shri Chamaraja Wadiyar IX (1776-1796). On 4th May 1799, Tipu died like a dog after being shot by British soldiers on his back while he was tryinng to flee Srirangapatna. On 30th June 1799, entire Mysore celebrated Tipu's death and coronation of 5 year old king His Majesty Krishnaraja Wadiyar III.
DisAgree [22] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse
Raman, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022There have been very many great Inaugural addresses // commencement addresses given -- even after very many years great to watch / listen on You tube especially American Colleges-- Harvard -- Stanford etc - etc -- these are to inspire youth as they pass out - or begin a new journey -- what inspiration can be be derived from the Speech of MR K P. BHAT anybody's guess --
DisAgree [6] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse
Alphy, Mumbai
Thu, Mar 31 2022Raman... you are correct. Unfortunately the intellect of our University authorities has gone down to BJP level of creating notorious climate in the University. I wish he listens to speeches given for out-going students in such great universities as you mentioned. Sad for our students.
DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse
damian, bejai
Thu, Mar 31 2022Whats wrong with the management ?? Dont they know he's a serpent in human form.. Give him 100 years to talk, he'll be talking the same crap..
DisAgree [11] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse
Indian citizen, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022And what are you? I hate to elaborate.
DisAgree [7] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse
Mangalorean, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022It’s a joke! All BJP and Sangh Parivar only talk about history which nobody can change. They only talk about British, Mughals, Gandhi, Nehru and Savarkar and hold the responsible for their own failures. BUT they are not doing anything constructive for the present.
DisAgree [9] Agree [76] Reply Report Abuse
Sahil, Mangaluru
Thu, Mar 31 2022Fharda qa niche chupke dekha kya?
DisAgree [5] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse
Ravi, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022spreading communal hatered is this guy's mission, unite people and live today don't fill the newer generation your mentality.
DisAgree [6] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse
Ben, Mangalore / UK
Thu, Mar 31 2022jo mar gaye unko tho chod do... :D
DisAgree [5] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse
Preetha, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022The quality of the speaker speaks more about the organisation that has called him as a guest! What a shame to see this man stirring controversies. Look out for peace makers not piece makers.
DisAgree [9] Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse
Sgr, MLR
Thu, Mar 31 2022What a shame Mangalore University! Turning University of Excellence into hatred and division in the name of religion, caste and creed.
DisAgree [8] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse
Pradeep, Mangaluru
Thu, Mar 31 2022Proud that mangalore university has chosen to keep glory of this country by promoting Hindutva. India is called as Hindustan, Shivaji Maharaj ki Jai.
DisAgree [79] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse
Rhea, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Unacceptable language in a university... They didn't find any scholars for the even to be the chief guest? Such a hate monger
DisAgree [5] Agree [68] Reply Report Abuse
Rolf, Dubai
Thu, Mar 31 2022Need to thank Maharaja father not sending him to Gurkul.
DisAgree [4] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse
Sanjay, Hebri
Thu, Mar 31 2022Shivaji Maharaj is the ultimate hero of Hindus...
DisAgree [74] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse
Sameer, Riyadh
Thu, Mar 31 2022I thought it waa 'Godse'. 🤣🤣🤣 First decide for yourself who is ultimate hero of Hindus.
DisAgree [8] Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse
real kujuma, kodial
Thu, Mar 31 2022just imagine if some Muslim leaders says the same words to Shivaji? there will be protests and even clashes...but no control for thugs like bhatta...they bark anything...
DisAgree [4] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse
ayes p, kudla/ksa
Thu, Mar 31 2022I heard only Godse and Savarkar!
DisAgree Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse
Sheikh M, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Sanjay Hebri If Shivaji is a great Maharaj according to darpuk's why he was hiding in side the basket while transporting goods? Why he killed Afzal by cheat and pretending to give friendship hand ?
DisAgree Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse
Alwyn, Siddakatte
Thu, Mar 31 2022Dear University... You are spreading communal hatred through him. He is talking only on past. What about present gang rapes going on every where.. Why he is not talking about it.? He is talkimg about foreign culture.. Then why he sent his son to foreign land?
DisAgree [7] Agree [90] Reply Report Abuse
Rakesh pinto, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022How come student wearing saffron shawl?
DisAgree [5] Agree [57] Reply Report Abuse
Prashant, Udupi Karnataka
Thu, Mar 31 2022It seems Mangaluru University is producing COMMUNALISM hence they brought masters of communalism for encouraging students for futuristic GOONDAS
DisAgree [7] Agree [94] Reply Report Abuse
S g kankanady, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022This is what happens when unpad gawar become ministers
DisAgree [5] Agree [81] Reply Report Abuse
Raj, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Shame on Mangalore University administrators for inviting a despicable man to preside over a university function.
DisAgree [5] Agree [83] Reply Report Abuse
vishnu bhat, bangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022why are such rabid people invited by universities to speak? why are such fellow not booked for inciting communal hatred?
DisAgree [5] Agree [79] Reply Report Abuse
Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai
Thu, Mar 31 2022Under the present rule, perverts have started raping cows, goats, etc.!
DisAgree [3] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse
Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai
Thu, Mar 31 2022University could not have stooped lower to invite such a hate monger for the convocation ceremony! Shows the calibre of people running this University!
DisAgree [7] Agree [102] Reply Report Abuse
aithappa moolya, manglaore
Thu, Mar 31 2022shows the kind of people who are managing mangalore university...when they clearly know that this person spews venom why did they call him to inaugurate post graduate courses?
DisAgree [7] Agree [103] Reply Report Abuse
Arf, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Very sad, such a reputed university didn't find a better person for the function.
DisAgree [6] Agree [107] Reply Report Abuse
real kujuma, kodial
Thu, Mar 31 2022seems alzehimers is fast catching up with bhatta...please get him admitted to nimhans and get treated..he will create ruckus and break the society...hope the district administration takes a note of this...
DisAgree [10] Agree [80] Reply Report Abuse
Raman, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022When there are so many scholars ..strange why they found this narrow minded cheap .. Bigot as guest lecturer ..who has further exposed his myopic knowledge .. Medieval era there were good and bad practices but what was done for the Society at large .. visionary’ noted and documented...remembered.... Music art culture .. architecture etc .....etc ... Akbar will always be ...Akbar the great ..... Prabhakar Bhat will be a speck on the shores of history .. The Arabian Sea would wash away ..all memories..of Bhat ... ...
DisAgree [9] Agree [103] Reply Report Abuse
Chandrashekar, Udupi
Thu, Mar 31 2022frustration.
DisAgree [11] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse
Mukesh, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022The Vice chancellor should appoint mr.Bhat Professor of History and Politics of Mangalore University immediately...
DisAgree [7] Agree [67] Reply Report Abuse
Alwyn, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Every Indian should speak about the noble people here when they go abroad. India is the country which has taught the lesson of equality and to change the world. Dr. K. Prabhakar Bhat, to talk about noble things we must use only Nobel words. You always speak hatred and racist words. Humble request with you can you please change yourself first before asking others to change.
DisAgree [3] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse
Glen Fernandez, Canada
Thu, Mar 31 2022One of the best institutes in the country, IISC, invites some eminent scholars/scientists, emeritus scholars, and some people who are the best of their kind, to deliver a plenary talk. In October 2019, when this great institute decided to invite Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to their campus to deliver a talk, IISC students protested and this did not take place. Kudos to their resilience! On the other hand, Mangalore University, one of the prestigious universities in the South, invites a person who spits Venom in every statement that is delivered. Shame on this institute for stooping to such levels where they were not able to find a scholar to do this work! Universities are required to contain every situation to avoid politics and religion dividing educational credibility.
DisAgree [2] Agree [78] Reply Report Abuse
Rita, Germany
Thu, Mar 31 2022Bhattre ,next time dont turn your face this side.You are calling Moghal king Akbar scoundral and so on.Are you better?You are spreading hatred it is not good.Moghal time is over .No need of past to talk.Better are your party men also not .Sex maniac.Now people are gang raping and killing too.His time was just other way .Dont come here .Unluck will follow.No rain in please go away so that rain comes in karnataka .
DisAgree [7] Agree [83] Reply Report Abuse
Agnes, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Look for good in others only then their true value is understood. Hatemongers are blind
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E B Soans, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat requires urgent retirement. After certain age people don't think .. Seeking negative attention has become his forte
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Anand, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022wow! university inviting such people for inauguration! what a pity!
DisAgree [4] Agree [86] Reply Report Abuse
Vinod Kumar, Mangalore
Thu, Mar 31 2022Students are laughing it away at this joker’s speech. Mangalore university is losing its credibility at this rate. University should invite persons who have above average rating in the society and role model for students who could be acceptable and appreciated by all students, parents and communities and look at the person with respect and not laughing at the person.
DisAgree [4] Agree [71] Reply Report Abuse
Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait
Thu, Mar 31 2022Does he have any information/knowledge as this forefathers behavior or way ofife. Is he a doctor or psychic. Always conducts research on others extracur activities but holds back his own secrets, I mean facts of his personal indulgence. Preaching Bhagwad-Gita and practicing worst non spiritual aspects of life
DisAgree [2] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse
k b r, Mangala Uru
Thu, Mar 31 2022Tens of thousands of mallu coming to mangalore university to study.....
DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse
Clifford, Mangalore
Wed, Mar 30 2022Why does it matter what Akbar was these days. If western culture is bad , what is his son doing in USA?. This fellow only knows to spread hatred among people. University should be non political.
DisAgree [3] Agree [81] Reply Report Abuse
Thu, Mar 31 2022Ashamed of father. So living peacefully in USA. Hey son of Bhatta, stop your father spreading hatred in society. Educate him with the human values.
DisAgree Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse
Vinay, DXB/IXE
Wed, Mar 30 2022When did he change his name to Akbar?
DisAgree [3] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse
Mohammed ansar, UDYAVARA
Thu, Mar 31 2022It is very unfortunate that universities are inviting such people's for delivering speaches. Shame on the College management.
DisAgree [5] Agree [81] Reply Report Abuse