Poor leadership casts doubts on Congress recovery 

By Amulya Ganguli

Jan 9 (IANS): The Congress is in a predicament which is quite unlike that of any other party. It has lost its primacy of position at the national level and is struggling to remain relevant in a number of states. Even more than these setbacks, which have been the fate of other parties as well - notably of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which could win only two Lok Sabha seats in 1984 - what is peculiar about the Congress is that there are serious doubts about the capability of its leaders to take the party out of the present political morass.

These misgivings were not there in 1980 or 1984 when the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty's charisma was expected to bring the party back to life, as indeed it did, but the present uncertainties about the Congress leaders cast a shadow on the hopes of recovery.

Since these doubts are being expressed with increasing frequency by outsiders, including apparent well-wishers, there must also be a few in the party who harbour similar feelings. But such is the stifling control exercised by the dynasty that no one is able to articulate his or her concerns on the subject.

On the other hand, since the outsiders are not bound by constraints of politeness or organizational discipline, they have been quite vocal about their views. One of the most acidic has been the historian, Ramachandra Guha, who argues that Rahul Gandhi has "neither the brains nor the heart, nor the physical stamina to be an effective political leader".

Within the Congress, it was only the shock of being reduced to 44 Lok Sabha seats from 206 which made some like T.H. Mustafa, a former minister in Kerala, call Rahul a "joker" and earn a reprimand.

Among others, former M.P. Jagmeet Singh Brar of Punjab asked the Nehru-Gandhis to "take a break from politics and let someone else preside over the Congress". He remained under suspension for a year.

These are however relatively unknown figures, who may have expressed widely prevalent views but whose comments made little impact. Their forthrightness, though suicidal, has not been demonstrated by the better known leaders whose loyalty to the Nehru-Gandhis continues to buttress the party's reputation as an outfit of sycophants.

Perhaps the most servile of them is A.K. Antony, who was handpicked by Sonia Gandhi to conduct an inquiry into the electoral debacle and predictably gave a clean chit to the mother and son.

Notwithstanding this reluctance to turn the spotlight inwards, the fact that there is a faint realization in the party that all is not well, particularly with regard to Rahul Gandhi, is evident from the continuing postponement of the date of his coronation as party president.

He may still make it because of the cheerleaders led by his mother. But there will be uneasiness about his possible gaffes. That he lacks his father's and grandmother's charisma is no secret. Even his sister is considered better qualified by a large number of Congressmen. But a son is always more prized in Indian families than the daughter.

Rahul Gandhi's Achilles heel lies in his temperament of a loner, which is made worse by an innate hauteur as a result of being born with a silver spoon. He is, therefore, unable to interact closely with the leaders of other parties, especially seniors like Sharad Pawar and Lalu Prasad. This inability is a major disadvantage at a time when, as the Bihar results show, the Congress has to function as a partner, even a junior partner, of anti-BJP alliances in the foreseeable future.

Ironically, the faint signs of life that the Congress has shown in Bihar and in the local elections in Gujarat, Karnataka and Chhattisgarh may persuade the mother and son that the debacle of 2014 was an accident caused by a failure to communicate the Manmohan Singh government's achievements. The duo may also come to believe that the marginal revival of the party's fortune signifies a popular approval of their disruptive tactics in parliament.

In this atmosphere of make-believe, the dynasty is likely to tighten its grip on the party, scotching any possibility of new leaders coming to the fore who are not beholden to the first family. Yet, the setbacks suffered by the BJP in the recent elections have nothing to do with a renewal of popular faith in the dynasty, but with dissatisfaction with Narendra Modi for his failure to fulfil his developmental promise.

That the Congress is not oblivious of the connection between growth and political success is evident from its stalling of the government's pro-reform measures lest they lead to economic buoyancy and spoil the Congress's chances.

It is possible that the Congress will continue to do reasonably well in some of the coming elections as a combination of anti-incumbency and slow development affects the BJP's prospects. But the resultant strengthening of the control of leaders of indifferent calibre on the Congress will not bode well for the party.


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  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Janata Party was an amalgamation of different ideologies, formed with the sole objective of uniting the then opposition under JP Narayan, to fight Emergency and Indira Gandhi’s dictatorship and to restore democracy which the Party successfully achieved. After winning the historic 1977 elections and tasting success for hardly 2 years, there started infighting between the components of the Janata Parivar paving way for Indira Gandhi to re-emerge. Still no Non-Congress Govt. has completed two full successive terms. It will be a record if BJP wins the forthcoming LS election and Modi completes another term.

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  • R Mallar, Kasaragod/ Dubai

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    With media image becoming more and more relevant, Congress seriously lacks in this department. Arrogant people like Manish Tiwary, Mani Aiyer, Sibal and a bunch of jokers will ruin Congress image. Bring in people like Chidambaram, Jairam Ramesh, Scindhiya et.al to build an image of a responsible opposition.
    I have absolutely no comment on Rahul Gandhi. One cannot keep on whining about bad omen!

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  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Even Mahatma wanted to wind up the CONGiss Party immediately after the Independence but Nehru Family continue to ruin the Country till few years back!!!! Still it can bounce back provided it should be headed by other than Fake Gandhi Family Members….. Keep away scamster MPs’ and MLAs’…..should not ignore majority community people while pleasing minority, etc, etc…. But ultimately people of India who decided to part away from them so no chance unless some charismatic Leader born in CONGiss Party!!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 10 2016


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  • Ravi B Shenava, Mangaluru

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    When a person like Oscar Fernandes, who cant even get 500 votes own his own, can decide the fate of MLC candidates in Karnataka, then why Rahul Gandhi who is better than Oscar in all respect, cant be a leader ?
    Rahul or Priyank or Oscar, the Cong is hell bent on committing suicide and we cant stop it.

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  • JK, Udupi

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Congress is like dead animal. Congress is getting more popular for its negative image in the country. Congress didn't contest in state elections like Delhi and Bihar to defeat BJP. Whole country is watching Congress closely for its bad behavior.

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  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Priyanka Gandhi Vadra should step in. Although Rahul Gandhi is more than enough match olny for BJP duffers.

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  • Albert D' Souza, San Francisco/Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Without Nationalistic secular party like Congress India may disintegrate in to many small countries like former Soviet Union or Europe. Present India is made out of numerous different cultures, religions, casts systems, regions and former autonomous Princely states. Today India need a strong Nationalist, Secular, non religious, western educated non corrupt Gentleman or Lady as a Dictator or Prime minister. Please pray for united one my India.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    I agree with writer..Rahul as president means the last president of dying party..if the want dynasty to continue then bring in Priyanka who has great qualities like her grand mother..if not then there are other young leaders like scindia..sachin pilot..who can lead or they can lease the party to regional parties like BSP or SP or TMC or SS etc..Congress with Rahul as its president means fast track into history..v may have to build a new national party to counter communual bjp...oscar ferns can.read it out to madam sonia n rahul. Does he dare to do it???

    DisAgree [11] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • Heri Fernandes, Mangalore/UK

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Hope this new article reaches the Gandhi House.. I couldn't agree anymore than the views expressed in the article.. If Rahul leads India in the 2019 elections, I would not be surprised if congress is reduced from 44 to 4 seats.. Nothing personal, but unfortunately Rahul simply does not have the Charisma to be the leader of a national party which is supposed to be the main opposition.. He simply lacks key leadership skills..Plain and simple!! But I wonder if Gandhi dynasty would ever accept this fact for atleast the sake of the party that was built by great leaders over the years..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues, Promenade Road,Fraze Town,B'lore 560005

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    There are good young leaders like Scindia in Congress party who can do wonders to revive the party and bring the party popularity to the top.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 09 2016








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  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Unfortunately we all in India live in the dreamland either because of lack of information or because of that slogan (mera bharath mahan/sare jahan se accha) India ended 2014 as the 9th largest economy and ended 2015 as the 7th largest economy in the world. We have long way to go to that 3rd or second position and perhaps the biggest of all would be a dream for at least for about 100 years if BJP is going to rule the country.

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  • Krish, Dubai

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Unfortunately i read some of your comments couple of week before just because of Nehru family India is no. 1 in world. how come today fell down to 3rd place??

    Any way "GARIBI HATAVO" is still oldest slogan in world politics. since 1971.

    Any way India is 3rd largest economy in world rit? lets all try to be no. 1. but if Mr. Rahul Gandhi came to power means India even will not get a spot inside No. 100.

    Can you tell me what he have quality to be a leader other than son of Sonia & Rajeev Gandhi, Grand son of Indira Gandhi.
    Other than political blood nothing we can see in him.

    he is one who cant remember 4 lines to speak in parliament.
    He is one who cant speak anything other than women empowernment and RTI in press conference.

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  • Amin Bhoja, Patte / Riyadh

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Why we worried about Congress or it's rulers!!!India a democratic country and we elect govt on merits!!!Give chance to a able!!!.

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  • Krish, Dubai

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Am sure Rahul Gandhi will not be president of Congress as before he come back from Europe they will choose any other.

    All Congress supporter are scared that Mr. Rahul will be president of Congress. Dont worry guys

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  • Krish, Dubai

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Some guys thinking Priyanka is last hope for congress.
    But CongREST thinking disturbing parliament, stopping development, Mislead the Public as much as possible is the last hope to survive in country.

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  • jeevan, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    My choice..

    1. A. K. Antony
    2. Jairam ramesh
    3. Scinida

    DisAgree [13] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    jeevan, PAPPU is smarter then FEKU ...

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  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    Provided he changes his Fake Surname!!!! and get some Indian Elementary School Education rather than having Foreign Degree which is useless in India!!!!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Victor Alvares, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    How about Siddaramiah leading congress?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Michael Noronha, Mysuru

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Opinion of news reporter is biased. The series of victories post Bihar is trivialized. Congress has given the best of PMs outside the Gandhi family in Mr PVN and Dr Manmohan who steered the country for 15 years. Their tenure saw liberalisation strong foundations for reforms and GDP sore from 5 to 9.30% at its peak. It is not mandatory that the PM should be from the Gandhi family alone. The Congress Party Chief is the Key person in the party constitution and PM can be nominated by the Party Chief by taking strangers (eg - Dr Manmohan). Strong leadership does not mean that one should brag about 57" inch chest or make hollow promises of bringing back black money in 100 days and deposit Rs 15 lacs in each citizen's account or promise the students that all the research work in India would be collated and used for "Make in India" which is now a dream or appoint friends to FTII despite displeasure by faculty and students or make promises during elections to make Mysuru like Paris and then forget to even think or mention about it when he visited Mysuru last week. If such leadership is what is expected then God give wisdom to the author of this article and save the Country. We need a PM who will live the cherished values of love, tolerance, commitment, and honesty. If the decision to disallow the ordinance aimed to protect politicians involved in criminal offences was torn in public that miffed Mr Laloo is termed weak leadership then the author of this article has to be pitied for her judgement. Any day the choice of Dr Manmohan and Mr PVN for PM was best choice to Mr Sharad Pawar. Mixing up party leadership and Prime Ministership is wrong. Even presumption that the Party President should be the PM is also wrong. If Mrs Sonia Gandhi desired to be the PM could she not be thrice and been the PM for 15 years - 1992 UPA 1 & 2 . Name a Indian politician willing to forego PMs post- Mr Advani Laloo Mulayam Maya Jaya Mamatha. Ms Soniaji deserves appreciation for her sacrifice.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Michael Noronha, Mysuru

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Opinion of news reporter is biased. The series of victories post Bihar is trivialized. Congress has given the best of PMs outside the Gandhi family in Mr PVN and Dr Manmohan who steered the country for 15 years. Their tenure saw liberalisation strong foundations for reforms and GDP sore from 5 to 9.30% at its peak. It is not mandatory that the PM should be from the Gandhi family alone. The Congress Party Chief is the Key person in the party constitution and PM can be nominated by the Party Chief by taking strangers (eg - Dr Manmohan). Strong leadership does not mean that one should brag about 57" inch chest or make hollow promises of bringing back black money in 100 days and deposit Rs 15 lacs in each citizen's account or promise the students that all the research work in India would be collated and used for "Make in India" which is now a dream or appoint friends to FTII despite displeasure by faculty and students or make promises during elections to make Mysuru like Paris and then forget to even think or mention about it when he visited Mysuru last week. If such leadership is what is expected then God give wisdom to the author of this article and save the Country. We need a PM who will live the cherished values of love, tolerance, commitment, and honesty. If the decision to disallow the ordinance aimed to protect politicians involved in criminal offences was torn in public that miffed Mr Laloo is termed weak leadership then the author of this article has to be pitied for her judgement. Any day the choice of Dr Manmohan and Mr PVN for PM was best choice to Mr Sharad Pawar. Mixing up party leadership and Prime Ministership is wrong. Even presumption that the Party President should be the PM is also wrong. If Mrs Sonia Gandhi desired to be the PM could she not be thrice and been the PM for 15 years - 1992 UPA 1 & 2 . Name a Indian politician willing to forego PMs post- Mr Advani Laloo Mulayam Maya Jaya Mamatha. Ms Soniaji deserves appreciation for her sacrifice.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kenneth, Shirva

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Revival of congress is very remote chance considering their present approach. They done nothing after loosing very badly in 2014. They are just hoping that Modi Government will fail miserably.

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  • gaurav, udupi

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    but they dont know that modi is not vajpayee to fail miserably.

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  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Bring on Priyanka or Scindia to turn the tables...

    DisAgree [20] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Why  gandhis again?
    Scindia, Pilot, Krishna bhaire Gowda, Karthi, KS Sabarinath, Kallappa, UT Khadar... How many capable leaders you want?

    DisAgree [9] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Madhu, Mlre

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Good news.Congress mukth bhararh is the only option left to India to be super power country.This one family party is counting its days.Who benefitted from this party for the last 60 yrs only one family, its top leaders.Blind slaves of congress didn't get any benefits from this party .

    DisAgree [14] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 10 2016

    @ Madhu, can you point out India's achievements in international level for the last 60 years or just tell me why you feel proud to say that you're an Indian as opposed to say you're a Somali? Can you reason for that proudness for being an Indian?

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Priyanka is the last hope because PAPPU is a useless DUFFER ...

    DisAgree [26] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ashok Shetty, Shirva

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    100% correct

    DisAgree [21] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • jeevan, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Priyanka nahi uske baccha / bacchi is last hope of congi..

    DisAgree [18] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Madhu, Mlre

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Not possible .People recognising Priyanka as Vadra not Indira. Congress mukth bharath is reality and it is the dream of common people .

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  • gaurav, udupi

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    if people would have voted for anyones smile and fashion,hemamalini would have been pm long time ago.indira was a iron lady with nationalistic mindset who even had the guts to go to war to break pakistan and create bangladesh.she also was the architect of indias green revolution when usa sent low quality wheat to india when india was suffering from food shortage.
    "kahaa indira gandhi aur kahaa priyanka vadra"

    DisAgree [4] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    Indira Gandhiji was sent to jail by the Janata Party.

    Morarji Desai gave permission to Pakistan to built Nuclear Bomb / NOC from India.

    Janata Party ruled only for two and half years.

    Om Prakash Thyagi was the architect of conversions and the Janata party itself made conversions to form another party.

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  • gaurav, udupi

    Sat, Jan 09 2016

    mr joseph, you should understand that it will be laughable to compare indira with any other leaders of india.some people comparing her to priyanka vadra is laughable.indiras fathers achievements was also too small compared to her achievements .the main strength of indira was her nationalistic mindset.she was ready to go any length for her nations pride,respect and honour.western nations,those days used to call 2 iron ladies of the world to indira and margaret thatcher.indiras achievements was higher than thatcher as indira was leading a poor country which just came out of indeppndence, with an arch enemy namely pakistan lying just outside the border of it readying for waging war against india anytime.as far as ur comparison of janata party with bjp,bjp has already proved that it has laready established itself as the main national party of india by being in central opposition for 15 years,being in ruling position for more than a decade(including this term) and also ruling or ruled almost all the major states of india.janata party is a lost entity but bjp is here to stay permanently.

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