Pravin Togadia slams Mulayam, asks him to bring 'anti-conversion' law

Mumbai, Dec 14 (PTI): Senior VHP leader Pravin Togadia today criticised Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav for his statement that religious conversions were not right and should be stopped.

"(SP chief) Mulayam Singh says that conversion is not right and it (should) stop. Do you really think conversion is wrong? If yes then why did you not work towards bringing a law against conversion in Parliament?" he said.

Faced with the opposition ire over re-conversion drive launched by some right-wing outfits, the ruling BJP had made a case for bringing an anti-conversion law at Centre and in all state.

"Let there be anti-conversion laws in all states. Let there be anti-conversion law at the Centre also," Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu had said in Lok Sabha.

Addressing a 'Hindu Sammelan' here to mark the golden jubilee year of VHP, Togadia, the international president of the outfit, said construction of Lord Ram's temple in Ayodhya was linked to the "honour" of Hindu community.

"Unless a temple is built at Ayodhya, where Lord Ram was born, Hindus will not get the honour they deserve. We will definitely build the temple at Lord Ram's birthplace whether anybody likes it or not," Togadia said.

Togadia also said that ancestors of all other communities were Hindus.

"Ancestors of Christians and Muslims were Hindus. These people have only gone astray. If you wish to come back to us, we are ready to embrace you," he said.

Various right wing outfits are under fire for purportedly organising the "ghar wapsi" ceremony to re-induct some Muslim families from a slum in Agra into the Hindu fold recently, and of Christian tribals in Chhattisgarh.

Participating in a debate in Lok Sabha last week over the Agra incident, Mulayam, whose party is in power in Uttar Pradesh, had said incidents like these can cause "very grave situation" in country and ignite riots, inviting strong protests from BJP members.


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  • Be Positive, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    I should say the comments here are more Illiterate and uneducated except Lydia’s who makes a bit of sense here then when she is being absolute feminist! I guess all of you need to watch the movie " Oh My God" , and also read your respective holy books first before you open your mouths and make complete fool of your selves Read Quran/ Gita and Vedas/ Bible then decide for yourselves instead of blowing your own trumpets/ or donkey praising his own tail?!! and For all your information Religion and the Government always should be separate whenever and where ever when they were mixed results have been disastrous, as all the worst possible things have been done to the people please check history and the present ruling religious governments all over the world, as for me any belief or no belief in "Atheism" /communism all are religions by their own rights.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    I thought court has given an absconder order against this guy. He has got disregard for the law.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kiran, Mukka

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    No value whatsoever for this person's statement since he is an absconding criminal..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014


    Do you say the same about Indian Hindus going to UK/USA or other European countries, getting married to women of those places (obviously who were not Hindus) and bringing them into Hinduism ?

    Also about Hindu priests establishing temples abroad and converting citizens of those countries into Hinduism ?

    What is this called ? Marketing for God ?

    DisAgree [8] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • abhyankar, mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    lydia there is no such concept in hinduism in fact its not a religion its way of life. just look at the history no one said to avoid any caste probably ancient time castism is not there or other caste not existing. well we cant argur on religion bcs we all are not having full knowledge we are just carried away with what others gave us. people were praying different form of power as god. i dont think what you say is existing. please come out of this mentality. after all we all are human beings.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014


    What I say (converting Westerners in to Hindu religion) by various tactics is not existing. But, a concept that 'all Indians were at one time Hindus' is existing. Didn't comprehend the theory well.

    If caste system is not existing, why are there honor killings ? Why are BD goons stop from a girl or a boy talking to non-Hindu members ?

    At the same time, if hinduism is the way of life ? What is the what problem Togadia or any RSS/BD representative has if anybody prays to Jesus or Allah ?

    Can you shed some light ?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • abhyankar, mumbai

    Tue, Dec 16 2014

    Lydia ur talking abt hindus or togadia RSS and BD people . its a group or association. Not representaive of honduism. they all react because of injustic with the hindus

    DisAgree Agree Report Abuse

  • abhyankar, mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    i am really surprised how people do marketing of god! when few people converted back to hinduism many people got up now. for last so many years tehre is conversion either indirectly forcibly or by brainwash. it is really shamefull to a human being to say my god is better than yours. and i dont think tehre is no religiopn exiting . and its realy shame full to a person who need to ask people stop praying this god and pray my god! well there should be a anti conversin law in our country so that there wont be a conversons in future. and people should aslo workship the form of god as they wish instead marketing god .

    DisAgree [10] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Santan Mascarenhas, Kinnigoli/Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    People kiss their pets, a many times a day, but, never kiss their Dalit maid's child.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • KKR, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Implement anti-conversion' law and put to an end to tug of war between religions!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nawaz, Dammam, K.S.A

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    What is that?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    @ Nawaz

    Where ? Did you hear a blast ? In Dammam ?

    DisAgree Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nawaz, Dammam, K.S.A

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Sorry. Infact i was replying to the comments of Mr. Sampath. But mistakenly i commented on main article.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    I can understand. Apologies for shooting out that missile too.

    Therefore, its best always to write the name of that respondent whom we are replying.

    DisAgree Agree [4] Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    "Lydia Lobo.. Probably its difficult to have a meaningful conversation when it comes to party believes they have the absolute truth about everything be it Hindu..Muslims or Christians!else why we need conversation and reconversion ??"

    Mr. Nayar,

    Conversion or re-conversion will be out of the context here, please come up with a precise century/Epoch in which Hinduism was introduced. We do know who introduced, Buddhism, Jainish, Sikkhism, Christianity, Islam.

    India has 80% of its population as Hindus. Lets search for one soul who knows his/her religious ancestor ! Why fight who originated from which religion or where should he/she actually end up ?

    There are several Baba (Ramdev), Swamis, Togadias, I am sure at-least one should be knowing about this ?

    DisAgree [8] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • R nair, kollur

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    My religious ancestor was mother kollour mookambike and I don’t know how old is she!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Mr. Nayar,

    Kollour Mookambike is the deity whom you are worshiping, she is not your ancestor because you are not her son through any link. Ancestors are those who come under biologically connected links.

    Sanity is essential to engage in meaningful debates.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • R nair, kollur

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Lydia Lobo, you can’t understand and I don’t have much energy left to explain religious things on DW forum leave it!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [6] Report Abuse

  • Nancy, Belman

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur-Dubai.


    Va awasteye...Conversion-conversion-conversion

    Do you remember sc/st people? How they were treated in all non-Catholics houses (giving water-food in coconut shell) and they were not allowed to go inside temples? And I Know how Brahmans were treating them.

    Few of them who were coming to come our house and we were offering them food in plates. Many of then said, you all don't discriminate (though few were discriminating) Feel like join you all. Its said in lighter way but their pain, they only knew. So if willingly if anyone wanted convert then whose fault? (Have you heard any conversion in and around Belman?)

    And if anyone approaches with valuable things keeping conversion in mind, its upto individual to take decision.

    I have one question to you. Why you went Dubai? Being a CA didn't you find a good and respectable job in India? You went there to earn more and live luxurious life right?

    Likewise few people instead of living in discriminated society-culture, wanted to why so big Cry??? Is there any problem?

    You only once said-your neighbor were included -Hindus-Muslims-Christians and lived peacefully. Isn't it? All were happily joining all functions. Noe because of these politicians common man's peace destroyed.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • sampath,

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    There are so many Dalit\SC-ST organization to look after such incident, its clearly social issue why missionaries bringing religion in to it? There is a Government to look after such issues and backward communities are flooded with many benefits. Again simple question why do you convert them?

    DisAgree [20] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nancy, Belman

    Mon, Dec 15 2014


    Some are taking advantage.....

    We are going to build big big statues in the name of earlier politicians..Instead cant that money given to poor/backward people???

    Missionaries work is to preach and during that time if any one willingly convert then no one can do anything. Do you know, every year how many inter faith people go to St Lawrence Church, Attur, Karkala? No one calls them right?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014


    Missionaries engaged in conversion of Dalits is a story of European Invasion time. Now, the missionaries you see in the poorest areas of India are all Indians, volunteered to serve the people in need. They do it out of their liking and its a life they chose to live.

    Its a waste to tell you that they do not involve in conversion because to convert a person, issuing a certificate is required and an office should be registered by government's permission to do such activity.

    Once registered, its not a secret anymore, you can search and locate them based on their registration records. Before you wave your 'conversion' banner next time, please search for such centers and compile their data to know how many Christian Conversion houses are there and let the readers know the information you gathered.

    Don't simply blow your 'PUNGI' here, instead, do some valuable job to earn your living !

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Very well made points Nancy !

    DisAgree [4] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    TOGADI,RSS,VHP, BAJRANGIS there are so many hindus dying of hunger, dowries infanticide murder , lack of medical aid, housing, etc.. why not save these people and stop your numbers from dwindling these hypoc fanatics (hypocrite fanatics)should first remove the dust from their eyes before trying to clean others eyes. Which religion an individual is his/her choice and should not be enforced.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    I agree with you Judith.

    Instead of getting drawn towards the religion, by the behaviour of leaders like Togadia, lower strata of poorer Hindus are rather driven out contrary to enticing those who fled earlier.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    "Togadia also said that ancestors of all other communities were Hindus"

    I have no dispute with the above but does Togadia know who were the ancestors of Hindus ? Was Hinduism there in Stone age (7000 - 3000 BC) Bronze age (3000 - 1000 BC) Iron age(1200-26BC) ?

    Even if it came into existence after 26 BC, who introduced it ? Does Tagadia have any information about his ancestors or those who enlightened to him about his own religion ? Will he, take pain to find out the origin of his ancestors' faith and return to it now ?

    Well, when he has no knowledge of all this, why should I, who whole heartedly accept that my ancestors may have been Hindus, should abandon my present religion ? I am happy the way I am, I continue to be.

    In general, no Hindu neigbour of mine ever taunted me on my present or past faith nor he has any problem with my present. As such, why are these religious fundamentalists propagate and incite communal unrest ?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • R nair, kollur

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    By definition Sanatana Dharma is without beginning and eternal-Sripada Ramanujacarya has explained the word sanatana as "that which has neither beginning nor end!

    DisAgree [14] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Mr. Nair,

    I also can say Christianity was there from the beginning of the earth but I don't say so because there are records to prove when it started.

    Don't pick a stone and toss it, there are several stones around to pick, you will be exhausted of your energy but your efforts will go futile. Come out with a precise statement about who introduced Hinduism ? I am sure there were sufficient vidhwaans at that time, like your political leaders equated Raavan's Pushpak Vimaan to airplanes, Lord Ganesha's trunk to organ transplant ?

    Even about Sanathan Dharma - do come out with a precise epoch, lets discuss it.

    Remember, I intent no mockery, I hold all religions at extreme respect.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • R nair, kollur

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Lydia Lobo.. Probably its difficult to have a meaningful conversation when it comes to party believes they have the absolute truth about everything be it Hindu..Muslims or Christians!else why we need conversation and reconversion ??

    DisAgree [6] Agree [7] Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Well written Lydia.
    Persons who say that our ancestors were Hindus do not bother to say what faith/religion did the ancestors of our ancestors belong to and further their ancestors and their ancestors and. .. . . . . ?
    Chhadis will be quick to claim that they too were Hindus.
    As I said before, this varies from faith to faith.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Syed Kazi, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Nair Kollur....Your quote "why we need conversation and reconversion ?? " Can you tell us who is busy in reconversion and come back home programmes ????

    DisAgree [4] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    BJP Big mouths Mum.
    Tail is under their B#m.
    Chaaiwaala has no Dhum.
    Criminal M.P’s drunk in Rum.
    Communal hai BJPKA Dharam.
    N.R.I. P.M., IS beating the Durm.
    TV bhaashans Dhum Dhama Dhum.
    Einko hai nahim sharam, BeSharam.
    Chaai Ghuram BeSharum einka Karam.
    Asswaach bharat, Kuchra karega Aaraam.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    @ Sachidanand - why don't hypocrites like Togadia and "high class" sanghis start with in-house conversion by accepting Dalits as friends and welcoming them into our homes, treating them with equality,stopping made-snana, allowing Dalits into temples, and eating food which is prepared by them.

    RSS ke mooh mein conversion aur man mein segregation.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse


    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Person who got Non bailable Warrant. he is giving public speech wah re wah Modi Sarkar.

    Tum logon ko Bharatiya Janta Party se Bharatiya Hindutwa Party Rakhna Acha Hoga.

    Had hoti hai yaar Law ka Mazaak Udaneki.

    Terrorist with Free wings. PRAVEEN TOGADIYA.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Churches were attacked in the pretext of conversions by the christians in the churches.


    Game plan of BJP, RSS and VHP to bring anti conversion bill.


    DisAgree [6] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • KV, Ladyhill

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    what's wrong in anti conversion bill??? why are u opposed to it?? Should this nonsense stop from all sides. We all have bigger issues than religion and probably in today's world religion is the cause for most problems!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Rohit,

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    "Ancestors of Christians and Muslims were Hindus. These people have only gone astray. If you wish to come back to us, we are ready to embrace you," he said.

    Togadia uncle, we do not want to be embraced by you. If you want to embrace, go find some chaddis- they are waiting to be embraced.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • prem, moodbidri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Achche din aa gaye hein, magar sirf Togadia, Muthalick, Ram Madhav, Giriraj, Dongi babas, Dongi Sadhvis ke liye.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • sampath,

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Bure Din aagye hain, For Converters, anti nationals, anti-Hindus...

    DisAgree [16] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • N.M, Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    The biggest anti-hindus are NOT those illiterate, brainwashed sanghis, BUT the educated, hardworking and progressive minded Hindus who prefer to sit mute, when Hinduism is hijacked by these uneducated, jobless, self proclaimed "PROTECTORS OF HINDU DHARMA' aka chuddi senas and Dalas.

    As someone rightly pointed out...lets not allow Hinduism led by a few money-minded saffron organizationas and senas to become a anti-muslim cult.

    People like Togadia, Singhal, kalladka, Yogi aditynath, sadhvi jyothi are making it a cult to fight against other religions.....If this continues we will become another pakistan.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford Fernandes, Toronto

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Kerala Court has d him an absconder means he is a fugitive who runs away and hides to avoid arrest and prosecution. Now on a will-o'-the-wisp fashion he has reappeared, before going hiding as usual.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Aala re aala, INDIA

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    He did not abscond, but our police force is spineless, they do not have guts to arrest this guy who always spews venom on minorities.However if it is done by a member of minority, not only police will arrest them immediately but also there will be protests and bands opposing the speech.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Its the silence of our top leadership which hurts the nation most.Will they allow any court d absconder to roam around and give sermons.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna, Mangaluru

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    This is possible in INDIA....Muscle power...Nothing strange....Shame on our system

    DisAgree Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014


    DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Francis, Pilar - Shirva

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Very soon BJP will put an end on these radicals group or these group will destroy BJP forever.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Court d absconder is roaming free.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Though he talks very sharp every time but what he said is correct!!!! People who always involved and sponsors of conversion business in India now knee bent as if whole World is collapsed. We know very well that in conversion activities we gain nothing nor they contribute towards our religion but I feel pity on those people why they get disturbed when they face this dilemma!!!! I think this is called “Mirchi” not only spicy but went inside in the right place in right time too

    DisAgree [25] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna, Mangaluru

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Before preaching the Law to others, you and Tagodia should obey / practice the law.....This kind of sermons and comments is nothing but BARKING

    DisAgree [3] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Dec 15 2014


    Will you not too feel the same 'Mirchi', when a new government comes to effect, at-once you get to know that there may not be a holiday on 'Deepawali' ?

    Well, the central government is contemplating on making Dec. 25, that is ABV's birthday, as 'Good Governance Day' and keeping it a working day by engaging children in various activities instead of keeping it as a holiday for 'Christmas' as per previous practice.

    Christians in India observe just two national holidays (1) Good Friday (2) Christmas. How can the governance be so saffronized that they begin to discriminate on religious basis ? If it is started from school age level, imagine what animosity will children have in their mind against particular leaders and groups they lead ?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Dear Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai,

    Do the fundoo Conversionists blame christians are 80 percent in India.

    The noise is christians are more than 80 percent.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nakul, Mulki

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    I can read many of below who are in favour of "Anti Forced Conversion Law" instead of "Anti-Conversion law" They knows how to cheat and convince poor Hindus by giving false promises.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nakul, Mulki

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Very well said by Mr Togadia.
    Hindus are the one who is suffering due to the conversion.
    One side Christian missionaries and another side Muslims. Both they do quietly.
    I strongly support for anti-conversion law.

    DisAgree [29] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ranjith, udupi

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Nakul, it is not "hindus are the ones who is suffering due to conversion". Instead, It is people like you who are suffering with unnecessary tension and constipation, because they have been converted.

    DisAgree [14] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Nakullanna….Nothing but bitter truth is very well said with very strong words too…. Now I can imagine the pain of those who silently involved in conversion business in the name of freedom of religion. Only few problems we face especially in our coastal region but this is one of the major issues….. theft, dacoit, atrocity, etc, etc can be seen, experienced and cured in many other ways but slow poisoning can’t be treated with experience since no one stay alive so far to tell the experience after tasting the poison. We don’t blame all particular community members for this issue since we know them for many decades rather we can trust them as if they are our family members but few mongers always roaming around without disclosing their inner quality

    DisAgree [18] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Let hindus unite first as one religion. When a brahmin girl is allowed to marry a dalit boy or vise versa without opposition then we can say its like other religion where all are considered equal.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    All part of the major game plan, an attempt to divert public attention/focus from real burning issues.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    True geoffrey,
    All this to divert the people's mind on Govt failure in
    1. Bringing in black money
    2. Improve law and order problem
    3. Price rise
    4. Pakistan India border clashes
    5. Infiltration
    6. growing unemployment, hunger and death.
    These people want people's mind to be engrossed into religious affairs so that these burning issues will be forgotten.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [41] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ranjith, udupi

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Also sliding oil prices. OPEC crude oil is now costing $62 per barrel from earlier $100 per barrel. Yet consumer in India is still paying considerably high prices for fuel. Modi has become a social worker now concerned more about drug addiction in india, instead of hedging on falling prices of crude oil.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014


    DisAgree [11] Agree [51] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    But some dogs are not barking at all nor biting too rather they take fake surname to survive

    DisAgree [24] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • abhyankar, mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    saldanha, how ur survinng without commenting stupidly same way politician are also.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Practice first what you preach Togadia.
    In Togadia's point of view (not ours) then following preachers are also should be wrong! Why then not telling the stop propagation to Hare Rama Hare Krishna Mission, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Mata Amritamayi Devi, Murari Bapu, Asaram Bapu, Baba Ramdev?
    Democratic countries never objected to their preaching?
    Why give Gita to foreign dignitaries? Have they asked for?
    If objecting, be like China! They don't preach nor let others do that! It is fine in their own way!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [35] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    1)Why is BJP and VHP scared of willful conversion ....If somebodies faith is convincing and appealing nobody will leave his faith ....VHP should understand....
    2)secondly hindutvawadis has made their religion a "anti muslim cult" moving from their own core concept of religion...rather than calling hindutvawids hindus ...I call them a "anti-muslim cult"...
    3)Thirdly Vhp shouldn't stir hornet's nest if they dont get converts dont think of converting some poor innocents forcefully or convert by allurement...Better change your view on minorities muslims and christians....coz with your present view and your affiliates BD and RSS i dont think any non hindus are attracted towards hinduism
    4)NOTE:Kerala police criminal whom you are searching is here dont call him absconder he is out open...We cant have law for different people based on their religion...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abdul Rafiq, Uchila / Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Central govt should bring "ANTI FORCED CONVERSION LAW" and not just Anti conversion law. As per the Indian constitution, people can convert to any religion which they wish. Who is BJP- Sanghis to stop this?

    DisAgree [13] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Govt. should also bring in a 'ANTI FORCED/ALLURED GHAR WAPSI LAW' which certain communal groups are using as a disguise/cover for forced/allured religious conversion.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • sampath,

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    How about Brainwashed Conversion?

    DisAgree [7] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    That is applicable to all fanatics (whichever community) including the Chhadi parivar.
    Sorry, nothing can be done about that. It is a gone case. They are beyond redemption.
    No law works there.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [13] Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    But Dear Declan….yet you are not opposing conversation business….. Start opposing conversion business first and then you see we all endorsing your comments without any hesitation

    DisAgree [6] Agree [14] Report Abuse

  • Stan, Udupi/ Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    People who have brains can not be brainwashed.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [13] Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Dear Sachidanand,
    I am OPPOSED to conversion only if it is done by Force, Blackmail (including emotional blackmail), Allurement or any such trickery.
    However, conversion by 'genuine free will' is a basic and fundamental right of every human being and should not be denied to anyone.

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  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Rafiq Bhai….don’t change the topic by ing beautiful words in between to twist the law….. When you know that one such community feel bad and mistrust the entire community of those people who involved in conversion business then why can’t you oppose them….. Does it make any difference to increase your community by converting others? Do you get any incentive for conversion? Pls don’t play with sentiments of Hindus else revenge or retaliation is the only defense

    DisAgree [12] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vantage Point, mangaloor

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    @Sachinanda shetty mundkur...
    Has he cursed some religion to speak of retaliation and revenge...He pointed out at sanghi goons nothing wrong in it...sanghis survives on anti minority sentiments...come out of your anti minority sentiments while you yourself are earning in a particular country...
    Sanghis good work by preaching their texts but they are least concerned of it but they are suffering from envy towards muslims and christians...Thats why we are opposing them...they have gone overboard to do a conversion of allurement specifically on christmas day....Dint they get any other day...This is height of envy....
    If RSS affiliates does wrong accept it rather protecting it under veil threatening others of retaliation and revenge it fair for someone to attack x person in dubai for some sanghis crime in India as a retaliation...It is unfair right....
    Open your mind...
    Dont speak of retaliation and revenge being educated ...
    I remember a quote
    "Literacy doesnt make one educated"

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  • sampath,

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Vantage Point,
    simple question...Why missionaries converting Hindus? They can do the social work with out converting them right? There will not be any issue if other religion respect the sentiments of Hindus? Unda manege kolli ittare yaava devaru mechhuudilla.

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  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    If missionaries does forced conversion or conversion by allurement they must be booked under available law...We and you can file a complaint if there is any proof...There is no compromise in that...same goes to any other org

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  • abhyankar, mumbai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Rafiq bhai you mean to say hindus cant conert any one?? am i right? why converion is required if its requiredd than conver yourself in to good human being and save the country and earth

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  • Anil, dubai

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Budda satiya gaya...... building ram temple is a honour for hindus according to togadia.... How come the court in karnataka d him as absconder n issued non-bailable warrant n on the other corner the same fellow barks n challenges parliamentarians... in other words challenging the constitutional power..... why cant court of Karnataka order red corner warrant n ask CID to go and search n nail this goon ASAP??? Its a challenge for B J P to get the anti-conversion law to pass in parliament and to show the power of constitution n parliamentarians power also n bring dignity n honour to Indians n Indian constitutional system if B J P has d gutts n 36inch chest to show

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  • NK, Karkala

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Educated fool......

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  • Ranjith, udupi

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Is Pravin Togadia ready to embrace a dalit hindu before embracing "converts"?

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Dec 15 2014

    Ranjith, your question is very apt.

    It is getting very disgusting to read the statements of these modern day warmongers and custodians of religion!

    Personal conversion of religion is the birthright and fundamental right of every human being. If conversion is through any physical force or through allurement other than personal conviction, that must be carefully watched.

    I have hugged the slum people of Delhi, put my hand of hundreds of people's head and prayed, none of them have ever seen shampoo in their lifetime, I saw them as GOD's creation like me. Some of them got emotional when I hugged them because they never expected me to hug them, even touching them. It takes a total transformation of heart with love to hug or even shake hands with somebody whom we may see as inferior to us in social status or caste.

    Bring anti-conversion bill, and see more people are going to be converted.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

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Title: Pravin Togadia slams Mulayam, asks him to bring 'anti-conversion' law

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