Pope Francis says women will never be Roman Catholic priests

London, Nov 3 (The Guardian): Pope Francis has ruled out a woman ever serving as a priest in the Roman Catholic church.

The declaration is not a change in stance for the Argentinian pope, who has always said the door was closed on women being ordained as priests.

But when he was asked and then pressed on the matter by a Swedish journalist during a press conference onboard the papal plane, Francis suggested the ban would be eternal.

“Saint Pope John Paul II had the last clear word on this and it stands, this stands,” Francis said in his initial response, referring to a 1994 document stating that women could never join the priesthood.

“But for ever, for ever? Never, never?” the reporter asked in a follow-up question, as the papal delegation flew back to Rome from Sweden on Tuesday.

Francis replied: “If we read carefully the declaration by St John Paul II, it is going in that direction.”

The pope went on to say women did “many other things better than men”, emphasising what has been called the “feminine dimension of the church”.

“People ask me: ‘Who is more important in the theology or in the spirituality of the church, the apostles or Mary, on the day of Pentecost?’ It is Mary,” he said. He then added: “More.”

But Francis’s praise of women will do little to comfort feminist Catholics who want women to have a broader role in the church, including ordination.

The church has always responded to criticism of the ban on women by pointing out that Jesus only chose men as his apostles. Proponents of a change argue, among other points, that the church is facing a shortage of priests.

Francis seemed to open the possibility that women might become ordained deacons earlier this year, when he commissioned a study of the role female deacons played in the early church.

Women have been barred from the priesthood for centuries. Under current rules, deacons are ordained similarly to ministers, and are men. While they cannot celebrate mass, they are allowed to preach and conduct some ceremonies, including baptisms, wakes and funerals.

The pope’s remarks came a day after he signed a joint declaration with Lutherans, which commemorated the Reformation and stated that the two Christian traditions had more in common than differences. When he landed in Sweden, Francis was greeted by the female head of the Swedish Lutheran church, Antje Jackelén.

The issue of women’s inequality in the Catholic church remains a hot topic among activists, despite Francis’s position. At a recent gathering, representatives of Catholic priest movements and international lay organisations called for reform on issues including equality for women and LGBT rights.

In a statement released by organisers, Kate McElwee, the co-executive director of the Women’s Ordination Conference, said: “In this space, we wrestled with the damaging effects of oppressive structures, knowing that patriarchy and hierarchy hurt us all.

“We discovered, time and again, that by sharing as equals and asking hard questions, we can transform ourselves, our church and our world.”


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  • Antony Fernandes, Mangaluru/USA

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    Just surprised, when a man priest comes out from a women’s stomach in any religion, then why not a birth giver can not preach as a priest? Now a days Catholic church has given high importance to woman in all place of worship. In a religious place they can only preach, this can be done by anyone after the necessary training. There is nothing special in worship places which only men can do and women can not do. This man made rule thousand years ago can be changed by man or the people when the need arises.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    @Antony Fernandes, Mangaluru/USA
    “Now a days Catholic church has given high importance to woman in all place of worship”
    - We don’t worship women or worship men. We worship God Almighty.
    - The Church is full of men and women Saints.
    - No other heretical sect or non-Christian belief reveres woman, the way Christians revere the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary. Go to any Catholic Church and you will see Theotokos!
    - Read the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Louis de Montfort’s writings are a good place to begin.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Antony Fernandes, Mangaluru/USA

    Sat, Nov 05 2016

    Sam world,
    Sorry, I read your comment just now. See Sam church laws are made by man. If this is 10 commandments I would not wrote anything here. We believe they are Gods commandments. Nobody can do anything. Few decades back priest used to look at the Altar and say mass in Latin. As I read in Google it is in the year 1969 this was changed and now priest look at the people and say the mass in local language. Does it benefited millions and millions of Catholics or not? Vatican changed this law because this was man made law. Can you believe the place I am living in US the old style Latin mass is there in one church. Sometimes I am going with my family for the 11:30 am mass on Sunday church is jam packed woman has to wear wales to their head. I am a catholic sam. Yet times I used to think on this. Always my question is WHY NOT? TRY IT OUT! IF DOESN’T WORK REWART BACK. This is my personal view. I don’t dare to question any church leaders. My beloved Mother told to all her children strictly, never get in arguments with any priests anytime about our faith.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Sun, Nov 06 2016

    @Antony Fernandes, Mangaluru/USA
    Dear Anthony,

    “Sam church laws are made by man.”
    - Christ has given authority to the Church to teach the faith and shepherd the flock.
    - God’s laws cannot be changed by anyone including the Church. Unfortunately there are liberal Priests and Bishops who are telling lies, just like Judas who betrayed Christ. Catholics must know the faith. Read and instruct your family and friends with Pope St. Pius X Catechism.

    “Few decades back priest used to look at the Altar and say mass in Latin”
    - Read Quo Primum by Pope St. Pius V. The Latin Mass can never be abolished or replaced. It has been purposely suppressed by Priests and Bishops. Do not be shocked, Judas was an Apostle of Christ.
    - We are living with Vatican II errors.

    DisAgree [1] Agree Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Sun, Nov 06 2016

    @Antony Fernandes, Mangaluru/USA
    Dear Anthony,

    - Will you try something even if it disobeys God? What did Eve try and what happened?

    “My beloved Mother told to all her children strictly, never get in arguments with any priests anytime about our faith.”
    - She is partially correct. What if your Priest taught error? Do you know who Bishop Arius was? Do you know who Friar Martin Luther was?
    - Catholics must know the Faith. Read and instruct your family with Pope St. Pius X Catechism.
    - Christ warned there would be wicked people who will lead souls to damnation.

    DisAgree [1] Agree Report Abuse

  • Janapriya, Udupi

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    Hum karegatho chamatkar......Doorey karegatho balatkar.......

    DisAgree [2] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    @Sachidanand Shetty, Dubai/Mundkur
    “Jannanna who appointed women priests in Temples”
    - Christ instituted the Holy Priesthood, not Jannanna. Understand the difference!

    DisAgree [4] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    We know since Pope Francis is become head of cahtolic church,he brought many changes within short period.He would have certainly brought this Change of priesthood to women if wanted or could.Even I would appriciate when women became priests,I doubt this Change.I think why women cant is simple.They are more emotional ,would not standhaft be able to do their theological study for Long time,be underorder the Pope ,as many priest too done.I heard from one priest, that during their study is very hard,requires self discipline in question Comes.women may not be able to go through this.we have to accept it.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil D'souza , Udupi /dubai

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    Women is emotional and break down easily.Women have less endurance These two main things.Priests face many challenges while following catholic faith. These things will hold back women from becoming clergy. Other religious people please dont question our respect and dignity of women. Our equality unquestionable.Our women population is more than men.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • A. S. Mathew, U.S.

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    JESUS delegated His disciple to go around the world to preach, that commission was not given to the women because JESUS knew that such a command will endanger any woman in those days. Many Protestant Churches have women Priests and Bishops today. I do greatly respect Pope Francis as a great true disciple of JESUS in humility-compassion and simple lifestyle he is the most respected Christian leader of the world. But his total opposition to prohibiting the women to be Priests is a very confusing statement and not fully agreeable.

    The first evangelist who d the resurrection of JESUS was a woman. When the Samaritan lady found that JESUS is her savior, she went to the town and told the good news.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    @A. S. Mathew, U.S. “The first evangelist who d the resurrection of JESUS was a woman. “ Dear A.S. Mathew, in charity let me say that - All the Prophets preached about the coming of the Messiah and implored men and women to repent from their sinful ways. - Ponder as to why the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary never demanded to become a Priest?

    DisAgree Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Peter Lewis, Kalmady/k s a

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Roman Catholic Church treats females equal to men except priesthood.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lloyd Dsouza, Dubai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Good decision, rules are rules. Historical rules and regulations cannot be changed according to generations. One should keep in mind that woman have Big Respect In Christianity, but Woman have different important responsiblities in Christianity. we should understand that. Its not Pope Francis decision, its Nature. If Pope say woman cannot we pregnant instead man should be,it cant happen bcoz its nature & God's Decision. Whatever Pope Francis says he says according to History & he guides us to know & obey God's word.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian Furtado, Canada

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Women, please wait,when they say NO today it simply means that YES after some years.

    All religions have always proved one thing that they are reluctant to change their thinking initially but finally they will accept off course with a apology for the past mistake.

    Keep fighting and you will get there sooner than later.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilson DSouza, Paladka

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Let the sanctity of priesthood be kept inside the hearts of Catholics and not be discussed in public domain.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    A1 Ace.
    A Phrase.
    With Race.
    Knot a Lace.
    Zion is a Base.
    Need to Chase.
    Jerusalem Place.
    Holy Spirits Mace.
    Possibly in a Grace.
    No prayer Disgrace.
    To Jesus all Embrace.
    Jesus judges the Case.
    Heaven has vast Space.
    God’s word can’t Erase.
    Believers see Jesus Face.
    Seek God’s grace & Trace.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Lydia Lobo,

    Watch the supporters of Woman empowerment or rights. (only for good purpose and hassle free)

    DisAgree [7] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    If a woman possesses an intense desire and has the will to become a priest, why should she be prevented? When civilized society has permitted them to become in the field of aviation as pilots, the military as combat pilots, the police force, in court as judges, then why not in matters of religion?

    DisAgree [31] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    How Nuns and layman are allowed to distribute Holy communion.?
    Changes can be brought only by decisions. When, how and why only time will tell. Times are changing and situations do not remain the same throughout.

    DisAgree [28] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    @Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait
    “How Nuns and layman are allowed to distribute Holy communion.? “
    - Nuns and Layman are not supposed to touch the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ.
    - Only Priests whose fingers have been consecrated can do this.
    - What you see are the errors of Vatican II.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse


    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Nothing really new here. John Paul II's statement on the subject is final, and merely confirms what the Church has always taught. Anyone in doubt should read it carefully. The Catholic Church has no authority to confer priestly ordination onto women. No future pope can change it, no matter how much wishful thinking by some.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    @HENRY MISQUITH, Bahrain
    “No future pope can change it, no matter how much wishful thinking by some.”
    - The masses in local languages are also incorrect and deliberately pushed by Vatican II Popes
    - Read Quo Primum by St. Pope Pius V which binds the Latin Mass to be said throughout the world.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [1] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lily Grace D Silva, Mangalore/Mumbai/Dubai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Kindly do not argue with the subject. It is not women have no strength. They carry more responsibilities than men. But women are not supposed to be priests and offer the Sacrament at the altar of God. Jesus gave this holy job for apostles and that is men. Now Pope Francis has also said the same. So please accept and pray to God to send more young boys to priesthood as we need many. God bless you all.

    DisAgree [26] Agree [80] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    @ Lili Grace D'Silva,
    I believe more and more boys will join priesthood provided the rule of compulsory celibacy is abolished. No priest can equate himself with Jesus Christ by remaining celibate. Further the Bible nowhere states the priests or elders of the church are forbidden to marry.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vincent Rodrigues., Frazer Town,Bangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Nothing to comment on Pope clarifications

    DisAgree [23] Agree [44] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Thu, Nov 03 2016


    Your argument is not bad.
    Whereas, man keeps the secret for ever. May be priest, layman or a married man. Any doubts?

    DisAgree [3] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • gm, mlur

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    There was a joke, whether it was true or not, women cannot keep secrets so they can't be the priest in christian faith. Eg. If a sinner confess to a woman priest she cannot keep it as a secret but she will go to other one and tell don't tell anyone he is like that and this. Don't take it seriously.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Analysing the reasons given by Madam Lydia and you, I would go with you logically.
    Though Lydia made an effort to substantiate her first comment, it was not convincing at all.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Lydia madam,
    "Standing at the altar and conducting the service, which may stretch for hours, is not a catwalk. It requires stamina and women lack it"
    I do not agree with your proclamation or reasoning points of view.
    Women have the courage and stamina provided they are allowed to prove. The have already proved remaining in Skylab for extended periods. (In sports they perform well and even wrestling, boxing they are not bad)
    It is the fact that in all the religions women are not considered equally good or worthy to men. Who created all such rules. Only men dominated world. I do not think God or Prophet instructed to consider women with un equality to men.
    Change may come in due course of time.

    DisAgree [31] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Allowing everyone's opinion is called TOLERANCE ...

    DisAgree [6] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kevin, Dxb

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Those who talk about gender inequality should know that Catholicism is just one branch of Christianity , I belong to a denomination where even women are ordained priests ..

    DisAgree [15] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Clifford , Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Women are capable of performing priestly duties. Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist and some other churches, women are ordained as priests and bishops.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • sam, world

    Fri, Nov 04 2016

    @Clifford , Mangalore
    “Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist and some other churches, women are ordained as priests and bishops.”
    - Heretics are outside the Church, and hence they create whatever they desire.
    - Christ instituted the Priesthood, not anglicans, lutherans, methodists, etc.

    DisAgree Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • sunita lobo, abu dhabi

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Dear Lydia,
    You have taken your comment to a totally different level. Your comment lacks sense and sensitivity. Coming from a women is absolutely unacceptable, you say women lack stamina, oh come on, over and over again through the centuries women have proved to have not just stamina but also the willpower and the go get it all attitude. It would be futile on my part to even give you examples or elaborate on it. A normal women’s everyday example should suffice.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • mohan, mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Women cannot be priest in catholic church. jesus christ chooses only men as Apostals. Even in old testament god himself told mosses only Aron and his mail generation will be priest. This is very much clear to understand. From full old and new testament God chooses only men as prophets. There is no women in old and new testament other than mother marry.
    There no question uneqvality. Mens place is ther for mens . womens place there for women. and god created like that.

    And if catholic churchus choose women as priests. Again there will a big division in roman catholic.
    It will be very very bad.it will totaly distroys the roman church.
    Even I as a roman catholic will never like to see any women priest in alter.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr.S.Kamath, Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Pope is considered as supreme authority in Roman Catholic and his order needs to be maintained at all times.Those who disagree with him may contact him throug personal forums and convey suggestions.Commenting against him in public is not healthy for society.People of other religion comment ing is also unwarranted as he is passing orders regarding maintenance of prayers at Church and not on public life of Christian s.

    DisAgree [23] Agree [109] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Dubai/Mundkur

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    I wish same people could have followed the same principle when they commented against our Pejawar Swamiji too!!!!

    DisAgree [25] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Suzie Pinto, Udupi/Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Dr.S.Kamath, Mumbai
    To me you seem to be a man of wisdom and right discernment. I agree with what you say Sir!

    DisAgree [17] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Nowhere it is mentioned that this article is only meant to be read by Christians.
    This website is for everyone (I believe so) and everyone has the right to read and comment.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [53] Reply Report Abuse

  • RS, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    i agree with you Dr S.Kamath!

    DisAgree [10] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Bangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Dr. Kamath, If such is the case then why do people of other faith are interfering in the matter of Muslim affairs, such as what I am observing each and every day in Media about Gender Equality, Hijab, Divorce, Polygamy, Haji Ali Dargah etc etc ? Why don't you think in the same way for others too???

    We Muslims are not interested to indulge into any bodies internal affairs. Since the world so far was busy insulting Islam questioning us of Gender Equality, we had to reply back peacefully supporting the Popes view with proper justification, as there are many similarities between Muslim and Christian faiths as they have come from the same root.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • gm, mlur

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Religion became business for Politicians and Politics became business for religious leaders. Both should be kept separately. The priest should not talk about politics and politician should not talk about religion then everything will be alright.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [24] Reply Report Abuse

  • moshu, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Dr saab
    your tunes changes when the matters are related to Islam.

    DisAgree [21] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Dr Kamath

    Orders of Pope are okay and final for you people but when it comes to orders of the Almighty, changes are required yea??

    A fine example of being biased and double standard !!

    DisAgree [15] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    We should always see the will of God in everything.
    Even Pope have to see the will of God and speak accordingly.
    God almighty has no gender bias but created male and female compatible to each other.
    He gave men hard labour whereas soft labour to females.
    We should never question the will of God our creator!
    Our ways can NEVER BE BETTER THAN HIS.
    However, I some times see, some of our priests are always biased. They always portray men as villains in their sermons.
    It's utter lie, it will surely distance men from Church and its activities.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ali, mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Ladies have equal rights as men !!

    DisAgree [43] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    see from where the message is coming!!!

    DisAgree [6] Agree [59] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ali, mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    i was more expecting more Dislikes. Mirchi lagti hain lol

    DisAgree [23] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • patrick, mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Look who is talking!!
    Ali, are you serious?? Rights of women coming from your mouth?! Stop being a hypocrite Ali.. Womens right you say?! Iam sure you know what I am trying to say....

    DisAgree [7] Agree [37] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Even in Triple Talaq ??? No, I am not talking about Khula where they have to convince why they want the divorce.

    Can they utter Talaq thrice and get away with the unwanted marriage ??

    DisAgree [2] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • stan, udupi/dubai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Why we are always behind gender equality?.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohan, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Because, both are equall.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vantage Point, mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    It is internal matter of Catholic faith to settle their dispute we are not meddling in their beliefs or affairs...But one thing there are many fair weather critics when women rights are concerned...

    DisAgree [20] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • The Guru, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    If it was in India then supreme court would have over ruled it..

    I am proud of Janardhan Poojary, who have women priest in temple, since god does not differentiate human beings in terms of Gender

    Only In India these people cry for right to equality..

    DisAgree [12] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Neeth, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    All religions are intolerant towards women

    DisAgree [14] Agree [27] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    The other day my Christian friends were on their toes saying Muslims are not giving equal rights to Women....Now what will they comment on this say ??

    DisAgree [33] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • James Bond, Vamanjoor

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Because this is the most important concern in our world today.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sampath, Mlore/ Blore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    In the church women can even come ip to the altar, where as see the controversy of Haji Ali Dargah

    DisAgree [3] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • sid, mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    This is injustice to women i thought

    DisAgree [28] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan Braganza, Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Every Christian should appreciate and welcome this statement by Pope , so far the strongest and determined stand . This should ensure orthodoxy and conservatism which is necessary for any religion to survive . Pseudo women empowerment and feminism should never be allowed to dwell inside the religion and to subvert it . The MAN being first creation and WOMAN created from him thereafter , justifies uniqueness of it , and father -son-holyghost concept of HOLY TRINITY .

    DisAgree [12] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Those women who wish to be priests forget that power is not the requisite, but the humility is. Being a person who always raised voice in support of women, I will never wish that a woman be a priest. Because, standing at the altar and conducting the service, that may stretch for hours, is not a catwalk. It requires stamina and women lack it.

    Despite this restriction, women do enter the most sacred place, the altar. This nondiscrimination is sufficient to display that woman are everywhere, not limited to just certain areas.

    DisAgree [62] Agree [42] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Dubai/Mundkur

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Agreed Dear Lydia....may we explain this fact to Jannanna who appointed women priests in Temples few years back???? Logic should be same everywhere if needs to applied!!!

    DisAgree [9] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh, Mangaluru

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    @ Sachi, you hit right at the centre of bulls eye man.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Robin, Byndoor

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    At last you agreed that the men have Stamina... Thank you.

    Since decades women were thinking in a direction which the ladies never adventured in the past.

    Technology helped in many ways that some areas which are unfit for ladies were made fit now.

    In spite of these things I expect ladies should not think about venturing in some areas. Just at least for the sake of health risk to them and to the ones being born through them and for the generation they are going to create. For example : Traffic Police - such a hazardous environment it is that completely destroy a generation. Nuclear Reactor environment and many hazardous chemical plants and research units. Just because they are in need of a job, they should not venture here. Govt also should make necessary policy.

    There are risky areas that require absolute health - like Fire Fighters, Fighter Jet Pilots etc. Ladies have a duration in a month and pregnancy etc during which they are in the physically excite state which is not suitable for critical areas.
    Hope ladies understand this without any biased views.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • george dsouza, mangalore , Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    A women can and expected to cook in the kitchen for a long time standing. She can and expected to toil in the rice fields under the scorching sun for the whole day. Majority of the Christian women are teachers and they can stand for hours in the classroom teaching children, but they lack stamina and strength to spend an hour at the most at the altar and that too not more than 20 minutes of standing. Your argument is insensible. Moreover faithful which include the women spend equal time in standing along with the priest during a mass.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • RS, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Lydia Lobo, i agree what you said! but if statements coming from temple management then i am 100% sure you would have criticised his decision quoting discrimination !

    DisAgree [7] Agree [16] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rony, Mangaluru

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Lydia, I dont think we need to justify this.If so, our stand should be either same in the case of other religions or else we should be neutral.But I have seen you commenting negatively when such thing comes up in other religions cases.So your credibility is under question.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mohan, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Sorry.. You surrendered to Male supremacy. Anukool sindu kanoonu!.Please look at poor house maid who works at at least ten Plus houses per day to feed their jobless alcoholic husband. From where she get stamina ? Visit any construction site, look at those poor ladies carrying loads of construction material dawn to dusk. From where she get stamina ? Lets not be blind to reality. Faith is must but should not blind us.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    This reply is to all of you listed above, not a specific individual.

    Foremost, do not combine your view for both Hindu and Christian way of worship (for the one who questioned installing of women priest by Jananna). In Hinduism, purity/impurity is of supreme importance. All of you know about it and that is the reason widows above productive age are appointed in that temple. I have no further say in this matter.

    True - women have flown fighter jets, fought as wrestlers/soldiers or played tougher games. That is for certain hours of the day or some years in their life, does not happen 365 days x throughout your life as with priests.

    Given no other option, even I will grab a gun or a baton in self defence but the stamina applicable to worship at the altar is not about physical strength but of mental nerve. Its similar to challenging an acrobat to stand at erected position on a particular bar against a non-stop clock. I have first hand experience of this because I have been in charge of conducting prayers while I was in my school years. I know precisely, how one has to be attentive, as if a sword is hung above your head. You are more a public speaker than a worship conductor while being the head of a worship. Its very intricate, that is why priests are trained for over 15 years during their novitiate.

    Therefore, do not fight for a particular position for the sake of ego, please humble down. Even while standing among the congregation, the prayers are of same weight/value. Let those who are born for it, do the service. Being a woman, be nuns/nurses/mothers/teachers/policemen/jailers to light up the world because you are born delicate and full of love and compassion, not hardcore (No, this does not mean that the priests are hardcore).

    DisAgree [22] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Antonio DSilva, Kuwait

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    A very clear and unwavering message indeed to anyone who understands.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [12] Report Abuse

  • RS, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    as usual illogical explanation !

    DisAgree [10] Agree [8] Report Abuse

  • maxy, kinnigoly/mumbai

    Fri, Nov 04 2016


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  • R. Fernandes, Mangalore

    Thu, Nov 03 2016


    DisAgree [16] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Wilfred Lewis, Matpady-Brahmavar/ New York, USA

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Ladies role has been always respectfully defined by Catholic Church...

    DisAgree [24] Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, UAE

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    No comments.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [25] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    but they can be Saints ...

    DisAgree [23] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • KRPrabhu, Kudla

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Saints can't be religious..

    DisAgree [25] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    not in my faith ...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • geoffrey , hat hill

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    He's absolutely right. A woman can only become priestess not priest.

    DisAgree [47] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Moodbidri

    Thu, Nov 03 2016

    Women can become priests supervisors .

    DisAgree [11] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

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Title: Pope Francis says women will never be Roman Catholic priests

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