Homosexuality an offence, rules Supreme Court

Homosexuality an offence, rules Supreme Court

New Delhi, Dec 11 (IANS): The Supreme Court Wednesday held consensual sex between adults of the same gender an offence, leaving the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community dejected.

Setting aside the Delhi High Court verdict of 2009, the apex court bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi and Justice S.J. Mukhopadhayay said there was no constitutional room for change in Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.

Section 377 of the IPC holds that same-gender sexual relationship is against the order of the nature and is an offence. The apex couyrt by its ruling Wednesday upheld the constitutional validity of the section.

The Delhi High Court by its verdict, which the apex court has now set aside, had decriminalised the sexual relationship between consenting adults of the same gender under Section 377.

Law Minister Kapil Sibal told reporters outside parliament: "It is the prerogative of the Supreme Court to judge the constitutionality and validity of the law. The opinion of the Supreme Court must be respected by the government. They have exercised their prerogative, we shall exercise ours."

Gay activist Ashok Row Kavi said that with this verdict, "we are back to square one".

"But we will fight for our rights. It is essential to note that this has nothing to do with morality and religion."

"We are just asking for inclusive rights in the society. This is just a type of orientation a lot of people are involved in...," he added.

Restoring back Section 377 under the statute book, the Supreme Court, referring to the Attorney General, said that the government could, if it so desired, amend the law.

The apex court verdict upholding Section 377 came 21 months after it had reserved its verdict in March 2012.

Activist Sohini Ghosh described the judgment as "not just a betrayal to the LGBT community, but a betrayal to the values that are enshrined in the constitution".

"...The only thing that I want to say is that fight will go on, and we will fight till the bitter end," she said.

Pallav Patankar from the Humsafar Trust feels that the verdict is a big blow to the community.

"The Supreme Court has put the decision back to parliament, and the reason it went to the SC was because parliament refused to discuss issues related to alternate sexuality. There is a need to address the issue...," he said.


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  • Mohan Raj, Mangalore - Riyadh

    Sat, Dec 14 2013

    When two individuals are mutually agreed for enjoy their life without disturbing any (third party) one what is the problem in Gay sex? They do not rape any teen girls, they do not sex with kids, they are also human being, let them live their own life as they want...Supreme Court should think of one who rapes the teen girls, supreme Court should bring strong law against rapist but not on one who is enjoying his/her life with mutual interests. One who is Gay he/she can not change her sexual interest or taste by imposing punishment on them...that means they do not have rights to live in this world, they do not have rights to enjoy their life? Gay & Bisexual boys and girls should fight against Supreme Courts on regarding this issue...Gay sex is not a sin, its a way of enjoyment...A person who is not comfortable for opposite sex...he likes Gay sex, I bet most of the Men are experienced Gay sex during their Teen age, some will be stuck with gay sex and some will be changing their taste after the marriage...mohan.raj163@gmail.com

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  • D Bhat, Mumbai

    Fri, Dec 13 2013

    It is really strange that so many people are bashing gays and lesbians, where there are so many "normal" people who commit all kinds of atrocities. So many husbands mistreat wives in so bad ways.. Aren't they so much worse than a gay couple who cares for each other? Why should they sexuality even be an issue for others, whether it is by choice or natural?

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • PNA, Kudla

    Fri, Dec 13 2013

    Monday, July 29, 2013 7:03:25 PM (IST)

    Who am I to judge gay people, says Pope
    London, July 29 (IANS): "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge him," said Pope Francis Monday, asking for gay people to be integrated into society.

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  • Joe D'Souza, Mangalore

    Fri, Dec 13 2013

    God Bless all the Judges of S.C. You saved the Nation from this vulgar act. The almighty has created Man and Woman for the purpose not for pleasure only. All these Immoral Behavior brought the curse on mankind. Jerome D'Souza is expressing His correct views of what is happening.

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  • A.P., Mlore

    Fri, Dec 13 2013

    Read above what the pope says .

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  • suresh, mumbai

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Whether to celebrate diwali or dasara is the person's choice. He may remain indifferent to both or he can celebrate something else. why we should force anything that we like. Of course we are god fearing people we follow what is written in our scriptures. we should be firm not to fall prey into theirs. Let them enjoy their way of life without offending ours life. If it offends anyone then it should be treated as criminal one.

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  • Robert George, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Homosexuality is not some new sexual orientation. It has been prevalent from time immemorial, though clandestinely practiced. It is condemned by all religions, except for some cults. Of late, scientists, the modern messiahs, have been lending support to unethical practices, blaming them on genes, albeit without conclusive proof. Some scientists are of the view that rapists and murderers should not be punished, because they are born with such (faulty) genes, and hence they cannot be held accountable for their heinous acts. Similarly, homosexuals feel that they should not be held responsible for tearing at the fabric of society, because their orientation (gene) demands such a relationship.

    As a Hindu seer remarked recently what if in a few years a certain group individual demand that they should be allowed to sexually cohabit with animals. Should that too be legalized? The bottom-line is that a deceived person does not realize that he is misled (otherwise he would not be deceived at all). So let us blame it on the gene or let us put our feet down and eradicate this social scourge.

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  • Dev, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    As the saying goes, those who wield sword perish by the sword, those who fall for this enjoy mentality will fall by the same vices!
    Perverts can spoil the fabric of society morally. Many civilizations & Kingdoms have perished in the history by this.
    Let them practice what they want in privacy rather than spreading the pervert culture & spoiling all straights as not letting them have their rights for wrong actions.
    West is bankrupt morally & population wise as well due to too much freedom for perversion while curbing religious freedom for the believers.
    Satan is very pleased with Modern Trends!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Dear Jerome D'Souza,

    This heart rending (disgusting) incident was explained by you sometime back in DW.

    Gays or Lesbians are going to overboard ignore the morals, ethics of normal life and still they fight for their personal choice/rights. Attraction is natural towards opposite sex but you and I will never understand this type of abnormal behavior.

    Let us keep a distance from such people.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jerome Dsouza, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Dear Mr. Flavian,
    This Boy I am talking about being perfectly normal had a perfect childhood , we grew up together, This Gay was brought up as per catholic values, studied in a prestigious college of Mangalore and suddenly after going to US he has d himself a Gay and renounced his religion and just behind money and sex, he hates marriage or married people, and doesn't want anyone in his family to marry including his sisters children, just advises people to enjoy life, many people know these divorced sisters on Facebook and other sites, I also have read sometime back this story came in daiji

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jerome Dsouza, Mangalore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    My Cousin was perfectly normal till he went to America. After few years he d himself a Gay and refused to marry, whatever counselling, persuasion done, all in vain, not only his Gay parties and sexual freedom became too much, he started encouraging his sisters to divorce their husbands and to lead a free sex life by having affair with boys half their age.three of the sisters of this Gay applied for divorce that too with civil and criminal cases. Although this married sisters have grown up teenaged and adult children.This Gay brother didn't stop there he has taken his sisters children to USA and already spoiled them. What next. This is all happening in Mangalore.Now what rights to be given to Gays?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • sdza, mlore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Nobody can spoil anybody, unless its their personal choice!
    Being homosexual or not, is too one s choice!
    And i totally agree with @MR R. Bhandarkar

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Those who have commented adversely and advocate for the gay sex, whoever they may be, have the least knowledge of their God/Creator and their religious books. If one knows their God, then they would not have commented adversely. Guys, turn to your Lord for your adverse comments. Please scroll through the pages of your own religious books and what the Lord has said about its creation. Gay sex is a perverted behavior found only in human beings and not in other animals. Man started questioning Gods wisdom and commands..I am sorry..

    Oh God forgive them for they dont know what they are talking about..I challenge all of you to show one religious books that allows and sanctifies gay relations...I know you cant..Then those who advocate for it, please come out of their religion, dont call urlself a hindu, muslim, christian, jew, sikh, buddhist, jain.. call yourself as perverted abnormal human being...Dont blame God for your mistakes. No one is born gay like no one is born an alcoholic or drug addict.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Dear bro, with utmost respect to your views, pl. note these tendencies develop due to multiple factors during the course of life although some might be having inherent tendency since birth!! Just for one minute keep aside the scriptures and just read only on "Electra" and "Oedipus" Complexes (it is just one stage in each and every human's sexual development)!!

    Your quoting from various holy scriptures is right, but why only apply scriptural diktats to only LGBT then, all other recommendations need to be followed strictly in letter and spirit, whether it is possible in the first place and whether any person born as human can satisfy these rules and regulations laid in scriptures?

    Fact of matter is LGBT is a fact and one cannot run away from the fact and criminalize those with this anomalous behavioral instinct!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Dear Brother Rudolf,

    If we dont criminalise it then its going to be patronised and promoted. Criminalisation of any activity only prevents it and doesnt promote it. If you encourage it, you are going against Gods ultimate will and surely His wrath is envitable.... A behavior which is abnormal needs correctional measures and treatment and only spirituality can treat this abnormal behaviour and God will surely show mercy to those who seek to correct themselves in His light... So lets criminalise it. Gay is curse on civilisation and in gay relations you cant have your progeny and its end of your lineage and end of the human race...think before you ink.

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    According to scriptures and accepted culture of all major religions, homosexuality is wrong, so the practice should be discouraged!
    But this is an abnormality of mind and body prevalent in people all over the Universe, some suppress it and some express!
    Homosexuality should be treated as a disability and affected person should be rehabilitated but shouldn't be treated as a criminal.
    But the person forcing on someone or seducer should be punished as rapist / Molester as deterrent action.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Naveen A, Bangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    This is a message to those who are ignorant about Gay and Lesbians or who do not support the notion of Gay and Lesbian relationship : JUST RESPECT THEM TO WHOM THEY ARE. We have no right to offend them. Keep your opinion to yourselves. One needs to travel the world or mingle with them to educate ourselves or broaden our horizon. It is only a matter of time that the Supreme Court in India will uphold their rights and current it cannot be done because of our Constitution. Hopefully, our politicians will wake up and support Gay and Lesbian relationship.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore / Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    I don't think it is appropriate to term homosexuality or lesbianism as a crime as long as there is no violence or violation of rights or infliction of any physical injury to the partners involved. It cannot be called a criminal offence if the act is consensual. But I accept according to the Scriptures it is a grave sin since it is an unnatural act and against the laws of God. Also it is inappropriate to shun or isolate people involved in such acts since it is a physical disorder which needs to be rectified with proper medical treatment and spiritual counselling. First and foremost the society should accept LGBTs as human beings and treat them with affection so as not to make them feel isolated or alienated.

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  • Eshanya, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    SC decision is simply based on emotions not practicality. Homos are also humans. It is wrong to see them as a 'black spot' to the society. Everyone has something good in them. They don't choose to be a gay or lesbian but they are born like that. Its not a disease. Our society looks at them as if they are some 'dirt'. Just open your eyes friends. See how the other countries treat their homo people. First we have to see whether WE are proper in respect of every matter before deciding on others issues. We are all living in a educated world.Be practical. There are lots of people who are homo and still made their country proud. Lets support them. Let they also be happy.

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  • William, Bantwal

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Good verdict by SC. May God protect our society from these evil minded people always. People who have no morality, fear of God, parents, teachers, elders are misled by their deeds or acts or lust for sex. They do not know what to do. It's a mental disorder which does not make them understand it is a shameful act. In old bible, we read Sodom & Gomorrah was destroyed by the anger of God for such dirty acts. The whole village was burnt by a rain of sulphur. May God give a chance to all these evil people to repent and live a good life, else pour down the sulphur on all these evil people whole over the world. Let God destroy this type of dirty people who are not repenting for this malice. We welcome the decision of SC. May God bless us always.

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  • siddapur abdul raheeman saheb, siddapur/karnatak/saudia

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    God Al Mighty created the World,he knows better than human being ,where as he made it un-lawful/prohibited the homosexuality.So,we should not go against the nature.Let the western culture follow but we Indian better refrain from amending the constitution.

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    Wed, Dec 11 2013


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  • Ranjan, Manglore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    you are right.... let them enjoy.

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    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Islam is clear in its prohibition of homosexual acts. Islamic scholars cite these reasons for condemning homosexuality, based on the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah:
    •It clashes with the "natural" order in which God created human beings
    •It brings destruction of the family and the institutions of marriage
    •It leads people to ignore God's guidance in other areas of life

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  • Santosh, Bangalore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    •Should we also criminalise people born with disabilities, as they clash with the "natural" order in which God created human beings
    •Family destruction is also caused by 1000s of other reasons, including multiple wives (I've seen this in real life)
    •People define their morals by the guidance they choose to follow, and only if it suits them. Most guidance is ignored (including the ones for tolerating God's creations).

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 11 2013


    Not simply bold, very bold to something publicly.

    Time up for me to leave the office.

    Rest tomorrow. Bye..

    DisAgree [6] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Richie, Goa

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Being born gay is a disorder, they need help and support from all quarters of society. However becoming gay for the sake of perversity is a ugly disease of the soul, and should not be tolerated. These perverts are hiding behind the banner of those few unfortunate ones for whom the genes played some cruel trick. General approval without any reservations to this gay movement is inviting trouble and destroying the very fabric of our society. If all the hens behaved like roosters I would not have eggs for my breakfast.!!

    DisAgree [12] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agnello, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    @Fernandes,Pedophiles hurt children and take advantage of immaturity.I am talking about two consenting adults.On a non consensual basis either way it is rape.
    Your animal equation confounds me.Sex with animals is animal abuse.Maybe bestiality should be equated to rape.

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  • R.Fernandes, Dubai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    You can seduce an animal, you can seduce a person below 18(whome i mentioned as child)also.
    Once you seduce and take consent from them and have sex, then will you consider it as consensual?? Will it be accepted???
    Immaturity can exist in adults also and we should bring them to track instead of misguiding.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Dear Flavian bro, your argument is going wayward deeper and murkier, that way there is no sense and no end to this debate if one goes on like this...hehe!!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Ashley & Agnello

    You guys are too bold. (may be not married)

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    What Bold?
    Guy seeing Guy
    Unable to Hold
    Rest better left Untold...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    God has spoken to the world in general and Indians in particular through the judges of Supreme court. Ultimate and absolute judgement with not scope of revision.. Gays must be banned in all private and public places..Gays are curse to the civilised society and only calls for the wrath of the Creator...

    DisAgree [23] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harish, Manglore/Shaktinagar

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    n some individuals, homosexual urge is natural and they cannot perform with the opposite sex. In this case we are spoiling their life by pressuring them to get married opposite sex and their life will fail.My suggestion is that, Govt has to issue them a gay card, following by a detailed medical report and allow two gay card holder to live together.Its just like a permit based on gays physical condition and gays will also feel secure and trust their partner.

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  • Ethan Avidhan Hans, Florida/ mangalore

    Fri, Dec 13 2013

    then all should have their rights too like Murderers, Rapists,Frauds,we then cannot blame anyone for the problem created by them , they can always say that we are born with these kind of inclination so give them a card too why should you only support Homos support all the other Mentally imbalanced people in this world!

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  • suvarna, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    I hope you are not talking about the God/Creator in whose name there are many people who are ready to blow up others. God as I understand is the creator who loves all his creations. Many years ago one man was thrown out of a train S. Africa just because his skin colour was dark, which was not his choice. Today we call him the father of the nation. Similarly, for gays it is not a choice. If given a choice nobody wants to be gay. It is a sexual orientation. Why don't we understand that. No one wants to be ridiculed by the so called advanced society like ours.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Sir, you snatched my words!! Kudos to your wisdom, forthrightness, and practical thinking leaving all those big religious, scripture talks in their place!! You rightly said nobody becomes LGBT by choice, but that God has made them that way!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agnello, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    @Shahnawaz, I consider the same God who created you and me as heterosexuals created some as homosexuals.By judging some of His creation as criminal we are challenging His infinite wisdom.

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  • sdza, Mlore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    To all the people who are quoting religion to curb someones right, i would like to say that, Being Homosexual doesnt make one less religious. I believe Homosexuals too practice religion. According to you people, they might have gone against the scripture. But do you think you people have never sinned?!! now i dont buy that!! That makes you no less than them in terms of not obeying the scriptures. If you are sinless please comment.
    According to me, SC decision was not a fair one.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Majority of the comments citing some examples of religious books is condemning the sexual preference of a few individuals which is beyond their control, nobody becomes LGBT by choice, their minds are made like that and such individual can be born in any family!! Being progressive is to bring to the fore that which is going on in hiding and recognizing the fact rather than further repressing and condemning it!!

    Like the way some have cited verses from a holy book which is nothing sort of hypocrisy!! Why ive citing of some specific verse which is favorable to their point of view? Then, they have to follow the entire book in letter and spirit, does even a single man have the capacity to do it? If not, then do not give ive quotations!!

    Those condemning are either acting innocent or naive to not know that LGBT is very widespread than what one would think and it cannot be suppressed!! So many individual lives and those of their families have and will be destroyed because of societal impositions when they are forced into something they are not programmed for!!

    One should have watched a particular episode in Satyameva Jayete on the subject and think with an open mind what it is and then decide!! Jai Hind!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agnello, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    I am a heterosexual. I do not have any problems with you being gay and I hope you have or will find a loving partner. All the best.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vipul, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Very good comment. Just because we do not like how other people express love , we do not have to condemn them. But the comments coming from educated (I hope) Daijiworld readers are shocking. Are you guys living in the 22nd century ? We wonder why so many young people end their lives. With so many ignorant people around what chance they have in the society. The British who passed this law against homosexuality have moved on. Why are we still stuck with our heads in the sand?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    we are human being...we want justice....i am gay

    DisAgree [16] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Agnello, Mangalore/Muscat

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    If two consenting same sex individuals love each other and wish to be a couple why should the majority of us consider them criminal?
    This is the mechanism with which a majority enforces its fascist will on a minority.Supreme court verdict aides an intolerant society and tramples on the basic fundamental human right of equality.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Fernandes, Dubai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Tomorrow somebody will ask to legalize sex with animals because they are born with that instinct.
    Tomorrow pedophiles will say legalize sex with children because they also exist as a sizable community.
    Will you support them also???

    DisAgree [12] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • george dsouza, mangalore, mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Supreme Court has taken a massive backward step from the human rights and human progressive point of view. More than the verdict I am baffled by the flurry of comments here which expresses scorn at a fellow human being for exhibiting a sexual tendency which is different from what you think should be right.Most progressive nations in the world including many states in US have come out of this medieval mindset and accorded equal rights to the LGBT community and accepted them as part of the society.Today in our country we have easily excepted crime like murder, rape, assaults as part of our system but we are ready to bare our claws at a fellow human being for having his sexual preference in private.

    We cite religious scriptures and inflict pain on others in the name of god, world is waking up and its time we come out of this cave mentality. Homosexuality is not a career choice one makes it comes out with certain neuro biological patterns displayed by the body, a LGBT can be born in any ones home. Do we say we should banish our own child tomorrow if he prefers partner from the same sex, how do you deal with the situation?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    With this verdict A.R.Kavi said 'We are back to Square one'...meaning
    where it started or square peg in round hole or round peg in round hole or what? Some 'Holey' affair

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Neil, Mangalore/Melbourne

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Gay sex has been around for centuries, and India had not borrowed it from other countries.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anilkumar, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Gay sex is a concept borrowed from other countries without any thinking. The human race has been living peacefully without gay sex for centuries. This blind idea of gay sex has excited the younger generation same way as drugs and other wrong habits. If you take the majority voting, I am sure, most of the people in India will not support this.
    Unfortunately the media have made the situation worse by openly supporting gay sex, just for their benefit and to make the TV channels exciting. Person like Aurnav Goswamy has no business to take one sided view. By ively picking up few supporters and by giving his personal views, he is trying to get an appreciation from public. Now the court has put such people in the right place.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Neil Macedo, Mangalore/Melbourne

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    India has taken a massive step backward and I am disappointed that it happened. It seems like the majority of people don't care about the rights of a minority.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alban D Souza , Udyavara Mumbai Doha Qatar

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Well Done SC. Respected Indian culture. Let the law of the nature only respected and prevail in our country and It is Gods way that Man & Women only..... God bless India and Indian people and culture with the law of GOD.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vipul , mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Supreme Court says gay/lesbian sex is illegal? Are we seriously independent? Is this called freedom? Are we free citizens? The court decides what we people should and should not do in our personal lives? That too in our private bedrooms? Wow. They indirectly d that loving someone in this country is a crime. Even if they are fully grown gay adults they are criminals if they are born or chose to be that way? This world is so -ed up I tell you. I am not even a gay and yet the news troubled me so much. Imagine what is going through the minds of gays/lesbians who's planning to lead a life together. They are being denied of their basic rights! And for the people who think this decision was right. Please, think again from their point of view.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vipul, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    After reading most of the comments here I am not surprised at this court decision. All of you have to realise that a homosexual can be born in any family. Your child may be a homosexual, so can be your parents. Wake up guys!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Yenna Englis Onthe Weak..
    Yenchinaa Judgement Ge?
    Gay Wrong'aa?...Bokaa Yenchinaa?
    Aana Aana -Ponnu Ponnu? Hesige!!
    Yedde Samsaara Malpuna Buddhu?
    But also 2.5 million of same same crying no? What to do?? What will they now do??

    DisAgree [4] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Truth First, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Jaimini, i understood your comment.

    All i meant is you cannot disregard gays coz one bunch of gays gangraped someone. Rape etc is not related to one's sexual orientation. Rape is an offence and can be committed by a gay or a person who is straight.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mukesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Good Job Supreme Court.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shammi, Karnataka

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Right decision by SC.Homosexuality leads to HIV.Majority case has been proved.Its a misconception that it will reduce population.Just watch surrogacy India documentary ,you ll come to know ,the highest approach towards hiring the surrogates are these homosexuals.Ultimately nobody has the right to go against nature and the dominion's law.Those who do let them face his wrath.
    A relation between male and female is so beautiful just like Adam and Eve(pbut),shahjahan-mumtaaz,romeo-juliet,Ram-sita.Then why take abnormal risks in life.Life is short ,enjoy it without going against life's funda

    DisAgree [14] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    @ Shammi Karnataka: I have to correct you then and there: the commonest mode of transmission of HIV disease in India is by Heterosexual contact, not homosexual activity.

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  • Dinesh Poojary, Kundapura/Bengaluru

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    SC knows indian culture.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ali, Ullal

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Homosexuality is against the rule of nature.Today Uruguay legalized use of marijuana.if we allow these gay rights activists to succeed then one day they will ask for marijuana rights.
    God bless India

    DisAgree [6] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ethan Avidhan Hans, Florida/ mangalore

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    Ali, Ullal, Marijuana has Medicinal properties and there is no recorded death by using it,unlike tobacco it is much safer than Tobacco(Cancer), Alcohol(hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis) or Homos( HIV)! so guess what Marijuana wins hands down these round buddy!

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Homo sexuality v/s population control.... what a cheap/mean thinking.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Let 'Band in Hand' works like 'Mangalsutra' and lives happily.

    kaahe ko bulaaya mujhe
    balma pyaar mein naam se
    pyaar ke naam se...

    irene ne yahi
    poochha tha ek din
    rooth kar naaz se
    rooth kar naaz se....

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Most people are commenting on what their individual perception is and emotionally blaming the SC. The court has shown extraordinary restraint and has correctly restrained itself from the realm of law making, which is the exclusive domain of the parliament in the constitutional scheme of things in India. The Q before the court was whether the government had the power to enact such a law ? The answer is of course "Yes" which the top court has reaffirmed. If tomorrow someone approaches the court to legalize bestiality or child sex, then a similar reaction based on individual perception and sense of morality will come up, but in that case everyone would agree that it is wrong isn't it? This issue before the courts is not one of human right, but the one where in we asked whether the government has the power to regulate sexual behavior, the answer however you may disagree is a resounding Yes. Work with parliament now.. therein lies your remedy... Media has to be balanced here...

    DisAgree [5] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Henry, we are failing in differentiating between criminality & humanity,human rights..we are hardcore religious believer who are fed from birth..we should have the courage & sense to differentiate between Gays like Karan johar,mafatlal,Elton john and straight people like SC judge Ganguly, TeHALKA Tejpal..who are dangerous to the society Karan johar or Tejpal??

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • vivek, hirebile / abu dhabi

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    lets not become modern in these matters, over freedom in such matters spoil our culture, even exposing of human's body must be d as offence,
    if such people urge is so strong they will break the law, it means they will do it hiding, not open, of course we do lot of things hidden by our children, just considering their future.....

    DisAgree [2] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    God has spoken to the world in general and Indians in particular through the judges of the Supreme court. Ultimate and absolute judgement with not scope of revision.. Gays must be banned in all private and public places..Gays are curse to the civilised society and only calls for the wrath of the Creator...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • AP, Mlore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    These are facts placed in front of you you cannot deny the same...try commenting !

    DisAgree [3] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shashi Shetty, Santhoor/ Manipal

    Fri, Dec 13 2013

    Now don't bring god here...if Govt. Overrules the supreme court order by the means of amending the law do you mean the god's command is overruled. let these guys live as they want? I am sure they may never indulge in any sexual activity in public and why should we bother what they do behind closed door? Moreover, the Gay relation is more about the emotional relation than sexual I think.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • AP., Mlore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013


    DisAgree [12] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • PEACE LOVER, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Very good judgement. We should not blindly follow the west and destroy the social fabric. If gay sex is made legal then many young boys and girls will be forced into sex, by the sex hungry world. Let us be vigilant and stop this!!!!!

    DisAgree [20] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • A.P., Mlore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    People who disagree surely need treatment.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Extra ordinary thinking you keep it up.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • sek, banglore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    i replied to Mr. Akil, Mangalore, commented

    DisAgree [1] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    It is a very nice decision by SC. It is not necessary that we will do the same as western countries are doing. Homosexuality is a disease, as it defies the law of nature. Many self proclaimed liberals and intellectuals have long been in the effort of destroying our society. But SC took a good decision and saved our society from degradation.

    DisAgree [13] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    ..then why whole world cries about freedom,human rights so on..how it can be ive..when people are fighting for Animal rights, Gays & lesbians are humans, why then partiality..better status quo rather than punitive laws which will open a pandora box..You just cant quote books,adam & eve, some religions..Once Budhism/Janism ruled almost all asia, where is it now..You should think beyond religious perspective..so many countries western countries predominantly christian countries legalised same sex marriages, even present pope called for relook on this issue..

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ethan Avidhan Hans, Florida\ Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    God Created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, why do not they consider even Homo sexuality as a Diseases like Autism , dyslexia etc. we treat these kind of diseases, It does not mean we hate them, but these conditions should be treated like any other disease do not give much attention to what the western or now even Eastern Media propagates, do we need to follow whatever is "IN Fashion"! what is in today will be out tomorrow natural laws of the nature too. they (Gays) already destroyed a lively word now no will be able to say "we are happy and gay" unless you are a Homo!!If the India laws do not amend the IPC 498A and not be gender biased , we will witness more Gays around also more hate crimes (e.g. Rapes, Murders etc. )to be safe please amend IPC 498a and be gender neutral.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Akil, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Homosexuality is good for india to reduce population....

    DisAgree [49] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • RAJESH S, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    I appreciate the judgement considering the growing Gay culture! Being Gay is CRIMINAL and unnatural! go to some other country if you want to enjoy gay sex. Let India only for Straight people! God bless India!

    DisAgree [11] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Sat, Dec 14 2013

    @Rajesh Mangalore,its not gay or lesbians are criminals or dangerous but so called normal educated People are more dangerous.These gay are working and living like you and me not bothered about other peoples sex life,but live their own sex life without disturbing others.why we should make such a Drama about them?of course we cant Change them either by medicine or preaching them.so let them live their life.would you Change your life if someone says live as a gay ?never.we Need not give lectures now on bible,koran,or Gita.

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    With utmost respect to the apex court's decision,
    LGBTs have been in existence since times immemorial and it is just that their brains are wired in a different way, it is not their fault, nature has made them like that!!

    There are a lot of such people spread across the entire spectrum even in our country!! One has to just go through the QA section of some leading newspapers to see how deep the problem is!! There are so many cases of people from highly educated and respectable families who suffer from this anomaly of getting attracted to the same sex being forced into marriage by the parents, and such marriages are sure to end in disaster not only for two individuals but extended to the families too?? High time this subject should be brought more out of the closet in the open, debated, and due consideration given to them!! Some would be surprised that now many top MNCs have a third option in their application forms with regard to sex and they openly accept employees from these groups also!! Even the Pope said in a recent interview "Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday."~source WWW~

    LGB has also been observed in animals with Close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, have been observed engaging in such behavior and this is well documented for 500 of them.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Fernandes, Dubai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    They say that it is sexual orientation but I say it is a mental disorder.
    If it is sexual orientation then why it is only with human beings???
    Why we cannot see it with animals??
    Reason is we have more intelligence than animals and some of us try to use it in different unusual directions.
    If you support this today,there will another group tomorrow defending sexual orientation with animals and it will go on and on.
    Hence let us not glorify such things and go against the will of GOD.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Sir, do your research before commention, LG relationships LGB has also been observed in animals with Close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, have been observed engaging in such behavior and this is well documented for 500 of them!! It is not advisable to hide facts!!!

    DisAgree [13] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Fernandes, Dubai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Dear Freind,
    I have not done any research as you did but i learned observing my surroundings.
    So far I have not seen any homosexual Dog or Cat or Cow.
    Thats all i want to say.
    If something is wrong then we should say it as wrong only. Arguments cannot make wrong things right.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Sir you are not d at all, kindly shed your ostrich attitude, naivety, and come to ground reality on LGBT which so far was suppressed and repressed, it is REAL and a good percentage across the spectrum irrespective of nationality, caste, creed, sex, economic/educations status is afflicted with this anomaly whether you like it or not and we have to accept it and find a solution for it!!! Wake up!!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • Dev, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Yes, animal behavior is instinctive, but human beings are not always that way.
    We can differentiate between what is right & wrong, we have a perception of guilt.
    The court has put the ball in the court of the Legislature.
    Let them decriminalize(freedom of choice in privacy) but not legalize as its against nature.
    If it is legalized they can have kids through surrogacy & the future generation out of it might be oriented towards crime & drugs like in West.
    Only True Families bring up the kids the right way with their own example, unlike this mis-mash!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harish, Manglore/shaktinagar

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    In some individuals, homosexual urge is natural and they cannot perform with the opposite sex. In this case we are spoiling their life by pressuring them to get married opposite sex and their life will fail.My suggestion is that, Govt has to issue them a gay card, following by a detailed medical report and allow two gay card holder to live together.Its just like a permit based on gays physical condition and gays will also feel secure and trust their partner

    DisAgree [4] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    The good God given gift to humans is that he created man & woman.

    Humans sometimes overtake the blessings to live worse than animals.

    What will be their answer to God on the final judgment day ?

    DisAgree [14] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    The same God has created them, and to have unfortunately acquired this "anomalous behavior" is not their fault, it is a complex problem but it is a fact and cannot be repressed for it will flourish behind the closets and will also ruin many lives and families if not acknowledged and accepted (after trying all helping methods to change like psychological/psychiatric/spiritual etc.!!!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bryan, Bahrain

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Hello Everyone, God made Adam and Eve, and not Adam and Steve...

    DisAgree [11] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mark, Udyavara

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    It is by choice by people and not god. If god wanted it NOT TO BE, we would not have had this as an issue.

    Don't tell me that gay & lesbian culture does not prevail in our soil. We love to do things in the HIDINGS.

    Going by, Indian's will follows the evolution theory closely. What's west today, INDIA will embrace it after 100's of years, esp. when we reckon the status as "developed".

    A fast-track acceptance to this issue in India is only when a famous personality in the country like a famous star or a politician or a bureaucrat or a Judge is one such person.

    I don't think I can discriminate these among us because of what they are! Just imagine someone in your family ...one of them!

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fredrick Correa, Pernal/Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    I do not understand why the court took such a long time, when the section 377 of IPC was so clear.
    For Christians especially who profess their faith strictly as per the Bible, will do well to refer to Leviticus 20: 13 and Leviticus 18 : 22 and Romans 1 : 26 -28. Having said that, we should not condemn these people. We have no right to condemn anyone. God is the judge. I am not an expert on this illness. May be they need the help of counselors or psychiatrists.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Luckily the greatest celebrities like Martina Navratilova, Elton John,Lindsay Lohan,Niel Patrick are not Indians..!!

    Last month,one male Engineering student from Hassan (Karnataka) filed a complaint,saying that he was raped,gang raped ! On hearing his gang rape story,police Inspector almost fell off his chair..After thorough investigation,he arrested some and shocked to know from them that there are nearly 2000 gays in Hassan !! These stupid people gifted HIV to him !!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Truth First, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Jaimini - while i appreciate your comment, please do not link rapes to homosexuality. There are thousands of rape attempted by people who are straight. does it mean we ban sex between different gender just coz rape happens?

    what happens between closed door , between 2 individuals who prefer to be that way should not be someone elses problem.
    We are god fearing people, but let God decide on these people.

    This is like Moral Policing according to me!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jaimini P.B., Manipal,Sharjah

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Truth...You didn't understand my comment properly. Gang raped person was not a girl,but male and even Police Inspector didn't aware that there were GAY mafia in Hassan till student complained to him.I wanted to inform everyone that small cities like Hassan having big gay group and what about their strength in whole India..?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Wonderful decision from the Supreme Court and I am enormously joyful and happy.
    May God bless all our judges in their judgements.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [39] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jesse, mangalore. Ireland

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Last year I had been to Mexico for a couples retreat. There I saw men and men women and women . I asked one of my friends why these boys and girls sit together with the same gender? Oh my god she replied me they are married and live like husband and wife. Look gods anger will pour out in these countries . God distorted sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexual. One day a priest from Kerala preaching against homosexuality in Canada. The priest was arrested it seems.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • R.Bhandarkar, M'lore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Jesse M'am..
    Very good narration. I am a big fan of yours. However would like to ask you one Q: Does God Resort to distort? Y? Nothing else to do-Yeah? Surely must be a Myth...
    Sodom and all that!As it is he has difficulty convincing people of his existence and you directly confirm his 'distorting'!Oh! God!
    Jesse M'am...When did you go to Ireland? There Men Men ..or what?
    That's why there is no rape and all in Western Countries! All 'suspense breakers' work in our country only!

    DisAgree Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Max Sequeira, M'lore/Bahrain

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    I am for one is very happy of this verdict from Supreme Court. The majority in India feels that Gayism is a curse and it is man made. it cannot be natural. even the animals don't behave the way some of these sick minds behave. this is a cultivated habit among some crazy individuals and is far away from natural instinct. this is one of the evils in the society that all groups whether they are religious or non religious must oppose with one voice.we donot want another sodom and gomarraha only because of some derailed minds spoil the very essence of decent existence of humans.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • Tek Verma Raja, Mangalapuram / Guruvaur

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Brilliant Verdict ....Acts of Lesbians / Gays / Bisexual are basically against the laws of nature - Male / Female bodies (specifically the sex related parts of the anatomy) were designed by God for a purpose. Re Transgenders - I feel it is a design flaw and nothing much can be done. Sexual preferences can be argued as "one's own prerogative" - so let it be consigned to the privacy of the respective individuals.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Humans have gone worse than animals in respecting order of the nature. Disgusting life while living.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • For Justice, Abu Dhabi / Ubar

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Nothing surprising.Its the verdict of GOD too.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [54] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rupesh, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    God created man woman. gay sex is something related to psychological disorder.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • Victor Tauro Permude, Bangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Being or not a gay is private life and the nature of men and women. This judgement lacks proper understanding of human nature. It is a private matter and the state cannot decide its legality as long as it doesn't interfere in 3rd party lives. Religious groups bound to oppose anything that affects their position, bread and butter. Finally India equates private life to rape in terms of the quantum of punishment.

    DisAgree [53] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jennet Prescilla, Mangalore Muscat

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Mr. Victor Permude, Your name suggests that you are basically a Christian and if you are truly so, you should be fully aware of the Bible. God created them Man and Woman and blessed their union to procreate. Any other union i.e. lesbianism is a mortal sin against God. It is opposed not by any religious group but by human nature. It is a psychological perversion that people need to take counseling and guidance and not indulge in homosexual union which will not only hurts their moral nature but also hurts the society as a whole.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    ..Hard to agree..why can't society let them live their way..How they can be harmfull to society,where as we hear daily rape news from normal guys!! Its unnatural because majority of people thinks so..you just can't quote from Holybook..there are so many species which doesnt have any gender, it only changes biologically during reproduction period.so many religions born & died..Human evolved from nomads..we started create Good,Bad,ethic,morale as per our convenient based on our religious belief..for your record Atheism is the fast growing religion all over the world..

    DisAgree [12] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • juliet mascarenhas, bejai mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Ramesh S.,
    If people are allowed to live in their own way what is the necessity of a society. Those who disobey natures law can go back to the forest as nomads.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [18] Report Abuse

  • Victor Tauro Permude, Bangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Dear Jennet,

    Bible taught me to love people without deciding homosexuality is good or bad. The bible has asked me to love people as they are and this prompted my clear comment on SC judgement.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jennet Prescilla, Mangalore Muscat

    Thu, Dec 12 2013

    I do agree that Bible taught us to love one another. Christ too taught love one another as I have loved you. Well love the person who is a Gay and help that person to overcome his / her shortcoming and grow in the society. I am not against giving them a place in the society as they too are children of God and have equal standing and rights like other heterosexual people. The only thing that I or the society as large opposes is their homosexual union i.e. homosexual marriage or indulgence in homosexuality. God please help these hapless people who are facing a life with so much trauma as well as give some sense to those who do not understand the implications of this gross social evil.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Report Abuse

  • Truth First, Mangalore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    and rape is not considered as a gruesome offence!!!
    This happens only in India...

    Feel sad to millions of people who protested!!! If it doesn't harm anyone then why so much fuss!!!

    DisAgree [28] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Fernandes, Dubai/Manglore

    Wed, Dec 11 2013

    Let The Ways of Almighty Creator Prevail in our Country...MAN & WOMEN only...God Bless INDIA for standing along the Principles of GOD

    DisAgree [15] Agree [77] Reply Report Abuse

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