Lying in Kuwait hospital bed, Anilkumar grieves for not being able to save his friends

Kuwait/Thiruvananthapuram, Jun 14 (IANS): Anilkumar, who is lying in a hospital bed in Kuwait with his leg in plaster, grieves that he was not able to save more of his friends in the ill-fated building where 49 people died in a devastating fire on June 12.

Anilkumar said he lived on the second floor of the building and was an early riser on account of his duty routine.

“As always I got up and was in the washroom, when I sensed something was wrong, I felt it was becoming very hot and as soon as I finished I ran out to see smoke billowing up,” said Anilkumar.

“Then I woke up people and since it was in the early hours, many were sleeping. I started banging on the doors of the apartments to wake up people. Then along with four of my friends, we decided to run down the staircase but were unable to do so as the stairroom was full of smoke. Then the only option was to jump out from the second floor and I did that. I landed down but in the process, I hurt my leg and am now in the hospital bed,” added Anilkumar.

“Wish I could have alerted others also, as all of them were known to me very well and we lived together,” rued Anilkumar.



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