Mangaluru: St Aloysius Pre-University College commemorates international yoga day

Media Release

Mangaluru, Jun 26: Yoga, an ancient practice that originated in India, has gained global recognition for its holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, yoga offers a comprehensive method to improve health and enhance quality of life.

In 2014, the United Nations declared June 21 as International Yoga Day, recognizing the universal appeal of yoga and its potential to foster global health and harmony. The theme for International Yoga Day 2024, 'Yoga for Self and Society,' underscores the transformative power of yoga in promoting both individual well-being and collective harmony. It highlights how yoga practices not only enhance physical and mental health but also foster community support, cultural exchange, and sustainable living in our fast-paced world. 

St Aloysius PU College, known for its commitment to holistic education, established the Yoga Club to highlight the significant impact of yoga on students' physical and mental health. The college's initiative aims to integrate yoga into the students' daily routines to help them cope with academic stress and enhance their overall well-being.

International Yoga Day was celebrated in the College with Asha Shetty, a yoga enthusiast and early childhood educator currently serving as the Centre Head of Blue Umbrella Playschool Centre, as the chief guest for the occasion. In her address, Shetty expressed her best wishes on the occasion of International Yoga Day and commended the college for organizing the event. She emphasized the pressing need for yoga in today's academic environment, where students frequently face stress, anxiety, and physical tension. Shetty highlighted the numerous benefits of regular yoga and meditation practices, including improved physical health, better mental health, increased relaxation, enhanced focus, and overall well-being.

Shetty conducted a workshop for the participants, guiding them through a sequence of asanas and breathing techniques. Under her expert guidance, the students immersed themselves in the practice of yoga, experiencing its revitalizing effects. The workshop saw enthusiastic participation, with students keenly engaging in the exercises and gaining firsthand knowledge of yoga's benefits.

The event was meticulously planned and organized by the staff in charge of the Yoga Club: Lavina Shivaram, Sowmya N, and Deepthi Rani M K. Lisa Palma Lobo of II PU compered the programme.

By promoting the practice of yoga, the college not only supports students in managing academic pressures but also fosters a culture of wellness and mindfulness. The enthusiastic participation in the workshop highlighted the growing awareness and appreciation of yoga's benefits among the youth. As the day concluded, it was evident that the event had left a lasting impact on all participants, encouraging them to incorporate yoga into their daily lives for a healthier and more balanced future.




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