10 pc discount for Mumbai Metro commuters on voting day in Mumbai

Mumbai, May 3 (IANS): Passengers of Metro Lines 2A and 7 in Mumbai suburbs are about to get a special 10 per cent discount on May 20, the day of voting for Lok Sabha elections, 2024.

Commuters of Mumbai Metro, utilising Mumbai 1 Card, Paper QR, and paper tickets will enjoy the privilege to travel to the polling stations and return home after voting with a special discount of 10 per cent on base fare.

"People residing across the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) will be travelling from different corners to cast their vote. Thus, on May 20, Mumbai Metro has taken up the noble initiative of offering discounts to its commuters. This meaningful direction permits the citizens of MMR to reach their destined voting stations and fulfil their responsibility to democracy with added convenience. Moreover, this step makes passengers feel more satisfied with the services of Mumbai Metro," said Maha Mumbai Metro Operation Corporation.

Maha Mumbai Metro is actively participating in SVEEP - Systematic Voter Education and Electoral Participation - to encourage metro riders to fulfill their civic duty and vote in elections. This initiative aims to motivate citizens to contribute to the nation by exercising their right to vote.



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