Ordination held at St Joseph Church, Mira Road

Media Release
Mira Road, Feb 28:
The Carmelite family and St Joseph Church, Mira Road on the auspicious day of February 27 witnessed community member, a Carmelite, Deacon Nitesh Rodrigues who was raised to the Order of Priesthood by his Fr John Rodrigues, the Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay.

The bishop in his homily highlighted the duties and responsibilities of the priest and invited the faithful to pray for priests and also to pray for vocations in the vineyard of the Lord.

About 40 priests concelebrated at the Eucharist and a good number of faithful took part in the Liturgy with devotion. Fr Ivan D’souza animated the Liturgy. After the sacred liturgy and the Eucharist a short programme was organized in order to felicitate the newly ordained.

The Parish Priest Fr Dominic Vas, congratulated the new priest on behalf of the Parish and Fr Archibald Gonsalves, provincial superior felicitated Fr Nitesh in the name of Karnataka Goa Province.

Finally Fr Nitesh, new priest proposed the vote of thanks to  all those who helped to make this day a memorable one.


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