London: Konkani Catholics to Organize Protest Mass on Sep 21

Media Release (SP)

London, Sep 18: Konkani-speaking Catholics residing here have announced that they will hold a protest mass in the city on Sunday September 21, against the tragic happenings in Mangalore.

Christians in coastal Karnataka are quite educated and peace-loving people. Recent violence and harassment meted out to the Christians by the groups having allegiance to the party that is ruling the state, have upset the Christian community of Costal Karnataka.  Innocent people have suffered due to the atrocities of the police.

To pledge solidarity of the Konkani community here with the suffering Christian brethren in Mangalore and as a mark of protest to the happenings that have shaken the confidence of Catholics in Dakshina Kannada district, a mass is being organized at St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 5 Garratt Road, Edgware, HA8 9AN at 2 pm on Sunday September 21. The organizers have further requested the people to join them at the mass and voice their sentiments towards their brethren in Dakshina Kannada district.

It has said that the following persons may be contacted to avail more details of the proposed mass:

Fr Pius Fidelis Pinto at St Anthony Catholic Church 0208 952 0663
Eugene Dias - 07801641794
Richard and Christine Lobo - 02076395373
Ronald Rodrigues - 07735884989 
Violet D’souza - 0794997756
Melwyn - 07949196188


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  • ALWYN , Mangalore(canada

    Thu, Sep 18 2008

    Well Done! Please do your best to show your concerns and make the people aware of the inhuman act conducted by some of the hindu group in India. God bless to all our christians around the world. Jesus is great and he loves us.

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