CAIRO (BNO NEWS) -- Hundreds of Egyptians on Friday called on their government to expel Israel's ambassador and condemned Israel's attack on Egyptian soldiers, the Al-Ahram state-owned newspaper reported.
Hundreds of people gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo and in the governorates of Alexandria, Qalioubiya and Suez to protest the border incident last week when five Egyptian policemen were killed by Israeli Defense Forces. A Facebook invitation to demonstrate on Friday was sent out as a response to the killings.
The incident occurred on August 19 following a series of attacks that began when gunmen opened fire against a bus in the southern Israeli city of Eliat, which is located at the northern tip of the Red Sea and borders Egypt. Five Egyptian security personnel were killed when Israeli soldiers were pursuing Gaza militants after the attack.
Following the killings, thousands of Egyptians took to the streets to demand that the Israeli ambassador be expelled. One Egyptian young man climbed 13 floors to bring down the Israeli flag in protest.