Kundapur: Police catch drug peddler, seize 3 kg of ganja
Silvester D’Souza
Daijiworld Media Network – Kundapur (VM)
Kundapur, Feb 5: Police on Monday February 4 arrested a drug peddler and seized 3 kg of ganja from him.
The arrested is identified as Ibrahim (40) from Padukere.
DySP Yashoda on receiving authentic information arrested Ibrahim near the entrance of Sri Vinayaka Temple at Kumbashi here.
Police seized 3 kg of ganja, a Nokia mobile phone and a TVS bike from him.
The ganja is valued at Rs 75,000, and the total worth of the seized items is Rs 87,250.
A case has been registered in Kundapur police station.
Comment on this article
Ethan Avidhan, Florida/ Mangalore
Wed, Feb 06 2013Dear Readers these are nothing but eye wash and how many ganja addicts have died as far as I know ganja hardly kills any more than tobacco does it is when mixed with other drugs and alcohol it becomes dangerous, all the persons who used to smoke ganja during my time in fact are at present doing extremely well for themselves.
Many have fallen victims to other psychotropic prescription drugs available in pharmacies which are the main culprits behind these deaths there have been so many deaths but since these students are basically from north India no publicity has been given.
we should applaud these parents who have come forward to say "yes our daughter was an addict and this is how she met her end so please take care of your children" most of the Parents are either unaware or in denial of the double life led by their children and usually they think their children are the best and they are not involved in any unwanted activities until they are exposed by some outfits or media as was the case with MMS " Captured Sex" incidents.
Parents keep close watch on your children and their friends always try and extract all the information about their whereabouts and their activities give them space but watch them like a eagle , If not you shall be a sufferer one day!!
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Wed, Feb 06 2013Mr CT RAVI Earlier released Statement and even immediate action and some result found with in short period Which is really remarkable, really Appreciated CT Ravi Sir, reader please be fair overnight it is not possible to sort out such kind of issue but still we have to believe our law and we have to keep faith on our entire police team and our minister .step by step only it is possible truly here we can observe and see the interest of Mr CT RAVI and police team to handle the Drugs racket even it is small or big racket, we can observe here very clearly result is there. And step by step only they can achieve the goal.
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satish naik, vitla
Tue, Feb 05 2013I feel he is only the sales person, but the big fish behind still hiding.
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Leslie fernandes, Brahmagiri, Udupi
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radhakrishna, manipal
Tue, Feb 05 2013poor guy must have mistaken ganja for saffron...trying to make money by selling it to infedels.
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K. S. Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013With a lot of confidence I can tell that this is just a tip of the iceberg. This business thrives mainly because of the floating population (read: wealthy students studying in colleges around Mangalore) and some wealthy Mangaloreans. Lets face it business is kept alive by its customers and in this case its dependents. And my gut feeling is for the business to thrive to this proportions, some from the establishment are also hand in glove in this business. Hope the law enforcement agencies have the appetite to uphold the law of the land and protect our future generations from succumbing to this menace.
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Ram Shetty, Mangalore/Mumbai
Tue, Feb 05 2013who spent money for buying the weighing machine, is it the cops or CT Ravi?
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Denis Pinto, Mangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013The item looks like dried tulsi or neem leaves. The bike seized and the person caught look vintage.
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Abdul Razak, Mangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013The 11 member Kundapur Police team even sought special intelligence from RAW to nab this guy. Fantastic job ! No corruption involved. Keep it up. The Union Govt. should reward them with a big prize.
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Tue, Feb 05 2013Drug in Kundapur?...see how Kundapur is progressed economically. I am wondering who are the buyers in that area.
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nagesh nayak, bangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013hi,
Peter Pereira, Pune,
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Hariprasad Hegde, Mangalore/Udupi
Tue, Feb 05 2013Yes Nagraj Shetty, Udupi you are right, he doesn't looks like a drug peddler from any angle it is just a eye wash. Drug peddlers are real smart this guy he looks so dumb, he would have disappeared easily while they were taking a group picture, does any of you person thinks he was fully secured in this picture?
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Eric Coelho, Mangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013An incident has to happen to get the police into action. This person who is caught was well within the eyes of the police and he is arrested within a few days after the death of a student. Because of the Law & order police failure we have now moral police doing their job. I will not congratulate the police as they have acted under public pressure and once the memory of the public is dies down mark my words these drug peddlers will be back to their old activities and the knowing the drug peddlers whereabouts will turn their face. Time will speak.
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VP, Mangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013Great job by the Police team.Good they arrested him. The stuff doesn't look very fresh. So i guess he was supplying this since quite some time )
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Manohar Dsouza, Mangalore/Bahrain
Tue, Feb 05 2013Well done Kundapur Police, you are catching the dangerous drugs & their peddlers. Mangalore police are busy confiscating kids stuff like beedi’s [our good old Khaki Cigarette’s] and Gutka.
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William, Bantwal
Tue, Feb 05 2013What a good job by police ! They will get more persons if police tries in other areas. Please arrest all gangs involved. Best of luck to your dept. Keep it up.
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Jossey Saldanha, Mangalore/Mapusa/Mumbai
Tue, Feb 05 2013Police woke up after one life was lost............
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Amin Bhoja, Patte /Riyadh
Tue, Feb 05 2013Police force with little bit a honest effort is sure bring more results while arresting these small as well as big drug mafias.There is a saying 'If there is a will there is a way' nothing is impossble!.
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Nagraj Shetty, Udupi
Tue, Feb 05 2013Just wondering should comment or not to comment but i had a good laugh, seing htis innocent guy...
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Damodar Bhat, Udupi
Tue, Feb 05 2013It is a well known fact that Ganja is grown in the high dense Kundapur forest hills.The Kerala migrant people are growing this plant.This was published several years ago in an English daily. The Central Excise team had visited this ganja farm after climbing for 2 days with the help of the local police. Although they had destroyed it, that was the last raid.The news item also mentioned that these people were regularly buying bone mixture, a fertilizer used for ganja cultivation. This story must be 15 years old.
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kspoojary, mangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013who is the kingpin ? arrest him
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Neeraj Fernandes, Mangalore
Tue, Feb 05 2013ISMAIL.K.PERINJE, PERINJE-YANBU/KSA: Sir to catch kingpins(as u said) the police should start arresting such small/local sellers like this. then they will catch those kingpins if they are not from Political party or there is no political pressure is not there to the case as what had happened in india since a long time
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Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah
Tue, Feb 05 2013Vijaya,Udupi..I didn't say Kundapur police to come to Manipal and raid I said "Police,pls raid" (understanding)
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ilyas, qatar
Tue, Feb 05 2013dont give him food give him to eat thise drugs....and kill him...drugs kilake kilake tadpake mardalo usko kitna logonka life barbadh kiyaye....our iska peche bouth bada hath ye..cach thise big fish
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JK, Udupi/Dubai
Tue, Feb 05 2013Nicely packed!!!
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vijaya, udupi
Tue, Feb 05 2013but these police jurisdictionis only kundapur taluk, for manipal it is udupi sub division.
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RRR, Nairobi
Tue, Feb 05 2013Really a good job(atlast) by police team and hope they will continue their good work.
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naufal, uddabettu
Tue, Feb 05 2013Really Appreciated job from police department.
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Melvin, Kemmannu
Tue, Feb 05 2013Good Catch.... Good Picture.. who is the Drug Peddler ?
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vijaya, kundapur
Tue, Feb 05 2013madam u and ur team are really doing a gud job, though some people r spoiling your name. i'm speaking abt vasudev adiga murder issue, matka, traffic etc. pl continue the same work.
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Jaimini P.B., Mnaipal,Sharjah
Tue, Feb 05 2013Police please raid Manipal..you will get 30kg instead of 3kg ..!
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Tue, Feb 05 2013He is peddler and who is main kingpin?Unless police will catch the original kingpin,the drugs will be made available from other peddler.Therefore,Police need to keep eye on drug mafia with determination and with added intelligence cover up.And also there is a need to review punishment on drug handlers as Govt of India did in rape case.Drug kills gradually and determent punishment like one in gulf countries.
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Stephen, Mangalore/Dammam
Tue, Feb 05 2013Well DYsp,great job Madam.Kick him back to the stoneage.
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Peter Pereira, Pune
Tue, Feb 05 2013Wonderful job dear Police officers. Feed this traitor with same poison for breakfast, lunch & dinner which he is selling to innocent young generation, our own children. I salute you from the bottom of my heart.
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