Hong Kong, Oct 26 (IANS): At least 124 people were injured when a high-speed ferry going from Macao to Hong Kong hit some object under water, the media reported.
The ferry with 163 passengers, and 11 crew members on board collided against an unknown underwater object near Lantau Island shortly before 7.00 p.m. (local time) on Sunday, Xinhua news agency reported.
The injured were rescued from the vessel and rushed to hospitals. Five of the injured were in a critical condition, eight serious, 41 stable, while the others were discharged as of Monday morning, the agency said.
Passengers described chaotic scenes as people stumbled around in the dark, some bleeding and others with injuries on their faces, arms and legs.
Hong Kong's Secretary for Transport and Housing Anthony Cheung and Secretary for Food and Health Ko Wing-man visited the injured people in a Hong Kong hospital.
Cheung said the Marine Department is investigating the cause of the accident, and expressed his sorrow over injuries to the passengers.