Mangaluru: International Day of Yoga held at St Agnes High School, Bendore

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 22: The students and the staff of St Agnes High School gathered together to promote a healthier and a peaceful way of living through the practice of yoga in June 21. 

The International Yoga Day was celebrated with great exuberance and discipline. The students dressed up in their sports attire were neatly seated on the colourful yoga mats.

They welcomed the chief guest with the big round of applause as he entered the school hall. The chief guest, Eknath Baliga, president Sri Patanjali Yogaprathistana, retired bank manager. Poornima Shetty, the member and instructor of Sri Patanjali yogaprathistana, along with the headmistress Sr Gloria A C, assistant headmistress, Prathima, K B, Bhavya Ravindra, and the two student’s representatives inaugurated the ceremony by lighting the lamp.

Addressing the students, the chief guest mentioned that Yoga is for physical and mental well-being. He also highlighted the long-term health benefits and the significance of holistic approach to health through yoga. A short yoga session included a series of asanas like Tadasana, Vrikshana, Padahasthasana, head rotation and shoulder rotation.

The students exhibited astounding ardour and discipline throughout the session. Cashline, Nishmitha and Inchara joined the yoga instructor on the stage to demonstrate various asanas. The chief guest even shared the perks of practicing yoga in daily life for 20 to 30 minutes.

Earlier in the morning, during the school assembly, the eadmistress, emphasized importance of yoga in maintaining healthy lifestyle and encouraged the students to incorporate it into their daily routine. The physical instructor, expressed the words of gratitude. The guests were presented with the mementos as the token of appreciation. The whole programme was skillfully compered by teacher Prathima K B.




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