Kasargod, Jun 13 (IANS): Amid the tragic news of 42 Indians, including 24 Keralites, dying in a major blaze in a labour camp in Kuwait, an amazing tale of courage and will for survival has emerged.
Nalinakshan, one of the workers hailing from Kasargod, saved his life by jumping from the third floor into a water tank on the ground floor.
The news has brought major cheer to his family and friends in Kerala.
According to his uncle, Nalinakshan was in the building which went up in flames in the wee hours of Wednesday.
“Seeing the smoke and fire and no way to escape, he jumped from the third floor of the burning building into a water tank on the ground floor. He landed safely in the water tank,” said Nalinakshan’s uncle.
“He spoke to me from hospital and said he has suffered a mouth and rib injury. He has to undergo surgery for the broken rib. He was unable to speak much,” added the uncle.
However, the happiness of Nalinakshan’s family is tinged with sadness as his close friend and neighbour at Kasargod who was also in the ill-fated building, is missing.
Comment on this article
Don, Mangalore
Fri, Jun 14 2024Precious lives are lost and these were all bread winners. I hope substantial compensations are paid to the dead, the inured and all effected by this tragedy.
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Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront
Fri, Jun 14 2024God is Great ...
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Prem, moodbidri
Thu, Jun 13 2024Jako rakhe sayian, maar sake na koi.
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Thu, Jun 13 2024It's a big thing that even after jumping from the third floor God saved him. If the terrace door had been open more lives could have been spared.
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Harold Dcunha, Mangalore, India
Thu, Jun 13 2024I do agree with you. If the terrace/balcony door had been open, more lives could have saved. Here in Mangalore, few apartment owner, have closed their balcony, in order to extend their room space. safety first.
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