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Chennai, Sep 20:  DMK president and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi should withdraw his remarks on Lord Ram and Ram Sethu, senior BJP leader L K Advani said here on Thursday.

"I appeal to Karunanidhi to withdraw his remarks," Advani said.

Karunandhi had said that there was no historical proof of Lord Ram's existence or his construction of the Ram Sethu.

On Karunanidhi's charge that there was a conspiracy to stall the Sethusamudram project, Advani asked whether the UPA government, which had said that it would be withdrawing its first affidavit filed before the Supreme Court, was a part of that conspiracy.

He said the UPA government would not complete its full term and the country would be facing a snap poll to Lok Sabha within the first half of 2008.

The BJP leadership had asked its state units to switch over to election mode, he added.

Evading a direct reply to a question whether his party would have an alliance with the AIADMK, Advani said, "Congress and Left parties are the only inimical ones. The party would not hesitate to have alliance with others."

Earlier reports:


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