News headlines

Agency report
Mumbai, Jun 26: Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty is not only hurt over the obscenity case filed against her by an advocate in Madurai, but is also feeling ''victimised'' by it, said the actress's spokesperson and publicist Dale Bhagwagar.

The actress chose not to be present at the press conference as the matter was subjudice. Bhagwagar remarked that in the first place, a case should not have been filed on Shilpa, as she has not taken part in any photo-shoot for the picture in question, neither has she given anyone permission to use such a picture, taken by pausing a sequence from the film.

The photograph, published by a Tamil eveninger called Tamil Murasu, is actually a freeze-frame shot from her superhit Kannada film 'Auto Shankar' released last year, which was not only censored, but also approved for universal viewing.

''How can you hold an actor responsible for something which has been passed by the censors,'' Bhagwagar asked, and added, ''If someone does not agree with what they have passed, it should be taken up with the Censor Board, rather that targeting the actor in person.'' Though Shilpa feels that the case is misdirected at her, her legal team has begun work on it and is confident of a positive outcome.

The spokesperson reiterated that Shilpa Shetty has not received any summons, as reported in the media. He also clarified that on verifying the matter with the Magistrate Court in Madurai , Shilpa's lawyers found out that the warrant issued is a bailable one, and not a non-bailable warrant.

The actress is currently shooting for Anil Sharma's 'Apne' in Bangkok . ''She wants to request the media to thoroughly investigate and verify facts before splashing them in news,'' said the spokesperson. 


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