New Delhi, Oct 24 (IANS): Moroccan King Mohammed VI arrives here Sunday, among the first African leaders to come here for the October 26-29 India Africa Forum Summit.
This is the fourth visit of King Mohammed VI to India. He first came here in 1983, at the age of 20, as the crown prince and since then has made two more visits, once in 2001 on an official visit, just two years after taking over from late King Hassan II. He and his family visited India once again in 2004 on a private visit.
Known for his liberal and modern views on issues ranging from religion to education, King Mohammed VI has undertaken path-breaking political and social reforms that has marked out Morocco as an exemplar of moderate Islam. The king has ensured that Morocco's mosques remain free of radical teaching and has established an institute for the training of imams, including of women religious instructors, a first in the Muslim world.
He has also issued calls for a “new Africa” and said the continent should focus on its potential to emerge as a pole of global growth. Morocco has been expanding its profile in Africa, particularly in Francophone western Africa, by participating in its development, encouraging political and religious reforms and in enhancing regional security.
King Morocco VI will be in India on a week-long visit.