Mumbai Metro opens for public, row erupts over ticket prices

Mumbai, Jun 8 (Agencies) : India’s busiest metro will finally have a functioning metro rail service — even though its launch may be marred by political mudslinging. At 1 pm today, the 11.04-km Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar (VAG) metro rail corridor will be thrown open to the public and for the next 30 days, commuters will be able to travel the entire distance by paying just R10 — a month-long promotional rate floated by the metro rail authorities.

The state government however, is not happy. Speaking to the media on Saturday Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan said, 
“The metro line should be opened only if the ticket rates are as per the original agreement. The Government of Maharashtra has already filed a petition on this issue in the High Court.” Later in the evening an MMRDA spokesperson confirmed that the CM would flag off the inaugural train at 10.40 am from Ghatkopar metro station.
Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar metro 

However, an invitation sent by the MMOPL stated that the inauguration would take place at 9.30 am at Versova metro station — adding to the confusion. Earlier speaking to the media, MMOPL CEO Abhay Mishra said the inauguration will go ahead as planned. “The beginning of the commercial operation of Mumbai Metro is a historical moment for the city. These services will change the way Mumbaikars commute,” Mishra said.

The trains will be operational from 5.30 am till midnight. There will be a train every four minutes during peak hours and every eight minutes during non-peak hours.


The MMRDA and state government want ticket rates to be between Rs 9 and Rs 13 but the Union government has allowed Reliance Infrastructure-promoted Mumbai Metro to decide its own fare structure. This will allow R-Infra to fix the fares at higher rate than the one notified by the state government. “It was mentioned in the agreement that metro rail fares should be 1.5 times higher than BEST bus fares. We have stuck to the agreement,” said Debashish Mohanty, director MMOPL.

Logo logic

The Metro railway logo has caused another last minute controversy. Initially the logo of ‘Reliance Metro’ was displayed on all coaches and at stations. But following opposition from several quarters, the logo was changed to ‘Mumbai Metro’ with the names of Reliance and MMRDA written alongside it. The plastic tickets/cards to be issued to commuters, however have the ‘Reliance Metro’ logo once again.

The trains

16 trains of 4 coaches ready to run
Each coach can accommodate 375 passengers
Total capacity of each train: 1500
Seats in each coach: 48
Average speed: 33kmph


Doors: 8 bi-parting doors per coach
Easy entrance for wheel chairs
Double glazed laminated windows to keep out noise
Anti-skid floors
Dedicate wheel chair space in coaches
Grab poles for standing passengers
AC, humidity control in coaches
LCD TVs for in-coach entertainment

Safety and features

Total stations: 12
700 CCTV cameras
Baggage screening machines at stations
Fire alarm systems
Fire-safe metal doors
Elevators at stations
Minimum two sets of escalators at each station
Automated gates to enter platform with ticket

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Comment on this article

  • Mohammed, Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 09 2014

    See the trains are now very neat and tidy, which will remain only for short time after that this also will became Shivsena

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  • Arun Kumar, Udupi

    Mon, Jun 09 2014

    If all the credits go to former central government and present state government, then why can't they fix the ticket price. Why reliance infra fixing ticket price? Last congi government looted country completely, so they don't have fund to for metro. Dongi congi government privatized metro like out national highway.

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  • Well Wisher from India !!!, Mumbai/Neeruda/Kuwait

    Mon, Jun 09 2014

    Congrats Maji Mumbai, zara hutki zara bachki, ya hai mumbai mere jana.
    GOD bless, Mere Desi kai waseee.

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  • readerwriter007, pune

    Mon, Jun 09 2014

    world is talking about bullet trains, express high ways and we are proudly announcing Metro is started. Small countries like Malaysia , Singapore and all are used to these kind of facilities for years now and they are talking about advanced projects. We here discuss about road widening, 2 /3 kms stretch fly overs , which projects take 8/9 years to complete. We don't have basic necessities like some one high lighted like no enough public toilets, power shortage and power cuts daily... people shit on tracks, at beaches... some times we feel ashamed. when ever such projects are done we announce as if some world class project is uted. Nobody talks about when it was supposed to be completed and how many years delay, what's the cost impacted because of this delay... nobody. we need some one to think beyond and quite advanced. Our govt is fighting with public for a coal based power plant where as common man is also thinking why not nuclear power plant or solar plants... etc. Pity on ourselves as we have leaders who are busy looting the country and assets. Now only some hope emerged when this new energetic govt came in to existence. hope country will get to see some drastic changes.

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  • rajesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Mr. Rudolf
    This is my observation Mumbai is the second dirtiest city in India after Kolkata agree it or not, just take round from Churchgate to Virar and VT to Thane not mentioning of Harbor line !, you will see what dirty city Mumbai is ! I have seen people using Umbrella to cover up themselves while attending nature’s call on railway tracks at many places. Drivers are having no manners honking beyond requirement and recent survey says Mumbai is the most noise polluted city in the world. You know why all these? Because it took good 60 years to open our eyes and as of date things are gone out of control only we are trying to stich the old trouser!

    In March I was inside so called swanky Mumbai terminal II, and could see mega size killer mosquitoes and all janitors inside had mosquito chasers in their hand, funny and amusing seen! reason why ? In front of Terminal II, stinking open drainage is flowing! They made such a swanky terminal and forgot to cover the drainage! I think it may take another 60 years to close the open drainage

    Cleanliness is the basic thing which is the need of hour for Mumbai and not some top countries or companies lining up, they are lining up for their benefit! Now who has to blame for all the above? Both Govts/Administrators and common public.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai/Mangalore

    Mon, Jun 09 2014

    I do not agree with your views on Mumbai as I was born and brought up in Mumbai and for decades used the public transport!! The situation now has improved a hundred foldthan what it was 3 decades ago both on the infrastructure and other fronts!!

    You are right, there are dirty places too and that you can find in any city of India, even in DK for that matter!! As said earlier the sheer no. of people cramped in one single sq. km. is the highest in the world with all sorts of people from every nook and corner of the country and world, but still to maintain a certain level of standard is a great thing by itself!!

    The present metro is an engg. marvel where they had the time to construct only during six hours every night and to achieve such a big feat without any major accident is really a big achievement which we all should be proud of. Read the interviews of ppl. who traveled yesterday, some businessmen have decided to shun their cars and take the Metro to reach their places of work fast, safe, and comfortable, also saving on money!!

    Regarding T2 that too is a great achievement, and the problems you have cited are just small teething problems which are expected from any project of its massive scale and size, they will be sorted out soon!! How can one expect everything to be perfect just on the start of such a huge project with very tough and unique challenges!!

    There is no doubt the face of Mumbai is changing!! Top people like the CEO of Citigroup, CEO of Deutsche Bank, the Adanis, top brass of Asian Paints, N Kampani head honcho of JM Financial, Harsh Mariwala, per recent news reports, have booked huge duplex flats in BKC, can we know why if it is so bad a city???

    Every city has a underbelly which normally nobody explores, and just get fascinated by the superficial jigmig!!

    As usual take the comments in the right spirit!! Jai Hind!!

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Countries ruled by British such as USA, Australia, Trinidad & Tobago, New Zealand etc. Except India, all are all developed due to their infrastructure development such as Railways, Ports, electricity, Water pipe lines, Post & Telegraph, Education etc. by British.
    Of course they have looted also like some of our businessmen & politicians do.

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  • Rudolf, Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Agree about all the problems cited by you!! But Mumbai, without any doubt, is a unique city in India and the world!! After years we are seeing major world class projects getting completed and that itself is a very good thing for a start, and should be happy and appreciate it rather than discouraging, cribbing, crying and complaining and living in the past!! Without taking the first step how can one achieve a goal and these are the small steps giving hope and motivation to the common people of this great country!!!

    Just see after the single party win recently how much of interest been generated by the top countries and cos. eager to come to India!! Billions of dollars are getting pumped every week into the stock markets. Stocks have min. trebled over the last 3 months, all indicators of the change that is expected!! This country with a population of 125 crores and the biggest no. of youngest population has infinite potential to become a super power if radical changes in administration and statesmanship are made!!

    Any city is not comparable to Mumbai due to the highest population density per sq. mtr. but still works with clock work precision and people from all corners of India and abroad live in peace and harmony!! It is city where dreams are made is true!! With the economy opening up all are longing to have place in Mumbai!!

    Kindly take this comment in the right spirit Rajesh bro!!

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  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Rudolf, You are right.
    Mumbai is a land of opportunity to almost everybody to the poorest of poor and to the richest of the rich.
    It is all in one, unique and self contained city.
    Business, it happens quite naturally, without any serious effort.
    There is real unity in diversity.
    There are most civilized people and most notorious also, even then there is harmony. Hardly there are any problems, even if there are, generally resolved soon and the life is back to normal.
    Really Mumbai is blessed city.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014



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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Mr. Rudolf - Mumbai
    You are no better than our politician giving like excuses, do not get offended Mumbai will be a $#!t whole and remains so if we are not ready to accept the fact that cleanliness is our least priority. When we talk about pothole roads excuses are given to rains, there are countries like Singapore / Malaysia where it rains more than India and still they have world class roads. Why we cannot consult them and get the technology they use for road constructions? Who has stopped THE GOVT’S!
    Look at Indian Railways, they do not have sewage waste tanks like what we see in western countries, all human waste is spilled over tracks !, do Indian Railway ministry or authority need another 150 years to open their eyes and fit sewage tanks in railways ?
    Look at how we Indians give importance to cleanliness! everywhere in public we spit, pe# and $#!t and call it dam what a population ! Cannot be controlled all these! These are few, if I had to list then it will run into pages !!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • NCM PRABHU, Kirem/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Whoever said London Metro 150 yrs pls understand it was built on the empty stomachs and dead bodies of we Indians. UK was a looter, stealer and beggar state,its entire economy ran on Indian money and Indian blood,

    DisAgree [19] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashoka Pinto, MOODBIDRI/NEW YORK

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Relaince ka aache din aa gaye....abi Adani ko ane ka baki ye...!

    DisAgree Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • nelson mascarenhas, mangalore/mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    good news for mumbaikars.great dream success after long time.

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  • Richard A D'Souza, Dubai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    I wish & Hope this Metro will remain clean & neat. You know Bombay Manus wht they are doing as like their habit they will spit their Pan & Tambaku just corner of the Train. Please I request all Maharastrians & all commuters please dont make the Metro dirty.....please for God sake if any British or any arab from Dubai by mistake travel on this Metro.....Lord Jesus...!!!! he & his countrymen & his entire Generation never ever travel in our Great Metro.......So my countrymen please explain to anybody who is about to spit inside the Metro....explain him or her in a nice way....why r u ruined your own house???????

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Louis Fernandes, Belthanmgady

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    London Metro is all set to celebrate its 150th anniversary next month. Mumbai - the economic hub of India, the super power (only in media) is 150 years behind. As per UNICEF survey 40% mumbaikars quality of life is just little better than a cattle. In fact it is worst if the continuous rain exceeds 4 days.

    DisAgree [18] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Louis bro, you are right, but at least do not demean a "great achievement", may be just for a start!! Do you know the population density of Mumbai, maybe the highest in the world, and it is no way comparable to your London!!

    Forget Mumbai, if it rains 4 days nonstop anywhere that place will come on its knees!!

    If India is no a "super market" if not a big power why are all TDH cos. right from pharma, fast food, automobiles, and you name it they are rushing to set shop here!!

    Each one of these mega projects provides immense convenience to the huge population of Mumbai and adds elegance and increases attraction for outsiders!!

    Next time just visit the new business hub of Bandra Kurla Complex and see the tremendous development there, and the MNCs that have set up shop there!! Jai Hind!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Indian, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Relaince ka aache din aa gaye....

    DisAgree [3] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Another gift to Mumbaikars after the recent monorail, Eastern Freeway, New Terminal Building, WE Highway Terminal Building flyover, Santacruz Chembur Link Road, all engg. marvels considering how they managed to build such heavy structures in a city bursting to its seams!! Next immediate big project to start is Colaba-Bandra-Seepz underground rail!!

    No doubt Mumbai is the most sought after city in India with each and every big business house from across the world wanting to set up representative offices there, truly the financial capital!! No doubt the best place for investments!! Jai Hind!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anil Rodriguez, Hanglur / Dubai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    I hope this will ease the traffic woes of Andheri Kurla Road to some extent

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Irfan, Mangalore/Jeddah

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Cleanliness is next to godliness.
    Hope it Will be Maintained in Mumbai Metro Too like Bangalore Metro.
    Hope Soon Metro Train will be Launched in our Mangalore City Too.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Metro run only in Congress ruled states and Bullock carts in BJP ruled states. This is not FARE...

    DisAgree [12] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul Shenoy, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    A bullet train between Mangalore and Goa , Mangalore and Bangalore ?

    DisAgree [11] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Eric Coelho, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Why do we need to travel by Metro. Travel by Bus,Rick or Taxi. If the Government has given Reliance a free order to charge as they like then the people of mumbai can dump this project by not using this. Metro is for public service and not to make huge profits. So the people have to decide if you are using pay high fare and if not, then the metro project will be a liability.

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  • Vasudev Bhat, Rayee/Roma

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    One more feather added to Modi sarkar within one month Union Govt. started Mumbai Metro, Kundukolum Nuclear electricity production....great....Acche din ane wale hai Reliance ko

    DisAgree [62] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Joker of the century !!!!!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    So nice, finally! That too before onset of monsoon.
    Many Mumbaikars are spared from traffic woes and long hours spent on traveling the time can be spent now with their families or on work.
    Hats off to all those worked for the project, including those workers who risked their lives to make the project successful for our convenience. God bless all.

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  • prem, moodbidri

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Readers note... please do not misunderstand Mumbai metro with FEKU bullet train.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunshine, Melbourne, Australia

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Well said lily grace, good thought and cleanliness is most required thing , but the problem is this is India !!!!!!!!

    DisAgree [5] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Mumbai created history again! This is great achievement. Someone should take initiative to start MANGALORE METRO! Good alternative for commuters who get bored with “right-poyi”

    DisAgree Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nithin Poojary, Mangalore

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Let us blame Congress for not doing anything

    DisAgree [29] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Thomas, Mumbai / Muscat

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    @Nithin Poojary,Mangalore. Without knowing the fact why are you jumping to a conclusion. For your information and to (upgrade) your knowledge, it is the project of Congress government only which is implemented successfully and is a great gift to Mumbaikars. Inculcate the habit of praising someone or their contribution. Don't bring your dirty politics here. The whole credit must go to Maharashtra Government and Former Central Cogress Government and no one can deny this. We citizens hope and expect the same development and contribution from the current Central Government and let us all praise them if they do.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lily Grace, Mumbai/Dubai

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    Well done Maharashtra Govt. As a citizen, one request, please do not allow passengers to eat and smoke in the Metro. Cleanliness is very very important. Fine the passengers who eats and smoke and use the amounts for better services to the passengers.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [49] Reply Report Abuse

  • ad, mangloor

    Sun, Jun 08 2014

    long overdue. will be good to mumbai commuters. cleanliness is the key. overcrowding perhaps controlled as doors automate shut off.

    DisAgree Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

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