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by Clyve Menezes Vancouver

Vancouver - BC, Sep 9: The feast of Nativity of our Mother Mary was celebrated on the 8th September at Guardian Angel R. C. Church, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Since this was celebrated for first time in Vancouver, It was indeed awesome to see our own people together.

The Nativity feast mass in Konkani/English was celebrated by Rev.Fr. John Pinto, Rev. Fr. Jerry D’souza and Rev. Fr. Mario Fernandes. At the start of the mass the newly harvested crop brought from Mangalore was blessed outside the church and was brought in the church with a procession and everyone singing hymns of praise and offering flowers in honour of dear Mother Mary’ on her birthday.  Rev. Fr. Jerry preached for the Monthi Fest highlighting history of the feast and importance of faith which we got from the elders and importance of the family life. Though many of us have taken Canada as our country but we can't forget rich tradition of our culture.

After the mass, to celebrate the occasion all gathered in the Church Millennium hall. Fr. Jerry D’souza thanked everyone for their help and support for making this event come thro and also to all the volunteers who prepared the lovely and delicious dishes for the evening. The Konkani music was keeping everyone feeling at home. The blessed new corn (Noven) was served in the warne after the dinner.

Louie and Ella D’cunha entertained the crowd by singing old Mangaloreon songs and all got into the dance floor to the tune of music. In the end to keep the crowd on the floor, the famous Masala song (Come to Bombay- Come to Bombay) was played which was requested by the crowd again and again.

Rev. Fr. John, Rev. Fr. Jerry and Rev. Fr. Mario once again thanked the gathering for making the evening a very special one and gratefully acknowledged the efforts of all who dedicated their precious time to prepare our traditional noven jevan and special warne.

Watch Nativity Feast Celebration Photo Albums: From Mangalore, Bangalore, Mumbai, Middle East, UK, Canada.... Click Here


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  • Vincilla Miranda, Kemmannu, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 27 2007

    I am pretty surprised to know that although you are so far from Mangalore yet you can find the Nativity Feast being celebrated in Vancouver....Well done Mangaloreans....keep up the great spirit of being united.

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  • The Lobos - Doha, Bombay - Doha

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Its nice to see the feastive season spreading all around the world. Ellabai and Lui bauji, great to see you guys the same old spirits, keep it up.

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  • Francis & Christine, Ladyhill, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 12 2007

    Good to see first time Monti Fest celebration in Vancouver. Congratulations! Thanks to the organizers.

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  • Peter & Ann Mendonca, karkala / Muscat

    Tue, Sep 11 2007

    Well done, Mangaloreans of Vancouver. You have lit the 1st birthday candle for our beloved Mother Mary. Let it shine for ages to come.

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  • jane sequeira, Mangalore.

    Tue, Sep 11 2007

    Congratulations to the organizers! Nativity Feast celebrated in Vancouver Canada for the first time with Eucharistic celebration traditional noven jevan and special warne.Great!! Keep it up!!!

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