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Sydney, Sep 27: More than 1,000 women wriggled into bikini swimming costumes on Wednesday on Sydney’s world-famous Bondi Beach to set a world record for the highest number of women attending a swimsuit photo shoot.

A total of 1,010 women paraded on Australia’s most famous strip of sand for a mention in the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records.

Guinness adjudicator Chris Sheedy said the shoot was the most spectacular world record he had witnessed.

“As an Australian myself it’s logical that any record involving sun, sand and surf should be held in this country,” Sheedy said.

“I imagine it will be quite an effort to better the mark set by Cosmopolitan at Bondi’s world-famous beach, but we throw the challenge out to other countries around the world to outdo this precedent-setter,” he said.

The photo shoot will appear in the January issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.

“We’re blown away by the response we’ve had to the Cosmopolitan and Venus Breeze biggest ever swimwear shoot, and are enormously proud to be world-record breakers,” Cosmopolitan editor and shoot organiser Sarah Wilson said. 

“The record-breaking shoot highlighted the zest for life that Australian women have: we love a challenge, we’re not afraid to show our bodies, we love the beach and we don’t take ourselves too seriously,” Wilson told The Daily Telegraph newspaper. 


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