Mangaluru: Mulky police arrest three for stealing motorcycle

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Jun 15: Mulky police have arrested three individuals for stealing a motorcycle that was parked in front of the entrance of Mulky Bappanadu temple on May 24.

The arrested are identified as Maunesh Bhajantri (23), Mohammed Sameer Kasaba (20), and Veera Bhadrappa (24), all natives of Muddebihala taluk in Vijayapura district.

The police team, intensified their search based on a complaint filed by Nitesh Bhandary, a resident near Bappanadu temple in Mulky.

It may be recalled, a complaint was lodged by Nitesh after his motorcycle parked near the entrance of the Bappanadu temple went missing on May 24. PSI Vinayak Bavikatti and his staff arrested the accused near Punarur check post on June 14 and produced them in court.







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