Chennai, Jun 1 (PTI) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa today demanded the resignation of Union Textiles Minister Dayanidhi Maran following reports that his family-owned Sun TV Network was a beneficiary of pay-offs by a Malaysian company which benefited from equity sold by Aircel.
Speaking to reporters here, Jayalalithaa said "Maran should quit and face legal proceedings" even as she demanded the intervention of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the issue.
"I am quite sure the Prime Minister would know what has to be done and I am sure he would do it. The Prime Minister should ask for Maran's resignation from the cabinet.
I am sure the PM will do it, if he has not already done it," she said.
While the UPA government, in which DMK is a constituent, has maintained a studied silence over the issue, opposition BJP yesterday demanded clarification over the allegations.