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Zee News
New Delhi, Sep 12: Backing India’s claim that Dawood was hiding in Pakistan, Interpol General Secretary Ronald Noble on Wednesday Septemebr 12, said that the global terrorist was indeed in Pakistan.

While speaking at the 7th Interpol meeting in New Delhi, Ronald Noble said that a Red Corner notice was issued against Dawood Ibrahim but Pakistan was not forthcoming in helping them nab the Don.

CBI Director, Vijay Shankar called upon the international community to mount pressure on Pakistan. Last month the CBI had written to Pakistan for confirmation of news reports of Dawood`s detention there and his subsequent relocation to a "safe house".

The Central Bureau of Investigation has said that it is confident that India`s most wanted terrorist Dawood Ibrahim is most certainly in Pakistan.

Pakistan has always vehemently denied Dawood`s presence, but is under increasing pressure to crack down on al Qaeda operatives and other wanted terrorists believed to be hiding out in the country. 


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