Ahmedabad, Jul 21 (PTI): A fact finding team which visited Gujarat's Una town in connection with the brutal assault of Dalits, has claimed to have found a new trend among 'cow vigilantes' to show bravado by making a particular Dalit community as their "soft target".
The incident of beating up of seven Dalit youths in Mota Samadhilya village of Gir-Somnath district last week has triggered large scale protests across the state. The protests worsened yesterday as seven youths attempted suicide with violence and arson spreading to various places in the state.
An eight-member fact finding team, comprising Dalits from various city-based NGOs including Dalit Adhikar Manch, which went to the village from here a few days back, found out that the incident was brutal as the alleged beating of youths started from 9.30 AM and continued unabated till 1.30 PM, and inspite of the victims' kin repeatedly calling police,
the latter allegedly did not act.
The team members said that Dalits are "soft targets" for these vigilante groups. Dalits are actually not involved in slaughter of cows, but are only doing their traditional business of leather, while they (vigilante groups) refrain from confronting those involved in slaughter, they said.
There is a particular Dalit community that deals in the trade of leather. In Gir-Somnath and surrounding districts of Gujarat these self-appointed cow protection committees have come up in the name of saving cows, said Kaushik Parmar, who led the fact finding team to the village.
"We have found out that this inhuman incident of beating Dalit youths was not one off. From last many months these particular community members have become target of these cow protection groups," Parmar said.
"There have been at least three such incidents in the past two months in the area when the Dalit community members were beaten up by these so-called cow vigilante groups. All those are related to skinning of dead cows," he said.
"Earlier, such cow vigilantes used to target those who are involved in cow slaughter. But since last seven to eight months, they have started targeting Dalit community members who are involved in leather business and are soft targets, to show off their bravado. It has been noticed that these groups in the past few months attacked Dalits when they were involved in skinning of dead cows," he said.
"Instead of targeting those involved in slaughter, these groups started targeting Dalits," charged another fact finding team member Subodh Parmar.
"One farmer whose cow was killed had called this family (Dalits who were beaten up in Una last week) to dispose of the dead cow. They (victims) took the dead cow outside the Mota Samadhilya village and were skinning it, when about 30 to 35 people of cow protection group came and started abusing and beating them," Kaushik Parmar claimed. "The beating continued from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM. The family members of victims and others called up police but it did not turn up," they said.
The accused themselves made the video footage and also had a group photograph clicked after doing the act, they said. The fact finding team members have demanded that the state should ban such cow protection groups.
"Such cow protection groups should be banned across the state. There is already a law against cow slaughter in the state, then what is the need of such vigilante groups," Kaushik Parmar said.
The team has also demanded that police should add IPC section related to criminal conspiracy in the FIR registered in connection with the Una incident.
Comment on this article
Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016These groups cannot be so militant without the support of other fanatic groups and indirect support of the government which need to be exposed.
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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Thu, Jul 21 2016Mr. Modi is greatly concerned and constantly delivering speeches about the topic of international terrorism.
But, what happened in his own holy State, the worst of form of terrorism is not an issue for him against the Dalits. He may be ordering the construction of Dr. Ambedkhar's huge statue to be installed in U.P. before the election.
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Jossey Saldanha, Nashville
Thu, Jul 21 2016Do they have the guts to attack Al-Kabir, Arabian Exports, MKR Frozen, PML Industries, Adani ...
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Roshan, Abu Dhabi
Thu, Jul 21 2016Well said Jossey, all these company owners are Hindus.... They are making billion dollars by selling cow meat & byproducts. Most of this money goes to Goonda Parivar to spread hatred among communities In cow 🐮 name for political gain
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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Thu, Jul 21 2016If these beef exporters are touched, they will shake the seats in New Delhi. The people of India are killed for eating beef, but exporting and trying very hard to take over Brazil in beef export.
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Thu, Jul 21 2016Jossey Saldanha, Nashville
By avoiding others to eat beef, these companies get gomata in cheaper rate to export by killing devotionally, and big profit there by and antisocial get their commission too..
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SMR, Karkala
Thu, Jul 21 2016Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar in December, declared blue bull, or nilgai, a vermin in Bihar. In February, it classified wild boars as vermin in Uttarakhand, and a month later, monkeys were declared vermin in Himachal Pradesh.
The Environment Ministry writing to every state asking them which animal they want to kill and they will grant permission. In Bengal they gave permission to kill elephants, in Himachal they gave permission to kill monkeys, in Goa they gave permission to kill peacocks(National bird).Issue a statement asserting that the ministry had only given “permission for scientific management” after examining requests from state governments.
But real 'vermins' in the name cow vigilantes patrolling streets looking to lynch Muslims and Dalits time to time.
In the northern state of Haryana, a video that went viral in late June showed two beef transporters who were stopped by vigilantes. The 57-second video, shot by Gau Rakshak Dal, a group of so-called “cow savers,” shows the men sitting on the highway, being forced to eat cow dung. Their faces are swollen, and one of them is vomiting.
In September 2015, a mob barged in the house of 50-year-old Mohammad Akhlaq in his village of Dadri in Uttar Pradesh, after rumors spread that he had eaten beef.
In March of this year, two Muslims were found hanging from a tree in the eastern state of Jharkhand.
The Modi's center government revolutionized 'pink revolution' by their own way of 'scientific management' exporting beef.
Despite the obsession of some to protect the cow, India ironically remains one of the largest exporters of beef.
Jai Hind
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Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
Thu, Jul 21 2016jeevan,
Stop blaming British/Western countries for our own weaknesses. For information Indians from beginning of time were selfish and used hate each other or not united. Thundu Raja. So many kings and states could not stop Westerners/Moguls from entering India and stop them invading our country.
We should be proud today to be called Indians - belong to Republic of India and should stand united and not to divide by cast, creed and religion.
If you hate Westerners so much, why can't you advise Mr. Modi to restrict his visits abroad including Arab world for business, defense needs and lots of economic approach?
Answer my question and wait for peoples opinion. (Agree/Disagree)
I do not hate you as human being but I hate your irrational comments.
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vnayak, mangalore/switzerland
Thu, Jul 21 2016Development is only for the cows. Dalits are not important. Governance = Brutal enforcement with lathis.
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Roshan, Abu Dhabi
Thu, Jul 21 2016Now people should tell kerala is Somalia? Or Gujarat?
Cow Government Murd^^b^^d..
DisAgree [1] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse
A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Thu, Jul 21 2016Real reaping time has started, finally heading to U.P. as the Waterloo.
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Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
Thu, Jul 21 2016When effected by droughts they may allow the cows to die natural death or wander or stray in streets. why cant they adore and take of the COWS? People may die one day with hunger but cow should be taken care!
As if there are special Heavens for these fundamentalists after the death?
DisAgree [1] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse
Antonio DSilva, Kuwait
Thu, Jul 21 2016shhhh!
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Rajesh D, Manglore, Dubai
Thu, Jul 21 2016Even in olden days there were uneducated people in all religion, who worked hard and struggled to maintain descent life, at the end of the day people were happy at some stage. Now some of the associations are giving full time job to uneducated people to destroy peace of common man in the name of religion. Shame on all of you who support these kind of incidents.
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Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016When the Chaaiwaala Prime Minister is silent and giving loose hands, the vigilantes attack the Dalits and protect Cows.
Humans are Beaten
Cows are Protected.
=====Cow Government's Cattle Class Governance.=====
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N.M, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016On one hands these cow fanatics claim that the Cow is their mother and then they allow this so called mother of theirs to eat road side garbage and plastic.
Waah... 3rd rated hypocrites!
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SK, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016they are also beef exporting hypocrites.....
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jeevan, mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016Did you hear fact finding report / stall the parliament or pappu visit the Dalit home in kerala.
30-year-old Dalit woman was allegedly raped and brutally murdered under Congi govt headed by Ex CM Oman Chandey.
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Praveen, kulshekar
Thu, Jul 21 2016do you now what happened in rohtak Haryana wher your Khattar is the CM, a rape victim is again raped by the same culprits, why they are let free, why no punishment, first guide your boss. Do you also know that crime rate is increased in Haryana, You may have words to defend him.
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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Thu, Jul 21 2016Hotline phone service has been established in Haryana by the CM Kattar to save cows and special posting of police officers all across the State, but the human beings are discarded to the roadside.
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Amigo , Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016Of course, crime must increase in those states, because people elected the criminals
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David Pais, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016@jeevan, mangalore
stalling parliament is bjp pathanjali medicine taste it.
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Amith, udupi
Thu, Jul 21 2016jeevan ,
Renukacharya ki jai...
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Hussain, Abudhabi
Thu, Jul 21 2016Let the cow brigade team sleep with cows in their shed, eat with the cow, sing with the cow, ambaaaa with the cow
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Praveen, kulshekar
Thu, Jul 21 2016or bring the cow to their bedroom and make it sleep, milk it in the kitchen, release the dung in the attached toilet, If its soooo holy
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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Thu, Jul 21 2016Dear Friend, hardly any of the politicians running the show from New Delhi or any other BJP ruled States will touch a cow but brainwashing the gullible electorate blindly following them that Cow is their mother, and their mother is eating the trash from the roadside. These politicians can't show any proof from the Hindu scriptures telling that eating beef is prohibited in their religion. This issue is simply a national agenda to impose autocracy and using cow as a tool.
" we tell you to worship the cow, so you do, else we will kill you or be sent to prison".
How many thousands of people have lost their income and pushed them to poverty who were engaged in the beef and leather industry in Maharastra? What a sad thing, the poverty creating politicians of the 21st century never seen anywhere in the world.
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Ravi, Kapu
Thu, Jul 21 2016The name of the person who attacked Dalits was Mohd. Shafi (Mushtaq Sandhi), 17 yrs old. Tell me which media has shown this??
DisAgree [43] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse
SK, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016who ever may be, cut his both hands to give a permanent lesson to others....
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Mahendra Shetty, Mumbai Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016HA HA HA
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Prasheesh Kumar. S , Mumbai
Thu, Jul 21 2016Gujarat has no Naxalite problem so far. But soon naxalism will take root in Gujju state which is notorious for fake encounters by ruling party since last 14 years and give fitting reply to cow vigilantes and fake encounter specialists.
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jeevan, mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016I feel honestly the fact finding team report is biased.
I feel Christian missionaries are inciting dalit to revolt against their own religion.
No doubt Dalit are soft target to conversion by force/cash/inducement.
Divide and rule policy was adopted the british to divide the india / our religion.
Now some missionaries are trying the same tactis to achieve their hidden agenda.
DisAgree [72] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse
David Pais, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016@jeevan, mangalore
rtd. judge somashekar prepared report.
DisAgree [3] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse
jeevan, mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016Why congi govt rejected ?
Don't want to know the truth ??
Why did not ask re-investigate the issue by CBI/Sitting Judge from HC or SC ???
DisAgree [43] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse
David Pais, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016@jeevan, mangalore,
no truth in somashekar report prejudiced. who attacked the churches
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Clifford, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016Jeevan, Why do you want to bring anyone else into false and completely fabricated story of yours. Have been there yourself to see it.? From the dislikes you get in these columns, you should know how disliked you are in your own place. You always support Mafia dons who are your annas and BD and sena are your comrades.
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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Thu, Jul 21 2016Jeevan: You are acting too smart in your comment. Why the Christian missionaries are brought into this issue?
Those street goons who did beat and killed the Dalits are your hard core party followers and you are complimenting them greatly.
If the Christian missionaries didn't land in India, none of the Dalits ever have entered the door step of a school. Your great party is repeating the old agenda.
Wait and watch, your great party will be facing the Waterloo in U.P.
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SJM, Mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016Jeevan - Just see Navi Mumbai incident that the 16 years boy was killed by upper cast people . Don't bring Christianity in your statement shame on your comments.
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Declan, Mumbai
Thu, Jul 21 2016jeevan,mangalore
In Mumbai we often hear of thousands of Dalits being converted to Buddhism in mass conversion ceremonies (these converted Dalits then pledge allegiance to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar). However, from your comments you don't seem to have a problem with those conversions as you make no mention of it here but only have a problem with the alleged illegal conversions by Christian missionaries. What is the reason for that ? Is it because Christianity and Islam are considered or defined as 'imported' religions by Nagpur HQ. Is it that those Indians belonging to Islam or Christianity and among them most of whom are not praising Modi or supporting the BJP are all anti national ?
Know this that Dalits convert mainly to escape social persecution. If one does not get respect and social acceptance in one's own community just for being from the low caste then one will look elsewhere for social acceptance and equality. It does not matter which religion they choose ..............
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kr , mlore
Thu, Jul 21 2016It is because of vote bank policy.... Example is Kerala
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Declan, Mumbai
Fri, Jul 22 2016That is the tragedy - petty thinking.
BJP and RSS are a destructive combination. One wants the votes and the other wants religious supremacy and domination so they help each other achieve each other's goals.
The ones to suffer in the end are the Dalits and religious minorities especially those from the lower middle and poor classes of society.
DisAgree Agree [1] Report Abuse
Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
Thu, Jul 21 2016Cow government you will divide India once more! Goondas, Sanghis and rightwing activists are ruling the country and crossing all the limits of denying citizens freedom. Government is sleeping over cruelty afflicted on humans and some BJP politicians abusive language on Ex Dalit CM. Opposition will have to unite and break the authoritarian rule
DisAgree [6] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse
jeevan, mangalore
Thu, Jul 21 2016Dear Flavian
Was not MAUT KA SAUDAGAR abusive language used by waitres??? but I condemn whoever use the Unparliamentary_languages in public life.
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Praveen, kulshekar
Thu, Jul 21 2016You are also condemned here, you are calling one of the powerful lady a "Waitress"
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akhilesh, Managalore/Bangalore
Fri, Jul 22 2016you sickulars get upset when sonia is refferred as waitress....but jump in joy when modi is reffered as chaiwala!!!!...Waah this SICKULARISM at its best....
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