Agra, Jul 18 (IANS) : The Union government has planned 200 new food processing units across India, reducing the requirement of land and capital from Rs 200 crore to Rs 20 crores, Minister of State for Food Processing Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti said on Sunday.
In her address on the second and final day of an international convention on potatoes, fruits and vegetables here, she said Agra which produces 45 to 50 percent of the country's total potato crop should take advantage of the facilities being offered by the government and hoped the new initiatives would help the potato cultivators.
The minister said that due to earlier limits, entrepreneurs were not able to invest in this sector and potatoes from the Agra region are presently sent to other states due to high costs of processing.
Organised by the Federation of Cold Storage Associations of India, the event, which saw participation of delegates from China, the US, Holland, and Germany, is expected to give a big boost to upgradation of technology in the food processing sector.
Association's secretary Rajesh Goyal said the partner country Holland sent 80 delegates to the exhibition which showcased the latest technology and techniques available to increase the efficiency of cold storages, and promote use of solar energy.A
The Federation has been demanding end to Mandi Samiti tax on potatoes.
Speaking at the valedictory session, Uttar Pradesh minister Ram Shakl Gurjar promised he would facilitate policy reforms and press the government to do away with annual licensing of cold storages, to have one-time licenses as in other states.