Mangaluru: Freshers Day celebrated with grandeur at Carmel School

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 12: Carmel School, hosted a vibrant Freshers Day celebration on June 10, for the students of Grades1 to 9 in the School Auditorium, marking a warm welcome for the newcomers.

The freshers were greeted with floral head crowns as they entered, each child wearing a smile of excitement and joy. Special seats were reserved for the new students, emphasizing the school's commitment to making them feel special.

The event began with a solemn prayer service, featuring the traditional lamp lighting ceremony performed by the principal, the administrator, the vice principal, Hazel Rodrigues, alongside Muhammed Maahi of grade 3B and Shanvi M Kotian of grade 8A.


The prayer service, led by Sr Lilly Pushpa -The principal with the teachers of Grades 1, 2 and 3, included heartfelt prayers for the new students, asking for guidance and strength to walk in his footsteps, discover their passion through enthusiasm, face the challenges of life with courage as they continue their journey in new atmosphere while the hymn 'Footsteps Walking with Me' was played softly in the background.

The celebrations continued with a captivating dance performance by the teachers, symbolizing a warm and friendly welcome to the freshers. Each new student was individually called to the dais and presented with stationery embodying the school's spirit of hospitality and cordiality.

In a motivating speech, Sr Lilly Pushpa engaged with the freshers, asking if they missed their old schools and friends, to which the enthusiastic response was a resounding "No." She emphasized the importance of daily prayers, discipline, punctuality, and maintaining a neat appearance. She also stressed the significance of respectful language, kindness, and the avoidance of bullying, urging students to communicate any concerns directly to their teachers or the principal.

Following the inspirational address, the freshers had the opportunity to introduce themselves, sharing the microphone and their eagerness with the audience. The administrator and the vice principal then distributed sweets to the new students, adding a sweet conclusion to the joyous event.

The programme was expertly compered by Alice Pinto, with Hazel Lobo delivering a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the day. The Freshers Day at Carmel School was indeed a memorable start for the newcomers, setting a positive tone for their future at the school.




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