Kochi, Oct 20 (TNIE): Any centre for forcible conversion or reconversion, run by a Hindu, Muslim or Christian, should be shut down by the police, a Kerala High Court Division Bench said on Thursday. The court also said every case of inter-religious marriage should not be portrayed on a religious canvass as it creates fissures in the communal harmony otherwise existing in Kerala.
The Bench, headed by Justice V Chitambaresh, issued the order while upholding the marriage of a Hindu girl with a Muslim. The court allowed Sruthi, hailing from Cheruthazham, Kannur, to go with her husband Anees Hameed, a native of Pariyaram, Kannur. The court also quoted American poet Maya Angelou’s poem “love recognises no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
The Bench observed there was a trend in the state to sensationalise every case of inter-religious marriage as either ‘Love Jihad or ‘Ghar Wapsi’ even if there was platonic love between the spouses before. This case was also projected as ‘Love Jihad’ by the parents of Sruthi whereas Anees alleged a case of ‘Ghar Wapsi’ -- a bid to coerce her to return to Hinduism.
‘Govt promises to take action’
The state government submitted before the Kerala High Court it would take appropriate action against forcible conversion and reconversion centres, if there is any, in the state. When the habeas corpus petition filed by Rinto Issac, who claimed to have married Swetha came up for hearing, senior government pleader Suman Chakravarthy submitted that stringent action would be taken if there was such a centre.
The court observed, “Any centre for forcible conversion or reconversion has to be busted by the police whether it is Hindu, Muslim or Christian lest it offends the constitutional rights. Article 25 (1) of the Constitution of India guarantees to every citizen the right to freely profess, practise and propagate any religion which cannot be trampled upon by subversive forces or religious outfits.”
The court also cited the Supreme Court judgment in Lata Singh vs State of Uttar Pradesh that caste system is a curse on the nation and the sooner it is destroyed, the better.
In fact, it is dividing the nation at a time when we have to be united to face the challenges before the nation. Inter-caste marriages were, in fact, in the national interest as they will result in destroying the caste system, the SC order stated. The Bench further dismissed petitions filed by Athira, who was allegedly an inmate of the Yoga Kendra Thripunithura, Christian Helpline and Vijnanabharathi Educational and Charitable Society seeking to implead in the case contending this was a case of ‘Love Jihad’.
According to the court, the impleading petitioners are free to depose before the police probing the case and the writ court is not the venue for ventilating their grievances.
Comment on this article
Peter, Mangalore
Fri, Oct 20 2017The hadith mentions that "Allah created Man in his image". So GOD has his own image which is very difficult to understand to mankind. So debating on one particular word is not making any sence. Most important is obey what God says like Don't cheat, Don't beat Don't Kill and leave others to live., Help others and be as human.
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Vincent Rodrigues, Bengaluru/Katapadi
Fri, Oct 20 2017Conversion and reconversion using undue force need to be stopped
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Ahmed K.C., Mangalore
Fri, Oct 20 2017Chris, Tel Aviv,
God has an Image ? Ok. What should we do when bible also says :-
Exodus 20:4
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Exodus 34:17
"You shall make for yourself no molten gods.
Leviticus 19:4
'Do not turn to idols or make for yourselves molten gods; I am the LORD your God.
Leviticus 26:1
You shall not make for yourselves idols, nor shall you set up for yourselves an image or a sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land to bow down to it; for I am the LORD your God.
Deuteronomy 4:16
so that you do not act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female,
Deuteronomy 5:8
You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
Deuteronomy 27:15
Cursed is the man who makes an idol or a molten image, an abomination to the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and sets it up in secret.' And all the people shall answer and say, 'Amen.'
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Chris, Tel Aviv
Fri, Oct 20 2017...and you shall see the angels going round about the Throne glorifying the praise of their Lord; and judgment shall be given between them with justice, and it shall be said: all praise is due to God, the Lord of the Worlds. - Quran 39:75 If god doesn't have a shape how can he sit on this throne ??
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Chris, Tel Aviv
Fri, Oct 20 2017As far as idolatry goes , no religion is devoid of it ,
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Chris, Tel Aviv
Fri, Oct 20 2017"Leviticus 26:1 . " Samajdhar ko bass ishara hi kafi hai Ahmed bhai .
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Mangalurian, Mangaluru
Fri, Oct 20 2017If God has no shape, how does he speak?
Does he have a mouth to speak? How can a shapeless God have a mouth?
Where does the voice of God come from if he has no mouth and vocal chords?
How do people claim they heard the voice of God?
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Chris, Tel Aviv
Fri, Oct 20 2017a valid point indeed . Also there are several references to the throne of god , if god has no shape how can he sit on this throne surrounded by angels .
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Chris, Tel Aviv
Fri, Oct 20 2017Btw None of your quotes say god has no image .it merely says don't make images .
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John Tauro, M'luru / Kwt
Sat, Oct 21 2017From time immemorial there had been two realms – the physical and the metaphysical or spiritual. There are invisible spirit beings just as there are visible human beings. Almighty God is the supreme, all powerful Spirit Being. Likewise angels, Satan and his demons are also spiritual beings. Spirits can see each other among themselves which mean they have an image. Human beings with physical bodies cannot see spirit beings. So when God created man in his own image means He must have created man in a physical form likening God which also included characteristics of understanding and wisdom. Since that image of God is invisible to human beings, God has commanded man not to carve out or make any image likening to God, thereby forbidding any kind of idol worship.
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basavanna, belman/kuwait
Fri, Oct 20 2017Conversion using undue influence or force should be made an offence and the punishment shouldnot be less than 12 years in jail. Otherwise i dont think cases like these will come down.
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Fri, Oct 20 2017Ahmed, Banglore, what if some worship God with image!!..as far as he is not spilling blood in the name of god he can follow, worship GOD known,unkown, with face or without face..i believe, all over the world 99% of Religion worship God with name, face, figure incl., stone, river, mountain so on and living peacefully..i wonder, do uncontacted tribes of AMAZON or tribes living in unknown jungles ever know the evolved religions/faiths of modern world..where they will go after death, to HELL!!..think..
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Ahmed, Bangalore
Fri, Oct 20 2017Your concept doesn't work. It's very simple. As per the anology of our day to day life, if we don't follow the syllabus of a subject of that class then we will fail in the exam. In the same way we mankind cannot follow and practice each and everything what our brain says as each individual thinks differently. Only the Religion which is accepted by God in His own terms need to be followed and practised. Now figure our reading each Religious scripture and will surely come to know which is the Religion which God wants to practice which explains the beginning and the hereafter in a crystal clear format with no confusion. Later it will b upto u whether you wanna follow it or not. If you follow it will help you else than need to b answered. Your deeds stands with you to decide your fate.
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Aravind, Blr
Fri, Oct 20 2017Ok, so who wrote the scriptures? Who wrote the religious texts? Man or God?
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Dr Mohan Prabhu, LL.D, QC, Mangalore (Kankanady)/Ottawa, Canada
Mon, Oct 23 2017Ramesh, Ahmed et al,
All you guys are programmed by your religions. There is only one God by whatever name He is called, but it was a human being who invented the spiritual realm with God as the ruler. My advice is, follow your religion as you see fit and do not be influenced by the preaching of other religions which claim that their god is the only true god and their god is the god of all, otherwise he is not at all.
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hemanth, bangalore
Fri, Oct 20 2017Good Judgement. I guess now brake dances in Tamil nadu villages will stop..
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Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai
Fri, Oct 20 2017Kerala High Court also knows there is only 'One God' ...
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Sampath, India
Fri, Oct 20 2017Yeah ...Eswar satya hai...sach hi shiv hai...
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David Pais, Mangalore
Fri, Oct 20 2017I am the way, the truth and the life.
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Ahmed, Bangalore
Fri, Oct 20 2017Eshwar ko shakal nai hota. He cannot be look like a human nor any creature on earth. He has no image (akaar vikaar ) but unfortunately logo ne uska alag alag image bana diya aur usko hi pooja karna shuru kar diya
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Chris, Tel Aviv
Fri, Oct 20 2017Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.". God has an image .
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Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore
Fri, Oct 20 2017Dear Sampath, India.
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Sampath, India
Fri, Oct 20 2017All took the concept from oldest religion called Hinduism...
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