Mangaluru: St Mary’s High School conducts cabinet inaugural 2024-25

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 15: The investiture ceremony was held on June 15 at St Mary’s High School, Falnir to encourage and kindle leadership qualities in students.

The ceremony commenced with a meaningful prayer service and lighting of the lamp by the headmistress Sr Nandika A C, assistant headmistress Sr Maria Spurthi A C, SPL Rivika G Martis and ASPL Hiba Aysha. The headmistress administered the oath to the newly appointed cabinet. Each member of the student council then came forward to state her designation and duties. The Headmistress pinned their badges on them. Students swore to serve their alma mater with utmost dedication, sincerity and honesty.

The headmistress, in her address, impressed upon the students the need for a cabinet in the school and urged them to take responsibility with commitment and integrity. It is the school cabinet that is the mediator between headmistress, staff and students, which is so important for the smooth functioning of the school. 'A commitment larger than yourself can be your best inspiration' and 'Being a leader is like walking with a pair of high-heeled shoes' were some of the gems spoken by the headmistress, that inspired the newly appointed Cabinet. She also urged the members to be God-oriented leaders. “If you kneel before your God, you can stand before the world.," she said. 

The headmistress concluded her address with a few words of advice to the students. The newly appointed student pupil leader, Rivika G Martis offered a word of thanks on behalf of the Cabinet. Ashley Monteiro gave the vote of thanks. The ceremony concluded with a song of blessing and the school song.





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