Media Release
Doha, Feb 15: South Kanara Muslim Welfare Association (SKMWA),affiliated to Indian Cultural Centre was formed in the year 1992, Members are expats belonging to the Muslim community of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi District of Karnataka state of India. The mission of the organization is to foster a spirit of Co-operation among the members for the welfare of the community. SKMWA is conducting various programs, competition, lectures, etc. impart information for increasing the knowledge of members for social and religious cause and development of community skill.
As part of the Qatar National Environmental day SKMWA organized various awareness campaigns with the theme "Better Environment Better Tomorrow". Under the leadership of Abdul Majeed, President of SKMWA, Environmental Awareness Campaign was conducted with PowerPoint presentations on various subjects like environmental pollution, scarcity of water, conservation of natural resources. Most of the awareness sessions ended with planting saplings.

An environmental awareness campaign for members and their family was conducted in the ICC Mumbai hall on February 4,2015. All the participants have pledged that they will save water and reduce the usage of plastics in their daily life. To reach out various sections of the people awareness campaign was conducted in Workers camp, school and a special needs school on February 12,2015.
At Workers Camp of “Six Construction Company” in Al Shahaniyah. Workers were given importance of protection of the environment. Workers took pledge to keep their camp clean and save water and electricity.
An awareness campaign and interactive session for the students of “The Scholars' International School” was conducted. Students were given importance of planting the trees.After the session Students enthusiastically participated in planting the saplings at their school premise.
To make the campaign differently the awareness session was conducted at “Step by Step Centre for Special Needs”. It was a heart touching moment for the team of SKMWA to interact with special needs students and members were amazed by the interest of students about the environment. Planting of sapling was done by enthusiastic students. It was the best moment of the entire campaign.
This is just a beginning and all SKMWA members have taken pledge to continue this campaign and give commitment to protect the environment for the better future.