Pak further needles India, Sharif despatching 22 spl envoys to world capitals

Lahore, Aug 27 (PTI) : Further needling India on the Kashmir issue, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today nominated 22 parliamentarians as special envoys to be despatched to world capitals to highlight the problem.

"We will remind the United Nations its long-held promise of self-determination to the Kashmiri people," Sharif said. Stepping up Pakistan's diplomatic offensive, the prime minister said he has decided to send the parliamentarians for highlighting the Kashmir issue in different parts of the World.

The move by Sharif came against the backdrop of escalating war of words between India and Pakistan in the aftermath of the continuing unrest in the Kashmir Valley that broke out on July 8 after Hizbul commander Burhan Wani was killed by security forces.

"The Prime Minister urged the special envoys to ensure their efforts for highlighting the Kashmir cause across the world so that he can shake the collective conscience of the international community during his address at the UN this September," Radio Pakistan reported.

"We will also make it clear to India that it was India that approached the UN several decades back on Kashmir dispute but now it is not fulfilling its promise," he added. Sharif said the Kashmir problem is the most persistent failure of the UN and that the world body must establish its relevance.

"I have decided to send these parliamentarians for fighting the Kashmir cause in different parts of the world. These special envoys have the strength of the people of Pakistan, prayers from the Kashmiri people across the Line of Control, the mandate of the parliament and support from the government," Sharif said in a statement.

"Generation after generation of Kashmiris have seen only broken pledges and ruthless oppression," Sharif claimed. He emphasised that this anniversary of the UN ought to be a catalyst, spurring the world body into action. "We cannot relent from the Kashmir cause by any stretch of the imagination," Sharif said


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  • Lokesh, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Relax Bhakths and non bhakths. These is no panic in this news. Pakistan did each and every trick possible and failed in everything before. China's hand is behind the new steps is not a secret. The day will come that India and the world would say" the people of Baloochistan and Taiwan decide their future" and both Pakistan and China will come to their knees. On a lighter side, Sharief might send a envoy to Delhi too with "some delicious biriyani and a Yoga mat made in Pakistan" for his friend in return for the gift of saree and birthday wish.

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  • Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    The issue between India and Pakistan is a complex issue which may not be solved at the nearest future except through effective dialogue

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  • Krishna Dasa, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    We should think about the benefits having Kashmir with India. For more than 70 years Kashmir was a Liability to India as well as to our brotherly country Pakistan. Kashmir brought India & Pakistan death, injury, Financial burden. Kashmir was belong to Kashmiris and will remain with Kashmiris. Both India & Pakistan will loose life & wealth and will bring unending poverty.

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  • sri, Karkala

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    In other words what do you want to say?

    Let it be with India or let it be a free country like Nepal?

    One thing our government should try... Open a limited time window for pokistan bakths to immigrate there.. So that most of its bhakths should leave this country permanently..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Bakhts, did you all notice a very special news today!?. You all comment so aggressively and throw stones, eggs etc on people for talking about the good experience they had in Pakistan!!!. Yesterday the Yamuna plains destroyer Sri Sri Sri Sri Ravishankar met Terrorist Buhan Wani's Father!. Infact he stayed in his Ashram for two days!. Important thing to be noted is, Burhan Wani's Father was also involved in protests against Army!!!. Let me see, if you see my comment, how you will twist and respond!!!

    DisAgree [8] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • RnS, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    hahaha funny sikular logic.. when sri Ravishanker meets him suddenly he become terrorist Buhan Wani's Father else for these sikulars he's respected school head master and his son killed by Army !!

    DisAgree [1] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krishna, Canada

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    John dude, dont get pumped up so much. You already have 2 comments on this article. Let me try to spell it out for you - (and I am a proud bhakth) - First, a similar Kashmir issue has happened in the past in 2010 and numerous other times where Kashmiris come out on the road and start pelting stones and pakistan plays the trumpet to grab international attention. And everytime this happened, Indian govt has tried all diplomatic channels and backdoor diplomacy to sort things out. Kashmir is not a freedom struggle, Pakistan and Kashmiris want to use Kashmir as a template for other "Freedom" movements within India. Kashmir is not a freedom struggle, it is a bunch of brainwashed guys running on streets on the behest of those who control loud speakers there. Now coming to Ramya's episode, there is a statement made and there was a reaction from one set of people - you dont have to blame Modi for that. If you think Modi is controlling everyones thoughts whole day, you have placed him at a much higher place than we Bhakths have. So that might make you a bhakht as well, so watch out.
    50 days of curfew and kashmiris are also learning lesson the hard way as the peak tourist season this year is wiped out for them. So, they are also looking for ways to break this, but as I said, the people who control the loud speakers there have other vested interests. Burhan's father reaching out to Sri Sri or vice versa, it might be good for Kashmir. SO dont get pumped up so much, we bhakths have no interest in twisting your comment - neither we get anything out of it. Chill and stop having Modi in your thoughts, unless you are a secret bhakth.

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  • Ganesh Pai, Dubai / Kavoor

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Ooops.. what a fitting reply... hats off...

    DisAgree [3] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    For you the fitting reply is in a article titled 'The Paranoid art of Nationalism' dated 26th August 2016. There is a sentence that caught my eyes 'Nationalism is the last refuge of Scoundrels'!!!.

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  • D.P.SHETTY, Bahrain

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    I don't think any harm as a religious man trying peace with terrorist father for the benefit of mankind

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  • Clifford, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Only a surprise visit by Modi to Nawaz Sheriefs home will solve this problem.

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  • JK, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Pakistan needs another 50 years to convince the world that, they are not a failed state.

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  • John, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    No problem! We can send holy cows to all the world capitals and convince the leadership there that they want Kashmir only for the sole purpose of slaughtering Cows!

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  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Lasting peace in the subcontinent will be a distant dream without another full fledged war conquest of POK and it’s annexation with JK.

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  • Amigo , Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    But John who will and who has to die in that so called WAR? Do you have any of your dear and near one in Indian Military?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • D.P.SHETTY, Bahrain

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Dog's tail always bend,correct that require major surgery like a war,it's not only way to actively support opposition in Pakistan.Indian leader tried very friendly manner but nothing worked so far,now only to make Pakistan handicap breaking into pieces

    DisAgree [5] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

  • sri, Karkala

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    UN cannot dictate to sovereign countries.
    Recent verdict on south China sea is one example. It has gone to Chinese dustbin.
    There is a huge territorial problem with Russia and Ukraine.
    There was a Tamil problem in Srikanth now seen RIP.

    Now time has to come to teach final lesson for pokistan. I agree manohar parikkar is the right defense minister to give fitting reply 👊

    DisAgree [8] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, Udupi

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    sri, just see another comment by your friend j.anata!!!!. He wants 'UN to support India...'!!!!. Hope you got my point...!!!???

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  • sri, Karkala

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    @john- I think UN support was there while the creation of Bangladesh. Also there was Russian and US support.

    Nothing wrong in expecting support for our job to gets done. Finally muscle power is only the deciding factor. Please remember that..

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    "We will remind the United Nations its long-held promise of self-determination to the Kashmiri people," Sharif said.

    I believe Nawaz Sharif is talking about the UN resolution 48. If that's the case then Pakistan is to be blamed for not honouring their pledge they made to the UN.

    The UN resolution has 3 parts.
    1. The first part is Pakistan withdraw from the Kashmir and a total withdrawal of their army in civilian uniform and the Jihadis.

    2. The second India moves in it security forces. Indian is allowed to keep a military force in the whole of Kashmir to defend itself from any aggression from Pakistan.

    3. And then after all of the above conditions are fulfilled, under the UN the Kashmiri's would have a plebiscite to decide whether the would like to be with India or Pakistan.

    Since Pakistan did not withdraw its army and their jihadi forces it is Pakistan's fault. So if there is anybody to be blamed for not keeping their promise it is the leadership of Pakistan.

    DisAgree Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • SMR, Karkala

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    In retaliation PM Modi will make his visit in coming days.

    While rest of his ministry will continue his 'Go Matha' agenda to continue in seat.

    Jai Hind

    DisAgree [7] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Praveen, kulshekar

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    bakthon now question..... boditthnda cake, seere, kukku.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph, Qatar

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Pakistan is a bikaaari country and seeks pleasure in meddling its dirty nose into the internal affairs of India (Kashmir). As if it is not tired of putting up a vociferous stand on the Kashmir issue, it goes one step further to decimate the Afghan people through the services of ISIS, Al Qaeda etc. to maintain an upper hold of the entire Afghan country. It is not bothered if its own country people are dying of internal communalism, killing each other, and shamelessly washing its dirty linen in public to attract attention and obtain sympathy. It gets involved into one controversy after another. There is no governance of the constitution other than the gun . So long as Zia Ul Haq was alive and Martial Law was active, there was some semblance but scant respect. Now anybody raising their voices or demonstrating against the Army or the allied authorities are instantly tortured or killed. Nobody is allowed to speak, but have to strictly adhere to the dictatorship of Musharaf and Nawaz Sharif both tyrant brain honchos behind all the Kashmir episode. Sharif openly supports every single terrorist organisation, is a sly fox and knows for sure that he has to dodge critics without directly falling into the limelight. He is hell bent on liquidating certain factions of the pro Kashmir agenda to bolster his image and to go one step further to tie up association with renowned world class terrorist activity organisations like ISIS, Al Qaeda, ISI and several others whose motto is only to destroy the fabric of the society. Although he fears that he knows that he can't do anything but waiting to pounce on the wrong move by the Indian authorities he only wishes that sending his obedient envoys to world capital will give him an upper advantage to cling on to the powers so long as he wishes to. It is unfortunate that we have got controversial enemies on either sides of the border, the bigger than picture task is how our political leaders display their will power for a long lasting solution

    DisAgree [1] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Albert D'Souza, San Francisco/Mangalore

    Mon, Aug 29 2016

    Mr. Joseph, Qatar,
    I have lived in Pakistan & India and Pakistanis are not different then Indians. Pakistanis are Punjabis, Sindhis, Gujrathis, Kashmiris, Emigrants from Andra Pradesh, UP, Biharis.etc, Konkani speaking people of western coast of India. More dignified then most of the Indian Citizens I know, Open their arms with Charity, Share their meals with complete strangers, Proud people of Grate Indus Valley Civilization. One should not call others bikaaari when unable to take care of their own Fellow citizens. May God Bless all Pakistanis and Indians.

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  • sandeep, Mang

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    22 special terrorists from Ramya's Sasural..

    DisAgree [2] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    UN should be supporting India

    DisAgree [1] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • harish, kadaba

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    foolish, why he keep his ambasdiors ! jolly trips .
    In pak Nawaz is dammi ! their army deciding forign policy !! Unless a strong civil government there all talks will be waste with pak !

    DisAgree [1] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    World capitals know the terrorist problems created by Paki Terror factories!!! No one will take it serious. World should know that Kashmir problem is created by on going Pak terrorism and its ISIS and terror outfits operated prom Paki land!!

    DisAgree [3] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Nashville

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Sharif is testing Modi's patience ...

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  • Sukesh Kumar, Mangalore

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Nawas Sharief can also send the 'cine actress' to one of these countries to give a glamour.

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  • Alan, Mangalore

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Hello Bhakts, So much for a Flop Bylateral relations showmanship & cake cutting with Sharif by Feku. The bottom line is at the end of it all a big shoonya (Zero). Nothing seems to be working out. The Foreign trips were only to be on the seen on the T.V & gain popularity , Final outcome is a total disaster with nothing to show for after spending huge amount on Foreign jaunts

    DisAgree [13] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Langoolacharya, Belman/Wash DC

    Sat, Aug 27 2016


    We should appoint 22 Special envoys to the world to enlighten world and to Pak as terrorist nation...

    1.Sharad Pawar, Eknath Khase and Ramya to Pakistan...

    2.Deve Gowda and his 2 sons to France

    3.Mulyam and Lalu to Italy

    4.Mayavati, J Jayalalita and Mamta to Saudi Arabia

    5.Sonia, Ahmed Patel and Oscar to Switzerland

    6.Modi, Ambani and Adani to Moon

    7.Kejriwal, Nitish and Siddu to Afghanistan

    8.Rahul to Thighland....


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  • geoffrey, hat hill

    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    What about Uncle Sam? Are you proposing to volunteer?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ummar, Udupi/Dubai

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Other all MP's can think of cow and cow dung.

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  • Raju, udupi

    Sun, Aug 28 2016

    Parameshwar to Germany
    Sonia to USA
    Diggy to Honey moon along with Amrita
    Ambarish to Singapore
    Manishankar ayyar to PAKISTAN only

    Finally Send siddu to Dehli

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    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    Let Nawaz Sharief keep dreaming. We have got our own business..But he should be careful while sleeping.. Military might take over his job.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse


    Sat, Aug 27 2016

    The only solution to Kashmir Problem lies in Pakistan returning the illegally occupied POK to India.

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

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