Money Transferred Through Speaker's Office: Yechury


Tiruchirappalli, Jul 26: Senior CPM leader Sitaram Yechury suspected that the Lok Sabha Speaker's office was allegedly indulged in transferring money for the opposition MPs, who voted in favour of the UPA government during the trust vote.

“I learn from the media and was directly informed that money was transferred to the MPs through the speaker's office,” he told media here. “The truth will come out if an enquiry is held. We want the truth to come out as early as possible,” he added.

Condemning the serial blasts, which took place in Bangalore on Friday, he said it was a foul play and people should not fall prey to the rumours at this juncture. It is the act of terrorists and anti-social elements, he claimed. The public distribution system should be strengthened and speculative trading should be stopped, he said.

Despite the loan waiver scheme of the centre, to the tune of Rs 70,000 crore, the agrarian crisis and suicides continued, he alleged. This proved that the government failed to address the grievances of farmers.

Yechury claimed that the communal forces were more active. The campaign would also provide awareness on nuclear deal and the misuse of official institutions, including CBI and income tax to threaten the opponents, he said, and added “third front will be crystallized before the next polls.”

On the Prime Minister's remarks that the left had treated him like a bonded labourer, he said the left was bonded to the implementation of common minimum programme when it supported the government.

“Apart from the money transactions, ministerial berth and amendments in the common minimum programme also played a role in the government's victory in the trust vote,” he said.


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  • donfrank, Mangalore

    Mon, Jul 28 2008

    Mr. Seetharam Yechury is living in a fools' paradise. I had some respect for the LEFT parties, but their recent behaviour changed my opinion about them. They joined hands with BJP and some corrupt politicians to defeat the UPA govt. Instead of accepting the defeat gracefully, The LEFT is talking nonsense. Mr. Somnath Chatterjee is one of the best Speakers of our country. He stood for truth and exposed the double standards of the LEFT. This may be the reason for the LEFT to accuse his office with the above accusations. LEFT is losing its popularity, and in the next general election they may not win even 25 seats (currently they hold 59 seats). LEFT parties should change their pro-China and anti-USA policy. Jai Hind.

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  • Alfred J. Rebello, Kundapur/Dubai

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Mr. S. Yechury should be aware it is in the hands of the voters to create the third front or not and not in the hands politicians. They may try to create fourth front if they are not satisfied even with the third front just to fulfill their hidden ambitions.

    For me only Somnath Chattarjee is a true politician which LEFT has produced. I said before the trust vote, if LEFT still opposes the deal then very soon they will be LEFT OUT. And it is going to be the case now. The third front politicians are greedy for something or the other, to whom voters will not trust anymore.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Sun, Jul 27 2008

    Shame on you Seetharam Yechury. Learn to accept defeat gracefully and stop hurling accusations at the speakers office and against a man of great integrity like Somnath Chatterjee. Whatever little regard i had for the left parties is gone now after seeing the post defeat behaviour of your leaders like Karat. Let the government do its job.

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