Bangalore: Kanara Entrepreneurs hosts seminar on 'Essence of Success'
Media Release
Bangalore, Sep 6: Kanara Entrepreneurs, Bangalore, successfully conducted a seminar on “The Essence of Success” recently at Hotel Park Plaza, Bangalore.
Mark D’Souza, President - KE, the keynote speaker, spoke about the different facets of leadership. Success, he said, has different meanings to different individuals. The quintessence of success could be boiled down to two categories: from the inside out, or the outside in. The former approach involves “Being doing having” while the latter does it in reverse.

Mark quoted the example of a person who faithfully followed OUTSIDE IN formula: his goal was to make lots of money by the time he was 40 and then quit his job, finally do the work he loved and live the life he really wanted. He was working long hours to pursue his goal, but rarely had time to spend with family and friends. He could not understand why his life lacked meaning.
Many people have their priorities upside down and get bogged down at the HAVING stage and cannot get past to BEING STAGE. Mark urged the audience to consider the order of their priorities - know who you really are, know what makes you unique, know what you do best – and promised that the DOING and HAVING would naturally follow.
Rajan Parulekar, renowned author, trainer and an Advanced Toastmaster, shared many tips on how to negotiate one’s way to success. Rajan pointed out the three key things affecting negotiation - Information, Time and Power, and showed how more information about the other party, more time and more power lead to a larger influence in the negotiation process.
Dr Ali Khwaja, motivational speaker, founder and head of Banjara Academy shared his thoughts about Managing People. His talk was illustrated with examples from around the world – from the corner shop businessman to the Japanese entrepreneur – each of whose understanding of the human dynamic helped them to prosper and grow.
Omesh Adiani helped the audience to see human interactions in a new light through an innovative Management game. He articulated the cycle of forming – storming – performing relationships within an organisation, and how to identify and encourage them.
Following a sumptuous lunch, the audience were treated to a panel discussion on how to “Transform Your Business into the World of Tomorrow”. Shankar Jaganathan, a Chartered Accountant, author and consultant, Ms Hema Krishnamurthy, a Chartered Accountant with over 25 years of experience in various industries, handling Corporate - Finance, strategy and turnarounds, Mahendra Jain- Partner in S R Batliboi and Associates and Balaji Pasumarthy. The idea of a lean, mean and clean business was advocated. An interesting interactive session followed the discussion.
Mathew Manimala, professor at IIM, questioned the concept of work life balance, and supported his views with anecdotes from his own life as well as those of his friends.
The memorable event was brought to an end with a humorous and heartfelt vote of thanks by the Director Finance Adrian D’Souza.
KE, Bangalore was started in 2008 by FKCA in collaboration with KEL, Dubai to promote entrepreneurship among individuals hailing from the Kanara region. With Chapters in Dubai and Bangalore, this forum currently has over 250 members and with collaborations with like-minded organizations such as Rachana in Mangalore, Dimensions and CCCI in Mumbai has built a network of around 1000 entrepreneurs and professionals from the Kanara region