Massive Cover Up In Mangalore Air Crash Investigation

Massive Cover Up In Mangalore Air Crash Investigation

By Jacob K Philip, Editor of Aviation India

Note: This article has been reproduced from, where it was originally published.

May 29:
On 22nd of this month it was one year after the tragic crash of Air India Express IX-812 at Mangalore that killed 158 people.It seems the last major news break related to the accident was duly celebrated by the media with the submission of the investigation report by the Court of Inquiry (CoI) on 26 April 2011, 10 months after it was constituted. Thanks to the selective and somewhat precisely scheduled leaking of certain parts of the report to the press, now everyone is aware that the crash happened because the ‘Serbian’ commander of the aircraft was asleep for the first 100 minutes of the flight.

But no news reporter who had followed the story from the beginning can leave it thus. It never was something as simple as an expatriate pilot causing a horrific crash by simply sleeping at the controls.

It was the story of a planned attempt by a committe appointed by the Government of India to subvert the truth; to let atleast three agencies - Air India, Airports Authority of India and Boeing Company-off the hook; to hold the pilots alone responsible for one of the biggest aircrshes happened in India.

The earnest efforts taken by the CoI to conduct the investigation along the pre-planned path and to reach the pre-decided conclusion was much too obvious in all stages of the inquiry.

When evidence reached scrap metal shops

When Air India’s Jumbo Jet Emperor Kanishka exploded mid-flight and got scattered in Atlantic near Ireland cost on June 23, 1985, the investigators had a gigantic task at hand. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police of Canada organised dives in excess of 7000 feet not only immeditely after the crash but in 1989 and 1991 also to collect wreckage from the ocean floor, to pick up the aircraft debris scattered across the ocean floor.The numerous parts recovered from the thousands of squire meters beneath the sea by where all cleaned, numbered and shipped to a facility in Ireland where they were all kept for more than two decades. The recovered parts were latter arranged to re-create the shape of the aircraft, as a pert of the investigaion to find out how the explosion happened and what exactly caused it.

In case of Pan American World Airways’ Pan Am Flight 103 that was disintegrated in an explosion many thousands of feet above southern Scotland, on 21 December 1988 too, the same procedure repeated. Only that, the recovery of parts of size ranging from a few cm to many meters from the acres of barren land of Lockerbie village was comparatively easy. More than 10,000 pieces of debris were retrieved, tagged and entered into a computer tracking system. The fuselage of the aircraft was reconstructed by air accident investigators, revealing a 20-inch (510 mm) hole consistent with an explosion in the forward cargo hold.

Here in India too, the air crash investigators are obliged to conduct the same exercise. As per the Procedure Manualof Accident/ incident investigation, published by DGCA (Issue I rev 2 dated 5.10.2006), the reconstruction of the aircraft with all the debris collected carefully from the crash is mandatory, irrespective of the circumstances in which the crash occured.

Rule 9.7.2:

Stage 1 - Identify the various pieces and arrange them in their relative positions
Stage 2 - Examine in detail the damage to each piece, and establish the relationship of this damage to the damage on adjacent or associated pieces.
The care with which the parts are to handled is much too clear from the following rules

Before commencing reconstruction work, 1. Photograph the entire site and wreckage.2. Complete the wreckage distribution chart.3. Inspect and make notes on the manner in which the various pieces were first found, by walking around the site.

The difficulty in reconstructing a component, such as a wing, lies in identifying the various pieces of wreckage. If the wing has broken up into a few large pieces, the task is relatively simple. If, on the other hand, the wing has broken into a number of small pieces as a result of high impact speed, reconstruction can be extremely difficult. The most positive means of identification are: • Part numbers which are stamped on most aircraft parts, which can be checked against the aircraft parts catalogue• Colouring (either paint or primer)• Type of material and construction• External markings• Rivet or screw size and spacing.

The many visits I could make to the crash site of Air India Express Flight 812 and the nearby Mangalore airport during the months of May, June and July 2010 had made one thing much too clear.

Air India, the owner of the aircraft and the Court of Inquiry that investigated the crash couldn’t have shown more disregard to the above stipulations.

For forty days on a stretch after the May 22 crash, the debris had remained in the crash site soaked in dust and mud enduring heavy rain and sun.

And the removal of these precious evidence to ‘reconstruct’, the shape of the aircraft couldn’t have been more hilarious.

Fiza, a local construction firm was hired to do the job and they heaped the picked up parts in lorries and then dumped on an open platform near the new terminal of Mangalore airport. According to an official of Fiza, the total weight of the debris recovered from the crash site was just 16 tonnes.It may be remembered that the total empty weight of a Boeing 737-800 is 41 tonnes. To assume that 25 tonnes of a flying machine which was mostly metal and fire resistant composites were consumed by fire, one would need wildest of imaginations.

So what happened to the remaining parts?

All of Mangalore knew the answer.

Just after Air India’s debris removal was officially complete and the police men were withdrawn from the site, hoards of scrap metal collectors descended on the crash site.It was for three continuous days that the ‘metal scavengers’ looted the site. The bounty was so much so that they had to hire even mini lorries to ship it to various scrap dealers in Mangalore city.

Now we may read this sacred rule 6.5.2:

Whenever an accident occurs, the Owner, Operator, Pilot-in-Command, Co-pilot of the aircraft shall take all reasonable measures to protect the evidence and to maintain safe custody of the aircraft and its contents for such a period as may be necessary for the purposes of an investigation subject to the Indian Aircraft Rules 1937. Safe custody shall include protection against further damage, access by unauthorized persons.

The Court of Inquiry that landed again at Mangalore on June 13, 2010, had done a scientific examination of the ‘reconstructed’ aircraft, the media people were told, though none of them were ever allowed near the ‘reconstruction’.

It was while examining these 16 tonnes of the 41 that a member of the CoI team noticed the downward position of the flap locator, a finger sized metallic switch in cockpit used to move the flaps in the wings. The reason for the aircraft to generate not enough lift to take off in the last moment was becoming clear then. The panicked pilots must have forgotten to to push up the switch.

If a finger sized metallic part could have spoken so much about the crash, imagine the sheer volume of the precious evidence the scrap metal collectors of Mangalore merrily sold in numerous shops scattered across the city?

And how the re-construction with the meagre 16 tones was conducted?

An Inquiry that Photoshops the Truth

Because it was mandatory to reconstruct the shape of the aircraft with remains of the wreckage, the Court of Inquiry, as it was told latter to the meida, too had attempted it with 16 tonnes of the debris that Air India chose to collect from the crash site.

Or did they, actually?

Given below is the photograph of the Re-arranged wreckage, as given in the final investigation report the CoI submitted to the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

In all probability, this picture is fake.

It can’t be the actual photograph of the debris arranged (if at all they were arranged) on the open platform near the new terminal of the Mangalore airport.

To take a photograph like this, the photographer should be directly above the platform, many meters up, to get the whole view.

There were no such vantage points there.

I had been to the place twice in July 2011 (A few days after the Col left) and could take some photographs and video myself of the whole setup.

Now have a closer look at the first photograph published by the CoI. What is the grey coloured surface on which the wreckage is resting?

The concrete platform? Of course not.

Then what?

Again have a look at the engines on left and right. How come the engines are larger in diameter than the fuselage!.

Your guess is right. The picture is something cooked up in computer by a very amateur artist with some photo editing software.

The CoI must have taken the pictures of each part separately or collectively and the artist did the reconstruction on computer screen as per the direction of some one familiar with the shape of the aircraft.

The picture is included in the Chapter named “Factual Information”.

The huge separation between the wordings and the truth is truly representative in nature of the CoI report.

An investigation built upon gravest of violations

"The sole objective of an aircraft accident or incident investigation is the prevention of future accidents and incidents and not to apportion blame or liability. The emphasis of an aircraft accident or incident investigation is on remedial actions. An aircraft accident provides evidence of hazards or deficiencies within the aviation system. A well-conducted investigation should therefore identify all immediate and underlying causes of an accident and recommend appropriate safety actions aimed at avoiding the hazards or eliminating the deficiencies. The investigation may also reveal other hazards or deficiencies within the aviation system not directly connected with the causes of the accident."

It is from the opening sentences of the Procedure Manual of Accident/ incident investigation( Issue I rev 2 dated 5.10.2006), the Bible of air accident investigators in India. The manual is published by Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), strictly adhering to the standards put forward by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

The Court of Inquiry(CoI) appointed by the Government of India to investigate Air India Express flight 812 crash is guilty of violating the very essence of the above dictum.

From the very beginning of the 11 month long investigation and up to its conclusion in April 2011, the CoI was directly and indirectly trying in all their earnest to appropriate the blame and liability to the Pilots of the aircraft, who were no longer able to defend themselves- Because they were dead.

The first document that was allowed to sneak in to the media was the taped conversation between first officer AH Ahluwalia and the Mangalore Control tower. That was the beginning of the the long and systematic process of the victimization of Capt. Zlatco Glusica.

Then the content of the Cockpit Voice Recorder, with the heavy breath, snoring and all, reached the media adding more strength to the erring-commander theory.

During their questioning, six of the eight odd survivors of the crash were coerced in to believing that something of course was wrong with the Commander.

The conclusions of the final report too was along the same line- Among a few other trivial things, the sleep of Capt. Zlatco Glusica caused the crash. First officer AH Ahluwalia too was guilty because he had not took over the control of the aircraft from the reckless Glusica.

But in the single minded efforts of the CoI to put the major chunk of the blame on two dead people, most of the eight aspects of a crash investigation were getting sidelined.

As per the Manual, the Inquiry team team should conduct the following investigations, assigning equal importance to all.

1. Operations of aircraft
2. Flight Recorders
3. Structural Investigation
4. Power Plant Investigation
5. Systems Investigation
6. Maintenance Investigation
7. Human Factor investigation
8. Organization Factor Investigation

We have already seen here how pathetically the structural investigation, the third one, was conducted.

And so far, no information from the CoI (leaked or otherwise) give any clue regarding the quality and extent of investigations 4, 5, 6 and 8. The summary of the final report given to selected media too remain silent on this part of the investigation.

Or, can the CoI abstain from investigating some sections if the cause of the crash is that clear for them?

Never. Says the Manual:


Each aircraft system must be accorded the same degree of importance regardless of the circumstances of the occurrence. There is no way to determine adequately the relationship of any system to the general area without a thorough examination.


It is argued that modern aircraft accidents occur, for the most part, as the result of complex interactions between many causal factors.

Mangalore crash too was not an exception. There were an approach radar that was not functioning ; the dictum of Air India management that hung like the Sword of Damocles above the commanders , especially the expatriates, that hard landing and go around are grave crimes that could cost them their jobs; the ILS localizer antenna errected at the end of the runway flouting the safety rules that that should be fragile…

How long the list actually was only something that could have been determined by an impartial and scientific investigation by the CoI.

For flight-812 investigation, that exactly was the factor missing.

A case that was settled eight months before the verdict

It was three months after the Air India Express crash that Court of Inquiry appointed by the Ministry of Civil Aviation interviewed the survivors of the crash. They were questioned during the first public hearing of the CoI held during August 17 to 19 at Mangalore Airport old terminal. Of the 8 survivors, six had reached the airport to appear before the CoI, on getting summons.

The questioning of all the six was along the same line. There were queries regarding the behaviour of the cockpit as well as cabin crew during the flight, about the possibility of excess luggage on board etc. Those questions were obviously as per the following rules of the Manual of Accident/ incident investigation

Rule 9.15.2

….The crew histories should cover their overall experience, their activities, especially during the 72 hours prior to the occurrence, and their behavior during the events leading up to the occurrence.

Rule 9.15.4:

.. Since weight balance and load are critical factors that affect aircraft stability and control….. It will be necessary to check flight manual load data sheets, fuel records, freight and passenger documentation to arrive at a final estimate. Elevator trim settings may give a clue to the center of gravity at the time of the occurrence.

But one of the questions that put forward to all the six survivors was really perplexing and alarming.

Do you think the accident occurred because of the fault of the pilot?

What kind of an answer was the CoI expecting? What if the answer was “no”? Would the CoI would have decided to believe them and furthered the investigation along that line?
And what if the replies were in affirmative? Could they have used it as a supporting fact in the final report while putting the blame on the pilot? We know the answer.

Then what actually was the purpose of the question?

It could have been only to give a preconceived idea to the witness; only to create an atmosphere conducive enough where the guilty-pilot-theory readily accepted.

The very question was also in plain violation of the Manual of Accident/ incident investigation.

Rule 7.2.1

The investigation of aircraft accidents and incidents has to be strictly objective and totally impartial and must also be perceived to be so.

The selective leaking of the relevant portions of the ATC tapes and CVR that put the blame squarely on the Commander of the aircraft as well as the first officer may be read along with this.

The total disregard by the CoI, from the very beginning, of the option of exploring the possibility of a faulty aircraft was also in perfect harmony with this.

Making available the whole content of the black boxes- CVR & DFDR- to the representatives of Boeing Company (manufacturers of the crashed aircraft) days before them testifying before the Court of Inquiry was also in tune with that particular scheme of things.

Imagine a situation where, one of the accused in a murder case appearing before the court after studying very well the case diary supplied by the police themselves. And try to visualize also the situation where the respondents of the same case are being lead by the judges along predetermined paths where they are coerced into blaming some one particular.

Each of the 191 odd pages of the final report of the CoI is heavy with attempts similar to above to subvert or to twist the facts.

This writeup may be concluded with three paragraphs from the CoI report itself. The compulsion of the CoI to make the Commander and, to some extent First Officer, alone responsible for the crash is evident from the contradictory sentences:

During interaction with other pilots, who had flown with Capt Glusica, he was reported to be a friendly person, ready to help the First Officers with professional information. Some of the First Officers had mentioned that Captain Glusica was assertive in his actions and tended to indicate that he was ‘ALWAYS RIGHT’.

On 17th March 2010, Capt Glusica had been called to the Flight Safety Department of Air India Express regarding a ‘Hard Landing Incident’ on a flight operated by him from Muscat to Thiruvananthapuram on 12th December 2009. While the Chief of Flight Safety had stated that the counselling was carried out in an amicable and friendly manner, it was given to understand from his colleagues that Capt Glusica was upset about the counselling.

In the absence of Mangalore Area Control Radar (MSSR), due to un-serviceability, the aircraft was given descent at a shorter distance on DME as compared to the normal. However, the flight crew did not plan the descent profile properly, resulting in remaining high on approach.


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Comment on this article

  • R G, Kolkata

    Thu, Jun 02 2011

    One should know that the airstrip at VOML/IXE has been in operation for a very long period & meeting all ICAO specs [ obviously without which it would not have allowed to operate].The accident was unfortunate and by no way the RWY below standards.One shoould not be biased because the passengers/visitors are unaware of CAR.

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  • joeal almeida, udupi

    Wed, Jun 01 2011

    In India, investigation being done as per the rule books. The outcome of the investigation will come out as and when required to black mail the ruling govt or the opposition.
    In India any tragic happens first word comes out from politicians is compensation,if they don't do it immediately,opposition will demand the compensation and take the credit of the same, no body will bother to think how it happen, but they will plan whom to make the scapegoat, and that will be the hot issue in parliament and real issue forgotten as like the comments in daijiworld if the authors blames the pilot every comments has a bad word to pilot, if the author writes bad to the investigating agency comments also points out the at the agency.

    The real facts all r with the govt will come out one day either by the opposition or by the ruling govt.

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  • Dhoop, Udipi

    Tue, May 31 2011

    What has the privatisation issue got to do with this article? The airline did not conduct the investigation. There's a need for people to read first and comment afterwards.

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  • mohammed, dxb/mangalore

    Mon, May 30 2011

    Mr.Jacob good work and thank you for letting us know the true. look at the picture this is not airindia express. the picture is a fake one.this shows the irresponsibilty of the authorties.we should use the right for information act to get information on such things. The issue is we people from mangalore are easy going. we will remmeber this only when the article is published. have you guys ever thought that we should all join together and fight for the families of people who lost their life.

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  • Peter Dsa, Mangalore

    Mon, May 30 2011

    Exellent article Mr Philip you have truly brought light into this shoddy investigation all the best

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  • Ummer KunhiMK, Perinje/Dubai

    Mon, May 30 2011

    Privatize the (AI or IC)govt owned these Airlines is the only solution in front of us.almost these air lines going fully packed,despite this how these airline running without profit??

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  • cdpereira, mangalore

    Sun, May 29 2011

    This is disturbing.This analysis of post-accident scenario cannot be allowed to go without follow up action.The Airlines, DGCA & Aviation Ministry have to be held accountable
    till ultimate justice is done & concrete action to "prevent" recurrence.

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  • Langoolacharya., Belman/USA.

    Sun, May 29 2011


    I agree with Jacob K Philip that there were lapses in preserving parts of the aircraft after accident and reassemble was done fraudulently by photoshop tricks....

    However this does not absolve Pilot Capt. Zlatco Glusica from his negligelence of sleeping and snorning loudly,,,, which is recorded in Cockpit Voice Recorder clearly....

    As I said before, COI should have investigated what worthy work he was doing night before to deprive himself of sleep....

    After getting up too late he perhaps did some mistakes in panic which caused this accident.....

    COI like Glusica is incompetant in investigating ,,,however my concience is clear when I say Glusica's irresponsible and reckless behaviour caused this accident and nothing else.......

    Jai Hoooooooooooooooooooo

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  • Ajay, Birmingham,UK

    Sun, May 29 2011

    A very well written article which exposes the deficiencies in our system which could have been either deliberate or attributed to the way we treat human life and our casual attitude generally in life. I regularly watch the Air disaster programme on National Geographic channel and have been following the investigative technique employed in the west. The latest is about the Air france flight that crashed on its way from Brazil to Paris. It is amazing how they searched for the black boxes and finally found it buried deep under the sea.They also managed to salvage as many parts as possible ti find out the actual cause for the crash.I remember Mr Mallya's post before wondering why the area was not been cordoned off for proper forensic investigation.

    It is sad that things have come to this stage and a painful period for all those who lost their loved ones and those who have survived and going through the trauma .Until the truth is fully established there can be no solace for the families.

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  • V. Mallya, USA

    Sun, May 29 2011

    Hats off to Jacob Philip for having investigated and reported on the status of this investigation. If what Mr. Philip has written is true, then the DGCA and COI should be held accountable for the missing parts. After looking at the accident pictures, I had written a response on one of the local websites stating that police in Mangalore were not securing the accident scene. There hundred of people around the accident scene, who had no business to be there. This is a problem with the Indian public. Not only they are in the way of emergency service teams, they are also inhaling poisonous gases that are emitted from the burning of the wreckage.

    Until Indian police are trained to secure each and every accident site no matter how small or large the accident is, this will always be a problem. I had also suggested at the time that an independent body like the Federal Aviation Administration of the US lead this investigation. Every accident scene I read on the web sites, the first thing that I notice is that people who have no business to be there, are always there. When will this country learn that not everyone needs to get involved and cause more chaos and problems? If people like nurses, doctors, firemen, and police and others are available on site, the onlookers should be sent away by the police. These accidents are great opportunities for those thieves who steal from others even under tragic conditions. The police leadership should be answerable as to why parts got stolen!

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  • Max, Bendur/Mangalore

    Sun, May 29 2011

    Thanks daijiworld for bringing this article here. Mr. Jacob Phillip has really done a comprehensive investigation of the entire episode. These days it is very hard to find investigative journalism. Well done, Mr. Jocob.

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  • Roshan braganza, udyavara

    Sun, May 29 2011

    INVESTIGATIVE ARTICLE. Air india , AAI faked and scripted the final report . I still have gut feeling that 'faulty tyres and maintenance ' or 'overloaded petrol' was the sole reason for accident. They just put the blame on 'dead' pilot. Sad part is that he is no longer alive to tell truth and nail air india and AAI.

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  • Stanley, Thane

    Sun, May 29 2011

    Brilliant article Mr. Philip'
    This is what is called Investigative Journalism.
    May your tribe increase.
    I also fully concur with the views expressed by GMGC from Mangalore.
    His/Her whole letter is also so true.
    Arguably one of the finest pieces of journalism read in "Daijiwrold"

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  • Dave, Mangalore

    Sun, May 29 2011

    The dead can never speak or communicate or defend themselves.Blame them to save crores of rupees with some to line their pockets & hide the truth seems the intention here.
    For this reason we need Anna Hazare to succeed.
    Imagine u cannot get Mescom to rectify the faults even after writing with date & time in their complaints book-This is what common man faces in all his efforts to get service for which he pays-but he doesn't get quality service or electiricity(for not paying bribes to the Mescom Staff)- but he is peanlised again for their inefficiency by raising the electricity charges-they incur due to meters not working with no electricty supplied to consumers whenever it is available.

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  • ANZ, Mangalore

    Sun, May 29 2011

    I am employed as a load master to load and discharge luxury yachts on ships. My work needs me to travel far & wide from the sub-continent to Europe and the States. From Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2010 i have taken 96 flights which include a 20 seater air craft to an A-380. My travel experience also inlcude hi speed catamarans and Pawan Hans choppers from ONGC helibase in Juhu to Harjira oil fields.
    From the 1st day i refuse to believe that the pilot was fast asleep and snoring. The worst of the worst pilots will not fall asleep while an aircraft is taking off or landing unless he is intoxicated and completely incapcitated. In my travel history most of the time i have come across that more than 95% of the passengers are awake while the aircraft is landing coz of the announcements on the PA system inspite of being tired and Jetlag due to long haul flights and long stop overs to change flights. So the co-pilot never tried to wake up the Commander??? Is there no voice recording of any such instance on the blackbox???
    I can buy the story of human error if the report said the plane over shot the runway and the stopping distance turned out too short or the aircraft failed to be airbone again. But this story of the pilot was fast asleep is full of rubbish.
    Some sites which show air craft reconstruction are and also air france 447 crash. Please check

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Sun, May 29 2011

    This is a very shocking news to
    read. In India, human lives of
    the ordinary and poor people have
    less value or no value at all.

    As the article has clearly stated,
    there are a lot of conver ups
    and the process of the investigation was not thoroughly
    conducted. Now, we need to find
    out, to protect whom, this
    cover up was deceitfully applied?

    Now many pilots flying in the
    airlines of India have been found
    not properly trained and
    licenced. It is big miracle that
    no major crash was caused due to
    those pilot's error. Whether
    Russian Captian Glusica was
    properly trained and licensed
    to fly a Boeing 737 aircraft?
    What was the mechanical condition
    of the aircraft on that day of

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  • Christopher D'Cunha, M'lore/AUH

    Sun, May 29 2011

    Dear Daijiworld, Thank you very much for enlightening us with this information, but what is the use. you being in Mangalore and being a premier mouth piece of media please draw a plan to fight against this injustice done to our fellow Mangaloreans

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  • kevin pinto, Mangalore / Muscat

    Sun, May 29 2011

    This article is an eye opener to all. It is high time government stop blaming innocent persons and come out with the actual truth.

    Hats off to the writer for the detail analysis.

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  • Max Sequeira, M'Lore/Bahrain

    Sun, May 29 2011

    I am not at all surprised by the revelations of the flaws by the COI. we Indians are experts in hiding the truth, conducting enquries in a haphazard way and serving the bosses who appoint commissions to suit them.This is total injustice to the people who lost their precious lives.

    Enquiry commissions in reality are appointed to extract the truth but in our country it is opposite. If these men in enquiry commission are only there to conclude the enquiries with the pack of lies, why bother to appoint them. Are we not used to these now? Will this ever change? I doubt!

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  • Max Sequeira, M'Lore/Bahrain

    Sun, May 29 2011

    I am not at all surprised by the revelations of the flaws by the COI. we Indians are experts in hiding the truth, conducting enquries in a haphazard way and serving the bosses who appoint commissions to suit them.This is total injustice to the people who lost their precious lives.

    Enquiry commissions in reality are appointed to extract the truth but in our country it is opposite. If these men in enquiry commission are only there to conclude the enquiries with the pack of lies, why bother to appoint them. Are we not used to these now? Will this ever change? I doubt!

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  • GMGC, Mangalore

    Sun, May 29 2011

    Mr. Jacob,
    Its a very educative article with a lot of common sense imbibed in it. Common sense is something which is very uncommon in people these days.
    Bureaucracy, favouritism and corruption are the factors with which India is struggling and is adhered to in this case as well.
    I closely follow each and every episode of Air crash tragedies of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB Aviation USA) and what you have narrated surely agrees with the same.
    But in a country like India, where Cricket, Bollywood, Corruption and Politics make cover pages and headlines this is of futile relevance. Even the survivors may have to go through a horrific dilemma and trauma to let know what they exactly felt of the crash and treated them like culprits rather than victims.
    Moreover,thanks to the media who senstaionalise these issues and do not even care for moral values. Publish what sells is the only mantra they know.
    I wonder whether the crew (flying and serving) and the staff are aware of their duties or merely ed based on physical looks and fake licences.I am sure one can sense this from the smoothness of take offs and landing we experience in India as compared to abroad and international airlines.
    God help India and the aviation industry. Till then wait for another mishap to happen and another lot of lives falls victim to the great qualities we boast about.
    The sad part of the story is everytime we fly, our lives are at the recieving end of this pathetic menace

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  • Deepak Kumar, Indian

    Sun, May 29 2011

    Dear Mr Jacob K Philip , Thank you for the informative explanation. Its a real eye opener for all the citizens of India.
    But can any action or re-inquiry can be opened ??

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