Centre unveils initiative to support MSMEs, startups adopt Industry 4.0 tech

New Delhi, Jun 5 (IANS): The government on Wednesday announced a new initiative to help Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and startups adopt emerging technologies for their 'Industry 4.0' transformation.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has called for a proposal for "Industry 4.0 a baseline Survey among MSMEs", that aligns with preparing industries for the advent of 5G and 6G technologies.

It will aim at gauging challenges faced by MSMEs in adapting to Industry 4.0 and utilising advanced technologies.

“The survey will aim to lay the groundwork for a robust ecosystem capable of capitalising on the capabilities offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing and the integration of 5G and 6G networks,” said the DoT.

The aim is to identify sector-specific needs in at least 10 sectors and preferences, recognising the diverse landscape of MSMEs.

“The survey will, over a 60-day period, seek to cover five sectors each in north and southern parts of India,” the Department added.

Organisations and startups can submit proposals by June 11 to participate in this survey.



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