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Chennai, May 20: Increasing the number of seats in higher education institutions as a bargain for hiking OBC quota in higher education institutions would adversly affect the quality of education, NASSCOM President Kiran Karnik has said.

Echoing the sentiments expressed by top industrialists on increasing the number of reserved category seats in higher education institutes in the country, Karnik said the industry was not in favour of job reservation in the private sector and quotas for OBCs in higher educational institutes.

Karnik,who was here on Thursday to inaugurate Thinksoft's new facility here, said increasing the number of seats in the institutions would not serve any purpose as the class size would be "too huge".

"It would not be conducive for inter-personal contacts between faculty and students," he said adding that the faculty would not be able to pay proper attention to the students.

"While economic inequality and social discrimination are important issues that need to be addressed, policies like reservation and quotas have not worked in the past," he said.

Better education system and implementation of laws against dicrimination are the only soolution to the problem, he said.


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