Media Release
Muscat, Mar 23: Travel Point recently organized a wonderful concert under the slogan, ‘East Meets West’ at the Sheraton Muscat Hotel, with the participation of artistes and musicians from the Sultanate of Oman, India, Cuba and the Philippines.
The event saw VIP guests from Oman and India, notably Walter Nandalike, managing director of Daijiworld media group.
Aishwarya and Saundarya, great grand daughters of Bharat Ratna M S Subbulakshmi, sang Carnatic classical music; Velita Lobo, acclaimed singer from Mangaluru, sang in five languages, Faisal Al Foori & Group, Omani orchestra played by Omani artistes, Dr Vandana Jyotirmayi sang Ghazal and Sufi songs, and Omani singer Mundhar Albalushi sang Hindi songs.

Sunil D'Souza, CEO of Travel Point, said, “We are pleased with the organization and success of this artistic concert, which came on the occasion of the success achieved by the company during the past two years, especially in light of the difficult circumstances and challenges that the world went through as a result of the consequences of the (Covid-19) crisis. Despite these circumstances, the company succeeded in maintaining its level and business as one of the major travel and tourism agencies in the Sultanate, and even achieved satisfactory successes and results.
“One of the important successes that we have achieved and that we are proud of is that during the period of (Covid-19) and through brainstorming and teamwork, we were among the first companies to organize evacuation trips for the children of the communities wishing to travel during the intensification of the crisis period. We succeeded in organizing and arranging 246 evacuation flights to about 20 countries, through organizing with civil aviation, immigration, some government institutions, embassies, companies, and others.
“We are also proud that we contribute to protect the environment and are working on sustainability, through our work on an important project to plant trees in some places, as a kind of contribution to preserve the environment.
“This ceremony came as a kind of celebration of those successes that have been achieved in addition to the successes in the commercial and financial aspects, and that we were keen during this ceremony to combine musicians from the Sultanate and from several countries between the East and the West, because we believe that music brings people together and even unites the East and the West, and even more importantly is the meeting of arts, cultures and music between the Sultanate and international artistes from several countries, and this is certainly reflected in the extent of cooperation between music of Omani artistes and musicians and other countries,” he said.
D'Souza stressed that the ceremony witnessed a large attendance of more than 350 people representing CEOs, general managers and directors of major companies in the Sultanate, including partners, supporters and collaborators with the company during the last period. Their efforts and the work they did reflected positively on the successes achieved by Travel Point, he said.
He further said, “The ceremony was a wonderful day and party that made everyone happy. It is a party that works to support the business that we do, and also our support for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs working in the field of travel and tourism agencies. We are carrying out an important project, which is a kind of cooperation and the partnership between Travel Point and travel and tourism agencies which are small and medium companies at the level of all governorates and states of the Sultanate, so that any agency can cooperate with Travel Point and any tickets that you sell through our company can get a commission or a fee, as well as an additional amount from the other party. This is a kind of Travel Point's great support for Omani entrepreneurs working in the field of travel and tourism.”
“Many of the milestones achieved by Travel Point in the past include Most Trusted Travel Brand Award and Top Luxury Tourism Company in Oman. Besides achieving stellar growth Travel Point group drives environmental causes through planting of saplings, beach clean-up and working with KLM/AF on sustainable aviation fuel project. The organization contributes to societal causes, corporate social responsibilities and is the top company in Oman in developing ICV (in country value) and a major supporter and promoter of Oman Air in Oman," he said.