Sonia Gandhi Made Rs 30,000 Cr in 2G Spectrum Scam - Dr Swamy

Sonia Gandhi Made Rs 30,000 Cr in 2G Spectrum Scam - Dr Swamy
Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (PS)

Full Speech on Video  - Click Here
Mangalore, Feb 26:
Dr Subrahmanian Swamy, national president of Janata party, demanded the cancellation of all licenses and their reallocation and asserted that only such a move would bring about a solution to the 2G spectrum imbroglio.

He was delivering a talk at a programme organized by Citizen Council, Mangalore at Sanghanikethan, Mannagudda, here on Saturday February 26.


He covered many issues in his comprehensive talk, including corruption, economic distress caused by corruption, illegal money deposited in Swiss banks by political and corporate bigwigs, Hindutva, among others.

He recalled that the central government had once cancelled allocation of petrol bunk licences and had reallocated them to clean up the mess in the auction procedures.

On a lighter note, he said that earlier the catchphrase for India was 'Satyam Shivam Sundaram' but today it is 'Satyam Spectrum Scam.'
Before expounding on the 2G spectrum scam, Dr Swamy said that such a blunder had never before happened in India, "Hence, it is my duty to tell what the 2G scam is all about in simple terms. Telecom licences for the 2G spectrum were issued in 2008 at 2001 prices, resulting in a massive loss of Rs 1,76,000 crore to the nation. This estimated loss is almost equal to defense budget of the country," he said.

"When I called Kapil Sibal and Montek Singh Ahluwalia for public debate on the issue, they did not dare to come," he said, and lamented the cynical attitude of the public and the media at a time when new scams are battering the economy every other day.
Coming down severely on the focus on Rahul Gandhi as the future prime minister, he said the '2G,' - Sonia G and Manmohan G - were more than enough for the people to tolerate, and they would not want another G - Rahul G - adding to the list.

"Manmohan Singh was not 'elected' but 'appointed' Prime Minister and he took action on the 2G scam only after I filed a criminal case against Raja," he said. He said that the country is ready for another election but not for another PM from the UPA.

"Raja, who used to ride a bicycle in Chennai earlier, now possess an asset worth 6000 thousand crores. How could he gather such a big amount?" he questioned. He also accused Sonia Gandhi of pocketing Rs 30,000 crore in the 2G scam, and said that the reason she does not want to file a defamation case against him is that she fears being taken to the witness box.
Taking a jibe at Karunanidhi, he narrated an anecdote wherein the Tamil Nadu leader had questioned him whether Lord Rama was an engineer as his name was attached with a bridge (Rama Sethu), which was an insult to the god. But when he fell sick soon after he was admitted to Ramachandra hospital, and Swamy retorted that maybe Rama was an MBBS.

Speaking on the issue of black money, he said that he had suggested the earlier government to investigate the source of Rahul Gandhi's college fees when he was studying in the US, but no action was taken.

A Raghavendra Rao, chairman Srinivas Group of Institutions presided over the programme. Bhaskar Devasya, president, Citizen Councils, M K Suvrath Kumar, convener, Rajkamal Das, secretary were also present in dais.

Full Speech on Video  - Click Here


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  • Sasi, Bangalore

    Sat, Mar 09 2013

    Swamy is a straight politician and hence he could not manage the support of the mass. He can't join hands with any of the parties having a mass as most of such parties are corrupt too. He is more or less like a single man army like achuthanadan of Kerala. For common people like us it is impotant that weave such good politicians active so that the corrupt will have a small amount of fear at least. Or else by now politicians would have swallowed the country much more than what has been taken away by British during their regime.....

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  • Nikhil, UP

    Wed, Feb 01 2012

    Please provide a political option from your party in utter pradesh also, so that we also can vanish some part of curreption in UP.

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  • lnsgunturi, Hyderabad

    Tue, Sep 27 2011

    Hats off to your eloborate details on how we the citizens of this country were cheated by certain people who are at the helm of affairs and the efforts put in by you to nail them down in the eyes of the public and also in the judiciary.

    with the blessings of lord Krihsna may the coterie of your circle florish to root out this corruption and corrupt people.
    lns gunturi.

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  • rajesh, hoshiarpur

    Mon, Mar 14 2011

    We are with you come and lead us like Krishna

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  • ss, usa

    Fri, Mar 11 2011

    All of us can dig our heads into the sand and pretend all this isn't happening, but the facts are not going to go away. I lived in Torino/Turin while on a project, and a lot of people know of Sonia G. Her mother from being a lower middle class nobody has become a billionaire. They have come to own most of the land around there and a lot of the wineries since Rajiv entered politics. All bought by kickbacks, and this is just a teeny weeny portion of what has been stashed away in the form of properties and swiss banks. Strange how all the Akbars and Anthonys forget that they have the same roots and ancestry as the Amars in India, and just because they have adopted an imported religion, they cannot wipe away the DNA that they share with their Amar brothers. We are all ONE. We all have the same past. We have all been Hindus 2000 years back. So instead of fighting among ourselves over 'PARAYA DHARM' let us unite and fight to save 'APNA DESH AND APNA FUTURE'. lET US REMOVE OUR HEADS FROM THE SAND AND FIGHT CORRUPTION. Let us share a happy future.

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  • Rasputin, Chennai

    Fri, Mar 04 2011

    Fellow Readers:

    Appreciate the fact that there is someone like Mr. Swamy, to bring out all the corruption in the society. He is a dare devil, who is least bothered about the consequences. He is so open about his opinions, because, no one else can point a finger at him. A Harvard graduate can do a lot of other things for monetary benefits, but he has chose this path to make a difference in our country. Appreciate that!

    None of the politicians he has accused, has got the guts to challenge him in court or file a defamation case against him. On the contrary, none of them have even denied on confronted him by issuing any statements so far.

    The government has so far has not done anything to convince the public that they are doing anything at all to stop corruption in this country. "Our Biological Wonder" - the spineless PM should now try to stand up and at least prove to his country men that, he is just not the puppet of Sonia..anyway, please keep up the good work Mr. Swamy and all of us hope that you will succeed in flushing out corruption and the corrupt from our country.

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    Thu, Mar 03 2011

    Vijaya Prakash, Mangalore

    In his speech Dr. Swamy told that like Arjuna of Mahabharatha, seeing only the eyes of the bird during archery, he is aiming at Sonia Gandhi as exposing her will send a message to all the corrupt people in the country.

    One Dr. Swamy cannot fight all the cases. It is the duty of the society to support such people so that more more people come out fight against corruption.

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  • KRPrabhu, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 02 2011

    Harold D'cunha,Mangalore/India
    Do you know the undisputed leader George Fernandes,son of the soil of Mangalore and a true patriot,his party has any standing in Mangalore but having enromous admirers inspite of his great contribution of this coastal belt his party has roots here.That does not mean any body can question him as you did for Subramanyan Swamy.Todays hot subject 2G spectrum if hoting up because of his legal battle at SC.
    Centuries mega scams have occured under the leadership of great MMS, a clean leader and no accountanbility for himself.You expect corruption free rule but they give corruption as free for you.

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  • Ravindra Nayak, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    Dear brother Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa, Goa fully agreed with your comments. Dear commentators please give your views and opinion about a political party, but please dont comment on any of the commentators personal here. Thank you

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  • John Peter, Coimbatore

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    Kumar, Mumbai, your comments are reasonable. Rest of the readers pls apply your mind before questioning Subramanian Swamy. When we are raised and we live with completely biased media, ignorant & corrupt journalists, corrupt, lying politicians, we may not be able to assess a politician like Subramanian Swamy with clear reason.

    Dear Dr. Swamy, my sincere thanks for your service to our nation. You'll always be in my prayers. May GOD give you very long, healthy life.

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  • Ravikumar, Kadri / Najran

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    The true Indian, one who loves the nation, has to be appreciate the courage of Mr. Swamy, for exposing the 2G Scam, the biggest scam ever in the world, 1.76 lakhs crores, means 14% of the current Indian budget for 2011-2012.

    Its very sad to see our educated guys commenting on this issue with communal line and party based. I love to read Daiji news, but not the biased comments on any articles.

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  • Ashish, Vizag

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    Mr. Swamy is totally made man he don't know what he say, according to his speech he proof that he is a looser nothing else. all of these for next election. Law made for all people not for a single man,where as Mr. swamyji also some crime. swamyji please remember your past.what happens in your guest house.we are watching you.

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  • Rima, Riyadh/Mangaloe

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    A very well judged comment by Mr.Vijaya Prakash.
    Dr.Swamy wasted all his political life alleging baseless allegations against his political opponents. If he were used all these years for the betterment of people of Tamil Nadu, he would have been in a no:1 spot in Tamil Nadu politics.

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  • Vijaya Prakash, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    Dr. Swamy,
    Your crusade against the corruption is impressive and awakening. But Mr.Swamy, I have one doubt. You have tried and suceceeded in bringing Kum. Jayalalitha to the witness box and now doing the same to Chief Minister Karunanidhi and UPA chairperson, Sonia Gandhi. If your crusade against corruption is sincere, why did you kept mum on the corruption charges levellegd against Chief Minister Yediyurappa and his colleagues recently.

    You have not uttered a single word against them. It is not that they are sacred cows. Is it because that you are used the platform of sangh parivar at Mangalore to speak against the corruption and congress. Recently former advocate of supreme court Prashanti Bhushan said that 95% of the judges in the judiciary are corrupt. In this context how you can expect justice from the judicial system to in the multi crore scam. Please answer.

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  • vinay, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 01 2011

    when you have B.J.P. leaders along with him....what can you expect from LTTE agent and paid speaker of B.J.P

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  • Kumar, Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    A man with a Ph.d from Harvard, giving up a cosy US job and taking to politics and cleaning it up, the thiefs' are naturally frightened of him.

    Just calling him mad is not the answer. If he was corrupt or not clean the Sonias, Hegdes and Jayalalithas of the world would have exposed him long back. He would not have boldly exposed all these scams if he had skeleton in his cupboard. Wake up friends and see the reality.

    The man has guts and brains. He deserves our support and encouragement.

    As one writer / reader said that in the Mangalore meeting there was an interactive / questions answers session and why did some of the great communal leaders not attend and interact and question him as others did and went satisfied.

    Don't feel jealous of his scholarly credential and his courage!!

    India needs more statesmen like him and not goody goody leaders without guts !!

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    It is unfortunate that majority of the readers simply criticising Mr. Swamy because their alignment to Sonia's party even after knowing that there is definitely some truth in his talk. These readers seems to have missing the point. The issue here is corruption dear friends and not any individual as scuh.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa, Goa

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    Hey Guys,
    It is nice to have a proper debate but kindly do not get personal and use abusive language. Remember this web site is read even by children. Nagesh Nayak and Dr. Ayesha Nishma please make a note of this.

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  • Kumar, Mumbai

    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    It is shocking to see the communal comments on this website in response to this article.

    The Supreme Court has taken notice of Dr. Swamy's charges, without him the 2 G Scam would not have come to light.

    A congressman of Gujarat had filed a defamation case against Dr. Swamy on the same charges as some of the learned readers may have said here but the Court dismissed the same. Instead of supporting the crusader why attribute motives in this campaign, Corruption is corruption whether done by a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. Let us not communalise Corruption.

    Let us support Dr. Subramanian Swamy who has better scholarly credentials and impeccable records than most of us.

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    Mon, Feb 28 2011

    Some of the readers here are looking every issue through communal lens without going into the merit of the case.

    The citizen council has given wide publicity regarding the talk on 2G Spectrum by Dr. Swamy. There was open session where the public interacted with Dr. Swamy.

    In stead of making derogatory and irresponsible remarks against Dr. Swamy, our readers here should have come to the meeting and obtained clarification from Dr.Swamy.

    Here comments are made on communal lines. But, the corruption affects the common man irrespective of his religion. Among, other things, Dr. Swamy has explained how the corruption affects common man through inflation etc. and national security.

    Dr. Swamy is genius and would have been in top slot in BJP, but he likes to fight corruption on his own unlike those who are in the politics on the basis of their family background without any merits.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Sun, Feb 27 2011








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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa, GOA

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    After L.K.Advani it is now Subrahmanian Swamy turn to go on his knees and beg for forgiveness from Sonia Gandhi.

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  • Dr Ayesha Nishma, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Dear All....this simply nothing but bull made fun of another bull which was walking infont of him that "he is nude!!!!". So all politician are the same bloddy bastards & prostitutes are much better than politician as atleast they give pleasure for whatever they got paid......God bless all of us

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    Sun, Feb 27 2011


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  • Anjali, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    SUBRAMANIAM SWAMY should be Hanged upside down. God knows who told SWAMY, SONIA has made 30,000 Cr in 2G. Is it Yeddy or Gadkari ? How much LAND YEDDY gave, Swamy to tell this. Why Swmay is against SONIA. Being an INDIAN Citizen what Swamy did for the country ? Has he gotin any answers for this ? His party could not even rule India for even 24 months when JANATA PARTY came to power after EMERGENCY in 1970's. Now why Swamy is BARKING. Sonia may be Corrupt or not but atleast the Country is ruled by her. Swamy should be ashamed of this.

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  • Rajalaxmi, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Swamy has lost his MENTAL BALANCE. He should be admitted in some MENTAL HOSPITAL before he makes others MENTALLY OUT. He acts he is very clean and knows everything. People who trust and believes such an IDIOT are fools. Swamy should be checked first and see how much BLACK MONEY he has got ? If Swamy was such a good Politicians today our country would have not been in a WIDOWS hands. Where was Swamy all these years ? Suddenly why he woke. I am sure BJP or YEDDY has paid huge sums to SWAMY to talk against SONIA. Why Swamy is not talking about LAND SCAM OF YEDDY. Why he is pointing only on SONIA or her Ministers ? Who gave the ACCOUNT to Swamy that Sonia made 30,000 Cr in 2G Spectrum Scam ? Is Swamy is the SC Judge or CJ of INDIA. Swamy first see how CLEAN you are ?

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Dear Mr. jatin, mlore

    Read my comments carefully. I have written that if Subramanya Swami has credible proof against Sonia Gandhi then he has to give to CBI or JPC so that she can be prosecuted. Just harping in the media or meetings like this will not help to nail Sonia if she is the culprit. Why he is not having that courage?

    For Sangh Parivar people like you, people with different opinion like me may look as Congress/Sonia supporters. I do not blame you because this is the misconception with all BJP supporters like you.

    Mr. Subramanium Swami is no saint. I have been following him for more than two decades and I know his credibility. He is no doubt a very learned economist but unfortunately his contribution to the country is nil except making wild statements like this.

    Today BJP people like you are very uncomfortable with the powerful leadership of Sonia Gandhi and you feel that by writing nonsense about her in the blogs may weaken her credibility. BJP has not learnt lessons. More and more you criticize her, more and more powerful she becomes.

    Jatin, only way BJP can counter her is by developing a good leadership in BJP which looks very bleak at the moment. As regards the literacy, people can make out from the quality of comments here.

    Good luck!

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  • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    This swamy is a LTTE agent and was accused in Rajive Gandhi assaisnation case.he will say anything today to tarnish image of Sonia Gandhi.The coward did not file a complaint with police even though he was beaten with eggs inside the madras high court by the lawyers.

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  • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    The same swamy was beaten with eggs by lawyers inside Madras High Court Hall.He has clearly mentioned that licences for the 2G spectrum were issued in 2008 at 2001 prices.But who fixed rates those days.It was BJP who fixed the rates .Raja has simply followed the rates which were permisible by the law enacted by earlier government.This Kapata swamy is too much now and he will soon pay a big price for his drama.

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  • RAM, Mangalore / Bahrain

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    This Gentleman is which SWAMY...
    Too much talking  about 'G'

    He is God SWAMY or Gone case SWAMY...!!!???

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  • Abdul Rahman, Dubai

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Just like Togadia, this Swamy is a "paid" speaker. He has spoken to appease his masters -BJP. He along with CAG has senstionalized the nation by quoting 176,000 crore rupees of loss.This is a hypothetical figure, if the bid was allotted based on 2008 figures, govt would have done so much profit, now since the bids were awarded at the prices of 2002, govt lost so much money - what a foolish argument! If the bid rate was based on 2008 rate, so many companies would have put the bid? Only a few strong companies would have come forward - won't they see their profitability before bidding? I am not telling there was no bribe, definitely there was, but not to the tune of 60,000 crores as claimed by Swamy.He is a useless politician, ready to bed with anyone, will bring out some issue to be in public limelight.

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  • Chetan, Bangalore

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Thanks to Citizen Council, Mangalore who employed Subbu, who has been unemployed since years.

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  • Dave, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Subrmaniam Swamy is an eccentric nodoubt, but he had done good to the society by his penchant for litigations- some frivolous & some genuine.
    "He runs with the hares & hounds with wolves"- He always opposes those who are ruling-as they are likely to make mistakes of ommission & commision. He had filed many cases against Jayalalitha-the then CM of Tamilnadu & was able to get her dethroned, now he is opposing the ruling parties at centre as well as state.
    We need not take all his allegations as true-why?- its simple he is a politician-& if he acts in someway-then there are reasons behind it. Without GAIN no politican takes any ACTION.
    Some politicians of our state have befriended him without knowing they are riding a Tiger-their turn will come next!-(to get cases filed against their mis-deeds as well-then watch what these very politicians do & say).

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  • srinivas, India

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    One of the Press Report asked with our Great PM Manmohan Singh. What yu say baout 2G scam. He replied that I Know only 2G's... That is Sonia G & Rahul G. I don't know anything more.

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  • martin, bantwal

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    why only cong mr.RSS in disguise? much u get frm BJP for all this ive "crusade"..ha?..common swamy dont think we r fools2 believe yur sick theories against 1 family.plz also do some simple arithmatic frm where BJP/RSS/BAJARANG/VHP get their cash frm?how come BJP/RSS spends 100's of crores on elections/samaveshas..across the country almost every 2nd day?u think all this massive spending is pure white?? we know u r dying2 join BJP..the moment they give u any decent post u'll b in that party until u get better post frm some other party. spare us frm all this crap we know whats actually bothering u.."lack of attention"..u just want2 remain relevant..gud try..but still u belong2 dustbin..unless this "fight against corruption" does not includes BJP the mother of all corruption.

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  • Sankar,

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Daijiworld is eagerly read by all expats. If the nation has lost 176000 crores the money it is the money of all hindus,christians and muslims of the country. Subramanian swamy is fighting a lone battle . Just because Sonia is accused dont make it a communal battle. Raja is hindu.Karuna is hindu. This is time to eliminate scam. Do we want our children to grow up in a scam country? Lets us support anyone who unearths scams

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    The Organizers and the dignitaries are they clean and non corrupt? Participants are well educated.

    Dr Subrahmanian Swamy is learned man but is he having his grass root level workers in his home State Tamil Nadu?
    We require corruption free society and for this as a politician what is his contribution in the past? At Dr. Man Mohan Singh has proved and has implemented successfully in one area, which Dr Subrahmanian Swamy doesn’t want to appreciate it.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    A perfect candidate to join BJP

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  • rajesh, udupi/dubai

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    The comments reflect the mentality of the folks on this board. everyone is in a hurry to question the credibility of Swamy rather than suspectinvg Sonia. Come on folks, bitter truth is that Sonia is no mother theresa. Have u ever wondered how her middle class sisters suddenly became billioners in Itali? Why did Mr Quattrocchi met her 21 times after Raviv's assasination? Have you heard of KGB's disclosure? Or the swiss daily which exposed Rajiv's assets with photo? Be it shameless Yaddi, Koda, Raja or Sonia, lets hope Time teaches them all and 'sathameva Jayathe'

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  • Sathish.S, Mangalore

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Mr.Swamy welcome to the BJP party .So atlast you are in a main political party.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Sun, Feb 27 2011

    Black money: Mr.Advani apologizes to Mrs.Sonia Gandhi-,New Delhi,Feb.18,BJP leader Mr.Advani has written to Congress President Sonia Gandhi regretting his party's allegation that she and former PM Rajive Gandhi held accounts in foreign banks.

    Mrs.Gandhi in reply to the allegation, had written a letter to Advani denying existence of any such accounts, Advani also regretted if Sonia was hurt.

    Why these old ducks still hold seats in politics,attention seekers interested in playing blame game all the time,these Jokers/Vandalisers should stay away from politics, wasting others precious time by their blame game dramas to get attention from the general public. Better if these jobless oldies vacate the seats to our enthusiatic,energetic and educated younger generation,if they are really concern about the growth of the Nation let them advise our younger generation from behind.

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  • Tony Pinto, Mumbai - Dubai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    If Dr. Swamy is telling this in open then SONIA GANDHJI should prove he is telling lie or make a case in SuperCourt and put Dr. Swamy in JAIL. or the truth should come out it is not Sonia ancienter money she has taken from INDIA

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    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    He is a fake swamy always making waves of his own.Sometimes with Jaya,DMK,BJP......His Jantah Party has only one member that is none other than SUBRAMANYA SWAMY.In India one man party is JANTHA PARTY-it is on record.For the publicity all these halla -gullas.

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  • elias , mumbai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Can anybody remember Mr Rajnarain Singh of Janata dal who defeated Indira Gandhiin Rae Bareli MP elction. Both are dead and gone but reincarnation of Rajnarain Singh as Dr. Subramaniam Swamy. He dreams Infinit crores bribe . During Jayalalitha`s chief ministership he has to run away from madras at night with somebody`s protections Now again wants in limelight by slapping cases in supreme court just like Rajnarain Singh

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  • john sequeira, m'lore/abu dhabi

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    i know this swmy is half mad since long time now he become fully mad bjp people need like this useless man to cover up thier scam

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    Sat, Feb 26 2011


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  • Shoukath Hussain, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    By the way who is this Dr Subrahmanian Swamy? Where was he all this time? How come he came into the limelight all of a sudden? Also how come he is so confident of the 2G Spectrum Scam share holders? Who sent him to Mangalore and why so much publicity? There are lots of questions to be answered.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    A. Raja is an idiot. Should he had given out his ill-gotten wealth, by now BJP would have worshipped him. Just like they are doing it with Yeddy. Swamy probably should think of advising Raja.

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  • anil, mlore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    One More Dog is barking

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  • Arshad Kadli, Bhatkal / Al Khobar

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    I liked the way you exposed these scams. But I have a complaint that you people never bothered about second line leadership. That is why we have no alternatives to the ruling parties be it Sonia or Yeddy.

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  • Kumar, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    The proof of the pudding is in the eating ! Swamy has exposed the Congress, UPA and Sonia Gandhi on the 2 G Scam ! The courts have passed strictures against the PM and the Govt and now Raja is in Jail. What more proof does one require ?? !!

    Swamy has done a great service to the nation !!

    Some of the comments made seem to be out of jealously and are communal in nature to see from the names that it orginates from ! A sorry state of affairs !!

    Carry on Dr Swamy do not be bothered by the vested interests ! the people are with you.

    How does it matter how many seats Janata Party has or who is from where ?? !! The fact only is whether dr Swamy is telling the truth and now the Supreme Court has also believed him. He did not spare Ramakrishna Hegde or Jayalalitha.

    Sonia and the congress party have lost nearly 7 Defamation Court cases . This is further proof that Sonia is afraid. The cases lost are 4 in the US courts and one in latest Ahmedabad.

    Dr Swamy we are with you go ahead and expose one and all and dont spear any one !

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  • abusaad, Mangalore / Dammam / SA

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    What about other congress leaders and opposition. Shame on them. What purpose they joined the Politics? Useless creatures if can not make atleast 0.001% from such a big deal. Ask them to open a petty shop and do the business and what about you Mr.Swamy , Dont you get any share so far. If Not now they will pay you to shut your mout Dont worry.

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  • Ashok, Dubai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Congress supporters what else you people need. Think of your Nation. Congress kept all of us in dark. Now because of media last 60 years scam will come out one by one. Jai ho Sonia. If not Hindustan , Italy is there for you.

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  • Dr S kamath, Mumbai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dear Sathish Kunder.You please read all about Dr S Swamy .He is not Loyal to any Political Party .During NDA regime he was a Supporter of BJP But A B.Vajpayee didn't give him a Ministerial Berth knowing about his WITCH -HUNT quality .It is also true that Dr Swamy has openly told I will not spare any Party .I will Take money from them and also expose them this is what he says .Regarding Sonia Gandhi he went to supreme court but the Judge told him DR Swamy be a little Generous let go her etc ref to a PIL which he had filed regarding her Citizen ship and other details .He cooks for every party even BJP or Gowda he has all details AS responsible citizens we cannot say him mad and Ignore.Try to expose Fraud by any politician Yedyurappa or Sonia Gandhi it doesent matter .We want Indian Poor to get Do time Khana Ek Time Nashta atleast (If not do time Nastha)Many Poor even know are not getting even Ek Time Khana please note

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  • Anand pinto, Manglore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dr S Swamy, u have lost yr mental balance, have u visited a psychiatric please do it asap or else u might be mental retarded for life, anyway at this age u have got nothing to achieve , God Bless u and i pray for yr speedy recovery, go quickly dont waste time. Dont make baseless statements if u can prove it u will be considered a hero or else u are a BIG ZERO

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  • Pinto, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    "Dr Swamy, you look sleepy. Hope you have prepared the paper which is in your Hand" For publicity you will give a talk on 2G.. Can you give a Talk on Corrupted Yeddi, His BJP Govt.. IF you give.. u r a gentle man.. or else u r also appointed to give a speech. Think

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mapusa, Goa

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    This guy has lost his mental balance.
    He can now join BJP.

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  • Alwyn, Mangalore - USA

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Mr. Swami in my opinion, is a failed two bit politician, who gets far more attention than he deserves. He could have been one of the rising stars of BJP but like all of us, he has an ego bigger than the Himalayas. Unlike most of the successful politicians of today, swami tried to build his political career top down and hence always lacked a mass base which he could count on for support and for getting elected.

    In he tradition of top down politics (mis)skills, swami has always chosen to bat on sticky wickets and unable to face the prowess of the opponents' spins. not sure why he quit Mumbai and came to Tamil Nadu. He had a better chance of building a political base in Delhi where he was employed. Swami's wife Roxana is a practicing advocate in the Supreme Court and is of white American heritage. His older daughter Gitanjali is married to Deve Gowda's son. But his daughter Suhasini is married to Nadeem Hider and is a journalist.

    Dr.Swamy, yet another sum total replica of TB’s position in the modern societal and democratic setup. There is noting to be proud of him all his actions may be right {only in Some Cases} to the community.

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  • Chris Misquith, Bramton/ Toronto- Canada

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    How much did you make Dr.Subbu... by syaing ...Sonia Gandhi Made Rs 30,000 Cr in 2G Spectrum Scam..

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    This news is a setback for good portion of minorities in Karnataka (especially Christians and Muslim brothers) who are ardent supporters of Sonia and her congress party.

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  • prem, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dr Subrahmanian Swamy, can you tell how many accounts you have in swiss bank and much black money ?..........

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  • pradeep, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    We can see kateel in the picture in front row. So I think this is hidden agenda of BJP & Janata party

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  • jatin, mlore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    @Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait - you sound like an other rubber stamp of Sonia!!! As Swamy calims- Sonia or anyother has not dared to file defamation case or go for debate in open. As claimed by him, Sonia is just fifty standard pass!! Jai ho congress and its illterate blind folded supporters!!! if you listen to his speech fully - he has given all in detail even a 5th standard kid can understand

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  • edwardrodrigues, kalianpursanthekatte kuwait

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    That old fellow dnot no what to do becouse congres going stonger and stonger he want bring down sonia gandhis name all indian saport sonia gandhi jai hind

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  • sylvia, mangalore/mum

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Is there any party that has never cheated their own people, if there is than he can point fingers to others,while the politicians are drawing people in a wrong direction,for their own good, until the people dont understand every now and than they are being fooled by the politician,sometimes with religion sometimes with these kind of statements or dungas, nothing can be done, open ur eyes indians for ur country, for ur children's future and ur future

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  • Edmond Noronha, Kirem - Sharjah

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Is Janata Party still existing!!!

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  • hassanmukha, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Every politician belong to any party,businessman,buraucrat loot this country of ours.she is one more if she has made rs.30,000/-what is a big issue!? There must be some hidden agenda from the intelligent people of our country.Had sonia/Manmohan or montek belonged to their (intelligent)group,ths guy would not have come here all the way from tamilnadu.

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  • arish sahani, usa

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Only way left for congress and sonia dynasty is to leave the country or they will have no face to face the public of the india. Unless she and her family is ready to go to jail."PAP KA GADA BHAR GAYA HE AB"
    Jai HO.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    It is quite sensational to note that 1.76lakh cr, the estimated loss, still people believe that someone pocketed that much money from corporates. When the corporates can get legally at 1.76lakh crores they bribe someone to get it at the market price. Wow, Indian industrialists are Mallya's Hayward educated, I guess?

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  • Sudhir, Kundapur/USA

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    aboobaker uppala,

    Let me try to get this right....
    According to you allegation made by Dr. Swamy is "NON-SENSE TO BE IN THE MEDIA".

    I hope to hear the same statement when you next read about some allegation is made by the KPCC members or JDS against Yeddy or the BJP in Karnataka.

    I hope that is fair enough.

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dear Dr S.Kamath, Mumbai Saturday, February 26, 2011

    Everybody knows that Dr S Swamy is a learned economist but most of the time he makes baseless statements and hence he could not succeed politically and people ignore him.

    If he has any proof of Sonia Gandhi has made money he should give it to CBI or JPC.

    Now he is sharing platform with BJP who are the champions of corruption in Karnataka. May be they have fed him little to make statements against Sonia Gandhi.

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  • Ronald, Bejai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dr Sawmiji please provve it if you can!
    All India is with you!

    as per I know,without curruption-without Roudigiri(Gunda body guards who has a strong criminal record)no politician will come to power and survive.
    you see any politician they have atleast dozons of self made body guards,is it possible to pay them for a ordinary person?

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  • aboobaker uppala, Uppala/Makkah

    Sat, Feb 26 2011


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    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dr. Swamy u r gone mad......, everyone knows the result no minister/politician would ever get punished!

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  • Vishal, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dr. Swamy has a habbit of creating sensation by breaking news right from emmergency time (1977). But there is truth in his news.

    It is an open secret that Sonia has got money in foreign banks. Otherwise, why she is not taking action to bring back the Indian black money? dr. Swamy I congratulate you for your initiative in this regard.

    1000 crores= 1 Yadyurappa.
    100 Yadyurappa=1 Reddy
    100 Reddy=1 Radia
    100 Radia=1 Kalmadi
    100 Kalmadi=1 Pawar(agriprice rig)
    100 Pawar=1 Raja
    100 Raja=1 Sonia Gandhi

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    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    This is it. Drag Sonia to court as they did to Yeddi. If swamy can't prove, let him go to jail for making sensational statement.

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  • Santosh Kumar, India

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    @ Dear aboobaker uppala, Uppala/Makkah, you can criticize any Indian leader, politician, governor, prime Minister and even American President Obama.

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  • naveen, udupi

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    dr swamy u done good job.congress is shining because of rupees 1,76,000 crore 2g spectrum scam.

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  • Madava, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    So sad i think Swamy is jelous & he didnt get any share from it.

    Every politician is currupt & no need to blame any party.

    Only thing is that, they should have at least responsibility to step down from the power.

    In Karnataka that also not happening. What ever may happen we will not come down from power.

    In Mangalore majority of population is qualified no need to explain who is currupt.

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  • William, Udupi

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    The way UPA was avoiding action against the scamsters, Mr. Subramanya Swamy's statement seems to be hitting the bulls eye.

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  • Sonam, Kuwait

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Oh really DInesh? Did u get any share from sonia Gandhi?

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  • Chittaranjan, mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    This swamy he cannot win his seat. any very time change the party. now he came to spoil BJP. if he talks he have any proof. let him show this election win @ least 1 seat for his Jantha party.or give some respect in Tamil Nadu BJP.

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  • Sudharsan Shetty, Mangalore

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dear aboobaker uppala, Uppala/Makkah as per you if someone talks against Sonia Gandhi those people are mad or mentally sick fellows, but if someone talks nonsense about BJP those people are good right??. What a joke.

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  • Dr S.Kamath, Mumbai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dr S Swamy is the Visiting Professor of Harward University USA .Very Straight Forward,Intelligent ,Non Corrupt .He cannot tell Lies .But he has a Problem WITCH -HUNTING .He should let go Sonia Gandhi Let her make small Money Rs 30,000 Crores

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  • dinesh , dubai

    Sat, Feb 26 2011

    Dr Swamy your statement is 100% correct , CBI has to take the charge against sonia gandhi

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  • aboobaker uppala, Uppala/Makkah

    Sat, Feb 26 2011


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