Times News Network
Bangalore, Feb 21: Teachers can't 'afford' to make mistakes. If they do, they have to pay the price for it. Teachers may face the heat during the Board exams in March.
For, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will penalise teachers for committing errors during evaluation.
The fine print is as follows: Evaluators who don't assess the answer script entirely have to pay up Rs 20 per answer book.
Wrong totalling would cost them Rs 15 per answer script. And if they forget to sign the answer book the penalty is Rs 10.
Not just evaluators, even head examiners and coordinators will be liable for action. Every head examiner has to take up sample checking of at least 10% of the answer books evaluated by each examiner working under him.
Else the penalty is Rs 10 per examiner per day. And if he/she overlooks an error, the fine is Rs 10 for every answer book.
If the marks in the answer book and the award list (results sheet) don't tally, co-ordinators will be pulled up. They have to cough up Rs 15 for every wrong verification of marks and Rs 10 for errors in transfer of marks from answer book to the award list.
Non-entry of marks in the award list also calls for a fine. That's Rs 10 per answer book. Coordinators who don't sign on each page of the award list will be fined Rs 10 per award list.
It's not just teachers. Even schools have to pay up. The Board, at its previous governing body meeting decided to act against schools for being lax while checking the nominal rolls.
Schools will pay penalty of Rs 500 per subject code if they make corrections in the nominal rolls sent by the Board.
Now, some food for thought. Refreshment charges paid to various functionaries at nodal evaluation centres/spot evaluation centres in India has been enhanced to Rs 15 and outside India to Rs 30.