Chandigarh, May 5 (IANS) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Thursday morning arrested Punjab's Chief Parliamentary Secretary (CPS) and sitting Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator Raj Khurana from his official residence here on charges of corruption."The arrest was made around 7 a.m. today (Thursday) after the raid at his residence last night (Wednesday)," a CBI official told IANS.
The raid and search at Khurana's residence in the high-security ministerial bungalow complex in Sector 39 by the CBI officers continued through Wednesday night.
CBI officials said an expensive Porsche car, nearly Rs 15 lakh in cash and cheques were found during the raid. The money is believed to be part of some land deal.
"The CBI found the cash and other documents from the Porsche car and nothing was seized from the residence of Raj Khurana," a close aide of the CPS told IANS.
Khurana, who represents Rajpura constituency in the Punjab assembly, is the chief parliamentary secretary-finance in the BJP-Akali Dal coalition government led by Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal.
A CPS enjoys all ministerial perks in the government.