Mangaluru: Alert young girl saves classmate from electrocution

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Jun 20: An alert young girl demonstrated exemplary presence of mind by saving her classmate from electrocution recently in Ira village near Mudipu.

Sharafiya, a fifth-grade student at the government primary school in Ira, suffered an electric shock while switching off a fan during the lunch break. Fatimatul Ashfiya, Sharafiya's classmate, noticed her leaning motionless against the wall. Without hesitation, Fatimatul Ashfiya flung a plate from her lunch towards Sharafiya's hand, preventing further harm. Sharafiya sustained only a minor bruise on her hand.

Fatimatul Ashfiya

Sonika, the school's headmistress, remarked, “When Sharafiya experienced an electric shock, Fatimatul Ashfiya displayed bravery and prevented a potentially fatal incident.”

Mujib Rehman, father of Fatimatul Ashfiya, expressed pride in his daughter for her courageous act in saving another girl's life.





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