Mangaluru: Neglected maintenance of metal barriers poses danger on national highways

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru

Mangaluru, Jun 26: The metal beam crash barriers installed along the national highways (NH) are in a dire state of disrepair, with many sections corroded and damaged, posing a significant risk to motorists. Despite the urgent need for maintenance, the repair and replacement of these barriers are being neglected.

The metal barriers, which were installed to prevent vehicles from running off the road or falling into deep ditches during accidents, are a critical safety feature on highways like NH 66 and NH 73. However, many of these barriers, installed decades ago, are now severely corroded and broken in several places, leaving gaps that could lead to serious accidents.

While the highway authorities conduct routine maintenance tasks such as patching potholes, applying asphalt, painting dividers, installing blinkers, maintaining street lights, and clearing bushes every year, the replacement of these corroded barriers has been overlooked. Public complaints highlight that despite the visible deterioration, no steps are being taken to repair or replace the barriers.

In some areas, only the metal posts of the barriers remain, which creates a hazard for drivers. The red reflectors that were meant to make these barriers visible at night have also disappeared, adding to the risk. Reports indicate that some locals have been cutting the barriers for personal use, and in several instances, barriers removed for construction work have not been reinstalled.

Severe accidents are a common occurrence on these highways, often resulting in fatalities. There have been frequent reports of vehicles falling into roadside ditches due to the lack of proper barriers. The authorities must prioritize the maintenance of these metal barriers to enhance road safety.





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