Mangalore: Anti-Christian Article in Kannada Daily Evokes Strong Reaction

Mangalore: Anti-Christian Article in Kannada Daily Evokes Strong Reaction

Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

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Mangalore, Oct 17: Various organizations staged a huge protest in front of the office of the district deputy commissioner (DC) here, against an article that appeared in a Kannada daily, on Thursday October 16.

The article written by renowned Kannada novelist S L Bhyrappa of Gruhabhanga (1970), Parva (1979) and Aavarana (2007) fame. Bhyrappa is widely regarded as one of India's foremost modern-day writers. His novels are unique in terms of theme, structure, and characterization. He has been among the top selling authors of Kannada, Hindi and Marathi for the past several years.

The present article which has become an apple of discord now was published in a leading Kannada daily on Thursday October 16. The article dwells largely on conversion, which he claims as one of the major problems of the society for centuries together. He has presented certain facts and figures to support his argument. The article right from the word go dwells only on criticizing Christians and nowhere the article does highlight the contributions of Christians. He even goes on stating that UPA chairman Sonia Gandhi has indirectly been supporting conversion. At one point he even refers that people glorified Mother Theresa for her social work while they ignored several swamijis who had been engaged in similar kind of work.  This article has surely not gone well with Christians all over and evoked strong criticism almost immediately and a protest was organized on the very evening.

Advocate Ivan D'Souza, addressing the protestors on the occasion, charged writer S L Bhyrappa, who is also a renowned Kannada novelist of the present era, of donning the role of a BJP agent, inflicting pain to people of other religions including Christians. He would not have written this article, if he had respect for the Indian Constitution, he felt.

'Ahinda' district unit general secretary K Vithal Bhandary said that the contents of Bhyrappa's articles are far from truth. This article is a blemish on the entire society and the newspaper which has published the article, has lost the credibility in the eyes of its readers, he said.

Karnataka State Muslim Council president Haji Hamid Kandak argued that the Christians would have become a majority in the country, if they were involved with large-scale religious conversions as alleged in the article. He asked every one to condemn the impugned article.

Corporator Mariamma Thomas said “The celebrated writer has lost senses. It is tragic that Bhyrappa used the writing skills the God armed him with, in this way. Such articles will not be appreciated by not only Christians and Muslims but also the Hindus. The DC and the superintendent of police (SP) should initiate steps against the newspaper which published the article. The figures cited in the article are imaginary," she fumed.

Merchants Association president Hassan Ali said that many innocent lives are lost, in the name of castes and religions and that it is the responsibility of responsible citizens to stop such activities and harmoniously live together. The policemen, who are expected to protect people, harass them sometimes, he rued.

Karnataka Christian Association Mangalore unit secretary Walter Maben and Balkunje parish priest Fr William Martis too condemned the article.

A memorandum was later submitted to the DC, SP and inspector general of police, demanding for booking of criminal cases against the newspaper and the writer of the article.

Corporator Gretto Rebello, Ashraf Pandeshwar, Ahmed Bawa etc. were present on the dais.

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  • Krishna, Puttur

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    For Information of Mr donfrank, Mangalore, UAE And Stevan Rodrigues, Shirva/Bahrain ,Hilary D'Souza, Paladka VijayaKarnataka is no more with Vijaya Sankeshwara. He has sold it long back and now it is with 'secular' people , owners of "Times of India".

    Please yourself before commenting from your yellow tinted eyes .And also Why dont you people file a complaint against Bhyrappa and paper. Any how you were giving this "Bitti salahe" for hindus.You said instead of protesting , they should have filed a complaint, now why are you protesting ?

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  • Krishna, Puttur

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Hi Roshan, The "New life" thing was cheap condemn of hindu gods.Thats not freedom of expession. Talking about Cast system in Hinduism is definetely freedom of expession.One should have a positive outcome by freedome of expession. In case of Bhyrappa,he has supported all his writings with references.Do you have same for SathyaDarshini? Any evidences?

    Please remember the most of the evidences he mentions are from famous historians(not from RSS people).Would anybody counter it with same type of proof? Also he never wrote anything derrogatory against Christ Or any Christian Gods.He mentioned facts with evidences.

    Why should reality prick to you?(We dont feel the prick when somebody writes about cast system in hinduism as it is fact and we are fighting against it.May be some fools still follow it) Thus I think I made difference between derrogatory writings and freedom of expression Mr Lancy Moras KSA .

     I studied in Little flower higher primary school,Darbe Puttur till 7nth(1990 passout).If you want you can check with Iris teacher Or Joseph sir who are my favourite and still serving in that school. I also studied in St pholomena's highschool,darbe ,puttur(1993 passout).Most of teachers who taught me in high school have retired now and I dont know where they live now but you can definitely ask with MDSsir(Out favourite/most hated/feared PT teacher) who is now retired and living next to Little flower school.Also Mr Purushotthama who is still serving as drawing teacher

    My wife has studied in St victors school near busstand of puttur till 10nth and stayed in the hostel of theirs which is in court road,puttur. If you want I can collect her teachers name and give you. I really wonder why are you expecting me to lie in such a matter.Is your mind tuned to expect a lie always?It is said that the people who suffer from jaundice see everything yellow.But please, for your information , telling a lie is not my habit Please elaborate.

    And I didnt ask any christians to bend infront of CM. I just said any CM will not knee in front of you for stupid threats like stoping service / education. I read again and again what I had written and it is pretty clear. I wonder why you people are assuming things in the way you want. I think I made my points clear. Could not answer immediately as I was away for 2 days.

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  • Kishore Watson, Mangalore/ Auh

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    It is very disheartening to read the reasons that people go against each other, present fashion is fight to 'for my God', Can any one boldly say they have seen their God in person! I doubt you may find anyone at all, If you all are fighting for a God whom you have not seen or heard can anyone rationally prove that there is a God at all or is it just an image that you all worship in the fear of God, What are the emotions that evoke you when you think of your God is it Love or Fear.

     We all act according to our emotions by this you shall know the actual religion a person follows. Don't we all experience that a small voice inside sometimes telling us that hating another person is wrong , If a person who does not believe in the existence of God acknowleges the right , liberty and freedom to all the persons in this world, where do we stand then in comparision!!

    My good advice brothers and sisters there is no end for this kind of petty fights , and there is nothing to beat Love which is followed by peace and harmony

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  • Shiv,

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    Did these people condemn newlife for making derogatory remarks on Hinduism? When Bajarangdal protested against this, everybody was crying foul? Now Christians, here are protesting against the plain article that does not talk about the faith of the christians.

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  • Sr. Mabialia, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    May God forgive both Byrappa and Vijaya Karnataka for sowing communal unrest through the written word. Can falsehood drown the truth? The power of the Almighty is no match to the power of the pen and the print media.

    The good that was in Hinduism, is now being blemished and besmirged by the Hindu intellectuals themselves! So we pray with Jesus,"Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing and saying"

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  • Esmi, Falnir, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    I appreciate Mr. Ramesh Shetty's attitude towards religion being the same hindu which the BJP/Bajrangdal and what not dal's main headlines of the agenda is about. Oh God if same feelings all hindus had we would'nt have been divided on this day in the name of religion.

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    Can Christians set an example by filing formal case against the news paper and writer of adhering to the law of the land. Which organization in the Church is responsible for this? Can the community raise enough funds to pay to the lawyers? Filing formal case is the best way to protest.

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  • juiet tauro, Bombay

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    Suresh Attavar, all have the freedom of expression. Why did U make such a hue and cry over some old/banned book(Satya Darshini) We dont approve both and condemn them. Conversion does'nt mean accepting another religion. Conversion is from Bad to Good, from Darkness to Light.

    Please read the Upanishads you will find Jesus over there. There are lakhs of people suffering from malnutrition/starvation. We need more BABA Amtes, Prakash Amtes Anna Hazares Sunil Joshis, Lawyer Kathyayani who work among Gypsies. They Serve humanity.Why dont Hindu groups work among them and better their life instead of sitting in the cities and create disharmony among people.

    When Srinivas Jain from NDTV asked the Bajarangi's what they will do after Cow slaughter and conversion is over? they have no answer. He told them do some [positive work instead of creating hatred. Why dalits are still slaughtered in India and not permitted to enter Temples. Are they not created by the same God who created U and Me. When U cant love and respect the person next to U how can U Love and respect the GOd whom U dont see? Had it not been for christians and their Education and Health care India still would have been in stone age. As regards Sonia Gandhi, she doesnot practice Christianity. I have no respect for her. Her mother in law and husband were better christian by their actions.

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  • Hilary D'Souza, Paladka

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    Dear Nagesh Nayak Bangalooru and likeminded people, how you arrived at a conclusion that writer Bhyrappa is 100% correct in his article? He is an agent of BJP/RSS whose main theme is hatred against other communities. VK is also a big agent of the BJP Govt. as its owner Mr.Sankeshwar is aspiring for a ticket for LS this time under it's fold.

    He failed in his Kannada Nadu Party and now he again failed in his present drama of pleasing hardcore Hindus. There are vast majority of Hindus who still behind the truth and there are many more Sahana's who admire Christians for their contributions to the Society? Shame on you Mr. Bhyrappa and V.K. Mr.Sankeshwar and other like minded people for publishing and appreciating the false article respectively,without support of evidences.

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  • Rupesh Lobo, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    The people should not get involved in arranging protests for each and every issue. There should be a formal complaint lodged in the appropriate level (FIR) and public protests should be the last resort. And dont forget the age old saying ' Bogaluva Nayi Kacchuvudilla' - this is applicable to both the protesting leaders and the people who write misleading information. They are only interested in spreading the hatred and making personal gains.

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  • oswin, mangalore

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    I do not think Byrappa as a intellectual at all. He is just a ordinary kannada novel writer who lives on the fodder available in the society. He clearly lacks the commonsensical knowledge and it is very clear he is a agent of BJP and Bajarangis. Vijaya Karnataka also is pro-BJP paper. We should not read such cheap papers in the first place...

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  • Alwyn, bangalore

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    Satish plz go to the house of bhairappa and present him with a bouquet of flowers for saying the truth atleast now. remember, if you are not a brahmin he might not allow you inside his house. I wont be surprised if you are a brahmin, if your narrow mindedness is any criterion!

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  • Stevan Rodrigues, Shirva/Bahrain

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    To please the BJP Vijay Sankeshwara is using S.L. Byrappa. So that Vijay Sankeshwar will get the ticket from Dharwar South constituency in the coming loksabha election.

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  • Timothy Dias, mangalore

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    Vijaya Karnataka has been spearheading hatred articles against Christians for quite some time and it is time someone took legal action against the publisher for spreading religious enimity. Every Saturday, the paper has been carrying articles by a certain Pratap Simha which have very distorted opinions about Christians, not that Mr.Pratap Simha's artciles deserve any reactions (they need to be treated with the contempt they deserve) but I'm sure the publisher has certain obligations under the India Penal Code which need to be enforced.

     I would also like to draw attention of all readers to this book which makes mockery of Christian and other faiths (A book titled "what every Hindu ought to know" published apparently by Hindu Fundamentalists and sadly hosted on the Cincinatti Temple site. I would like all those who accuse Christians of derogating other's Deities to read this and judge for themselves - these right wing groups have been at it for quite some time and ironically the book states "those living in glass houses should not throw stones".

    We should launch a formal protest against this book which belittles other's faith.

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  • Marian D Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    A great misfortune has befallen on us ever since this present government assumed office in our beautiful state of Karnataka. Never had we faced such dirty, cunning and cruel situation as we are experiencing now.Unnecessarily religion has been dragged into the streets by making a mockery of the same for deriving illegal advantage in the forthcoming elections and to divert the attention of the people from the misrule in its first 100 days which has been a disaster. Absolutely there have been no achievements or development of any kind in the area of good governance which they boast about day in and day out.

    Aiding, abbeting and extending patronage to groups and organisations that indulge in criminal acts like vandalisation and destruction of churches and prayer halls,atrocities on the weak,innocent and women through police excesses,attempts at creating animosity between religions and communities by stupid and irresponsible statements by the Chief Minister of the kind made recently while he was in Delhi to attend the National Integration Council meeting convened by the centre ,instigating their henchmen like by Byrappa to write inflammatory and distorted articles targetting the minorities and deriding the religion they practice are its real achievements. Instead of concentrating on Corruption which is of the highest order in the bureacracy and the police force and easing the power problems of the state and improving the pathetic condition of the roads and other infrastructure , they are only harping about non issues such as religious conversions to mislead the people and divert their attention from the real issues. .

    The sooner this anti people and anti democratic government goes the better it is for the state. We have to start a strong campaign exposing the misdeeds of this most unpopular government our state has ever had and wait for its ouster.

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  • Marian D Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    A great misfortune has befallen on us ever since this present government assumed office in our beautiful state of Karnataka. Never had we faced such dirty, cunning and cruel situation as we are experiencing now.Unnecessarily religion has been dragged into the streets by making a mockery of the same for deriving illegal advantage in the forthcoming elections and to divert the attention of the people from the misrule in its first 100 days which has been a disaster.

    Absolutely there have been no achievements or development of any kind in the area of good governance which they boast about day in and day out. Aiding, abbeting and extending patronage to groups and organisations that indulge in criminal acts like vandalisation and destruction of churches and prayer halls,atrocities on the weak,innocent and women through police excesses,attempts at creating animosity between religions and communities by stupid and irresponsible statements by the Chief Minister of the kind made recently while he was in Delhi to attend the National Integration Council meeting convened by the centre ,instigating their henchmen like by Byrappa to write inflammatory and distorted articles targetting the minorities and deriding the religion they practice are its real achievements.

    Instead of concentrating on Corruption which is of the highest order in the bureacracy and the police force and easing the power problems of the state and improving the pathetic condition of the roads and other infrastructure , they are only harping about non issues such as religious conversions to mislead the people and divert their attention from the real issues. .

    The sooner this anti people and anti democratic government goes the better it is for the state. We have to start a strong campaign exposing the misdeeds of this most unpopular government our state has ever had and wait for its ouster.

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    Truth never dies. We need courage equally to accept or stand for it.

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  • Rohit Shetty, Padubidiri / Mangalore

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    "Conversion" issue is so hot selling and so interesting now a days, any illterate can be a writer today and anyone can be a hero overnight! Just write any bullshit, you are a hero!

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  • SUBASH MITRA, Kolkatta

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    Mother Theresa is next to Devi Durga to us here in Bengal. She is the incarnation of our Mother Durga. She won our hearts and souls by her explicit love for the destitutes, lepers, aged dying on the foot paths and so on. She never ignored them for the sake of religion they belong. The Love she shown to them was not comparable. Great Mother was cleaning the badly infected wounds of the lepers with her own hands. She had fed the hungry and the dieing aged with her caring hands. She never felt unhygienic while touching the wounds of the uncared. Such a humane and personal service is beyond any comparison.

    This cannot be compared with the services rendered by any Government or other NGO organisations or even for that matter with charitable Institutions run by any religious heads. Frail Mother had a strong Soul. She gave new life to the destitutes, respectable death to uncared dieing. She said 'I find living God in them'. Love was her strength. Love was God for her. She is known all over and respected today is only because of her sheer love and dedicated care given to the poorest of the poor without any reservations and untouchabble feelings. She never waited for others to clean lepers wounds or any such service to the destitutes and found Baghwan in them.

    Mr. S L Bhyrappa donot give excuse of Publicity for the fame the Great Soul Mother received. Mother Theresa is a Open Book. Please read it.

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  • donfrank, Mangalore, UAE

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    The owner of Vijaya Karnataka is a BJP agent and strong supporter of Hindua Fanatics. He is spreading lies against Christians by publishing articles which are not at all true. Every sensible person should condemn these evil people who are disturbing peace in our state. The writer and the publisher will get punishment from God one day. Let the truth prevail. We Christians are not scared. God is with us.

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  • Allen D'Souza, Hyderabad

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    I would urge the Mangalore Diocese to file a defamation suit against Bhyrappa. Let Bhyrappa prove before the Indian courts that his evidence is true and not concocted. Legal recourse is both constitutional yet powerful. Protests in front of the DC office may be good, but not good enough. Lets do the homework and get this rabble-rouser behind bars.

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  • paul d`souza, balakunje

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Dear mr:suresh atavar & nagesh naik,nice comments.when elephants walking,dog barks. but elphant goes its own style & its own way. these abnormality happend in mangalore recently is showing, finally your colour.this is you.even my plenty hindu brothers were preffering to eat beef than, all of sudden cow became mother...? or god...? my intetion is not to hurt any ones feelings but the truth. god bless you & thank you for your gratitudes.

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  • Bona Marcel, Bangalore

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    It is nothing but rantings and ravings of a delirious mind! A writer of such stature, Byrappa should not have stooped to that level of a hate compaign!

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  • Prince, Udupi

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    First of all why are they going and where is the need to go preach other religion's house and distort whole harmony and other religious values. This is purely intentional to make conversion. This is another sort silent (viral) bomb over communal harmony. Violence could witnessed and documented. But these viral cannot be witnessed and documented.

    These movements will cause and emerge as violence later. Still those culprits have not learnt. This is the time to save and preserve Indian culture values and harmony by tightening constitutional laws over conversion. Ban all those organisation ( specially New Life, Yahona Sakhsh's) whoever try to convert and destroy other religion by visiting out of their (respective)religion to preach or in the intention of convert.

    No group should be given the right/ freedom of talk about other religious god even if they go for social service. Immediately those group should be taken under task. We strongly believe that Roman Catholics never do that mistake and going to preach other than their own religion. Because we all know that no religion appreciates any immoral, then where is the need? why should they go?

    Dear Catholics It was really overwhelming and happy when we read that Dasara procession was welcomed by group of Roman Catholics Christians. It is high value of respect shown to the other religion and brings u other value. Even we celebrate Christmas whole heartedly and it is biggest joyous and we highly respect your beliefs and thoughts towards Jesus, where earlier my childhood days I heard many of Christian people told us Hindu God as Saithan.

    It really hurts anybody sentiments and belief. First time I could notice and I would appreciate infinite times when Christ group welcomed dasara whole heartedly. Hence Ronald, Cyril and all our friends do not support this kind of movements by New life and other groups, instead please condemn. We all leave peacefully together celebrating each other's festival and respecting each other’s belief and values.

    In the world no country has this opportunity of celebration, colourful events and development in the economy due to celebration. We will make this opportunity and we will not allow anybody to destroy. Let India become richer and richer in economy, culture and valuing each other. Reach me at

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  • Siva Narain, Karnataka

    Mon, Oct 20 2008

    After writing on various subjects, Byrappa is now short of any subject matter to write and now he thought he will pull a string of writing this and stirring once again hornest nest. India is a secular country and let us educate our people on all matters so that nobody will force the people to do this or that.

    Byrappa you better apoligise for what you have written and start writing on social themes where we can eradicate poverty and ignorance. Why target who strive to bring knowledge and understanding, whichever religion they belong.

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  • Ramesh Shetty, Mangalore

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    Every Individual has a right to protest and disagree. I admire the way our christian brothers and sisters are staging peaceful and dignified protests against the newspaper article written by Mr. Byrappa. I wish Bajrang Dal and its members had protested in a similar way in the recent days. For sure, we would have saved our community from from this apparent divide.

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  • Vinola, Derabail,

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    The owner of this newspaper, Vijaya Karnataka was not given a ticket to fight the elections along with BJP although he is a hardcore RSS member, so he fought the ellections independantly . So this time looking for opportunism, he roped in this cheap so called Byrappa, who had no sales at all for his cheap books,by pay paying him his cheap money, so that he himself can earn himself a ticket under the BJP banner in the next elections. WHAT CHEAP TACTICS, shameful.

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  • Ramdas , Kulshekar / Muscat

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    Mr. S.L. Bhyrappa. Are the facts and figures you give imaginary or your hard labour. 5,000 people converting to Christanity every day is hard to believe. How many Hindus become Christians in Karnataka every day?. Why not the Government of Karnataka, that is more concerned about these matters Publish a White Paper with the facts and figures.

    This will help knowing the reality and get away the mistrust. Let Karnataka Government do this simple job and make people know the reality and put an end to communal journalism and to promote peaceful co-existence.

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  • Lancy Moras, KSA

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    You are 100% right in uttering the truth here Mr. Krishna. May I know in which institution you studied. For sure you will tell a lie here. Look if you have not eaten the bitter goard why your throat is feeling guilty my dear. I bet you, no christian will beg with your CM (of course he is not ours)for a further help but he was/is/will be forced to stop the stupid acts and this force will come from the central government. Mr. Krishna, I am sorry, a tender coconut will be a tender always and I am sure you will better understand what I mean here.

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  • Lawrence Santhosh Sequeira, Madanthyar/Duai

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    We never expected such a misleading words and nonsense article against christianity. Majority religion people are trying to pull christians down. Never support the writers who are trying to poisoning the society.

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  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Sun, Oct 19 2008

    How clever Mr. Krishna from Puttur is.... Can you tell me why the attacks in Mangaluru were organized?? because someone wrote some bad things about hindu gods... where is the right of expression then........ how a human mind can wonder.......

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  • Krishna, Puttur

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    The number of people increased drastically after Mrs Sonia Gandhi took remote control of our govt in her hand. So with this rate if it continues, 2% will become 5 % within 10 years and within 30 years hindus will be minority here(As % of muslims are increasing after independence ,but % of hindus are constant).

    VR Nayar and Noel Frank , you can please go ahead with stopping educating hindu people. We can definetely make arrangements of our own. Dont think CM will knee before anybody for this type of threats. Anyhow I think if somebody is doing service , they should not expect any thing in return. You want CM to come to control for the sake of service. then this is business / blackmail, not service .

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  • ronald, barkur

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    One often hears about “foreign funds” to convert Hindus to Christianity. In fact, what I have personally witnessed is the collection of funds (from local Christians and their relatives abroad) to build Christian Schools whose predominant Donors are Christians , while the predominant Beneficiaries are non-Christians – which spells PREDOMINANTLY NON-CHRISTIANS, or MAJORITY HINDU. Simple arithmetic will tell an elementary School student that the percentage of the same non-Christian students who become Christians after leaving such Schools is CLOSE to ZERO. So then, what is the real purpose of having a Christian School …

    Isn’t it to lay the foundation for College Education for a majority non-Christian Student body which in turn leads them (subsequently) to a well-paying jobs in India or abroad ? The LESSON: People should have an unbiased approach while addressing any and all problem(s) before accusing fingers at others.

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  • Rajesh, Udupi

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    BJP & Co. is all out to destroy the secular fabric of the society in India. The states ruled by BJP & Co. ( and allies) have no regard for human lives, human sentiments, communal harmony or anything we call Indian. It is only a Majority political appeasement and ploy to come to power on majority vote bank while destroying the civil culture and any sense of Law and Order in the land. No government even in the Majority muslim countires allow any fundamental behaviour or any communal attacks towards a single community...

    Where is India our forefathers liberated from the British Raj ? God Bless the people of this land which is great and has a good history which is being reversed since the advent of these hindu fandamental parties in Independant India.... Law and Order is inthe Pockets of the BJP state government and the Centre is scared to offend the majority even when it is a crime and when a handful of thugs are holding the country for ransom in the name of religion and nationalistic miltancy which is a form or Talibanism in India.

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  • Albert, Abudhabi

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    I am quite disturb with the nasty issue of "catholic riots" held at mangalore & other parts of india. bieng a patriotic & catholic I do respect all religion & all thier rituals. After INDIA bieng independent & developed country, still we have not focused towards socialism. Our political leaders have great rule for castism like SC,ST & etc. which required to be ban completely due to which we face communual isuses. I would stay & stand by for equal Rights for all Indians.

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  • Kiran Dsouza, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Well said Dr.Rego. But do you think that cheap mind and 'BOOSA SAHITI' BHYRAPPA will understand this?????

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore, KSA

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    If the Kannada daily had published similar untrue news about the Muslims, the Muslims would have burnt the news paper and writers house by now. Christian leadership in Mangalore has exposed our weakness and our folly by making peace with so much haste with Bajrang dal, at a time when the chritian community of Mangalore bravely fought and had the Bajrang dal in a corner. Has any body seen Muslims making peace with any hindu organistion while fighting for their rights.We have made peace with a criminal gang and lost our rights to fight for our rights.

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore, KSA

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    From Rank Student to Booker Prize Winner—Aravind Adiga (daiji world news item) Studied in a ChriStian institution "St Aloysius College" His father worked in a Christian Hospital. His relatives are still working in Christian Hospital.

    It will not be a surprise if Byrappa too had his education in one of the christian schools, same as Adwani who said that he studied in a christian school. But what respect do the christians command now.? for doing so much of social work. Arent we not the cause for our own down fall. If the christian schools and colleges all over India had educated only the christians, christians would have Occupied all the top positions in the country

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  • oliver, canada

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    ASHWIN, SINGAPORE so you agree Hindus are needy and weak ?? why dont you ask all the seers ,BJP PARTY and you all sympathises to help INSTEAD OF ATTACKING CHURCHES, INNOCENT CIVILIANS ??? patience is running out !!!

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  • Beena, U.K

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Mr suresh attavar, you have mentioned that christians have taken little issues to the street after the recent communal disharmony, do you think if some one attacks your garbhagudi in the temple will it be a little issue to hindus? similarly attacking blessed sacrament and the crucifix is not a little issue!!!!! before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    The article is in violation of right of freedom of expression. No author or newspaper can claim writing and publishing an article against a community or an individual is the right of free expression. This is nothing but defammation. This article also intented to create communal disharmony. Both the author and the newspaper must be legally liable.

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  • Noel Frank, Mangalore.- KSA

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    VR Miyar has made a very good point -stop doing the social work -which would have been used as a perfect weapon to bring the BJP Govt to their knees, same as the gulf states brought western powers to bow by stopping the supply of oil. Christians have a better weapon than oil. World renowned schools-colleges-Hospitals- Orphanages to name a few are run by christians, not only for christians but for people of every religion.

    Unfortunately all these great institutions have surrendered their power and indipendence to the Govt by their greed to make money by taking grants to run these institutions. Let the priests and nuns who are running these institutions tell us why they are taking money from the Govt to educate non christians? instead of educating and treating only the christians without the aid from the Govt.

    Now by educating and treating all the non christians in the christian instituions, what did we get in return.? A kick in the butt. If today St. Aloysious College, St Agnes College, Fr. Mullers Hospital together with other christian institutions had the power ask all the non christians to leave the premises, the Karnataks chief minister would have come to Mangalore to make peace with the christians and shutting the doors of the news paper who published this news item. Instead we are treated like dirt. sorry to use that word.

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  • Thimothy, mysore bahrain

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    We are proud of our religion, and its activities. but here arises a question why it is happening. when a hindu is converted we cry out it is foul play. what about in other countries you are doing conversion act. Why dont you go and stop those acts. We are blind to understand the world, thats why we are still the same. And we talk about conversion, and so many things for our political gain.

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  • Prakash Kumar, Sullia

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Bhyrappa can write what he wants. Why should christians get agitated?. Meanwhile, do a bit of reading of history.The RSS never supported the freedom struggle that lead to India's independence. Even today them and their affiliates do not recognize Mahatma Gandhi as the father of the Nation.So naturally the Sangh Parivar has to feel guilty about this so they try to wreck vengenance on minorities.

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  • Desmond, Mangalore/Bahrain

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Its good to see Christians today atleast protest in this manner, in an organised way (without creating problems to public life).It was not the case before as anyone could get away with writing any b..s.. Again this is Freedom of expression which reaches the masses. Mr.Bairappa please do not poison the minds of our Hindu brotheren at this point of time

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  • Ambrose Pinto SJ, Bangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    The article of Byrappa is not about freedom of thought or expression. It is a hate article directed against a community with an intent to cause harm. While ascribing certain negative traits to a group, the article also vitiates a secular environment. It brings out the silent prejudice, the unspoken hatred and the inaudible threat of the writer towards the christian community.

    If such writings are not challenged, they may grow in stature and prestige and threaten the very foundation of an open, tolerant and democratic polity. When lies are uttered by manufacturing data, they come under "defamation". No community can be defamed under the pretext of freedom of expression. Ambrose Pinto

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  • sahana, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Suresh Attavar, Manjunath,Bhat and others, Please answer - according to Byrappa, if 5000 people are daily converted into Christianity in India, what would have been the percentage of Christians in India by now? Will it be still 2% please have sense in what you think and write and don't just be carried out by Byrappa's false stories.

    I have studied in a christian institution and nobody has forced me to change my religion instead I have learnt values that build humanity. Let us appreciate the good done by the chrsitians and take their example to serve the humanity and shun narrow-mindedness.

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  • Lily D'Silva, Padil,Mangalore now in Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, We as Indians live among all casts and creed people with peace and harmony. But now, some people cannot tolerate the social justice rendered to the poorest of the poor by Catholic Community in India and want to take the credit. Please remember whether you are ready to go to the downtrodden, leprosy people and do service to them! Ask your conscience and see if you can place yourself with the people like Mother Theresa.

    Go to these institutions and see the work they do. Without that even though its a democratic country, cannot write or say anything. All are allowed to practice their religion. Did any Catholic said anything to any Hindu community about the religion. We respect all religions and if anybody want to convert, that is entirely his or own decision. Please stop arguing and practice love, peace and harmony around you.

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  • Dr Rego, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    My only fear is bhairappa -who after failing to attract reader with his unreadable novels- may not take to this form of cheap writing. It makes popular fiction but we will miss a boring novelist in Kannada!

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  • Ashwin, Singapore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Charity is always honorable in all forms. But if there is a price attached to charity in the form of conversion, then its not charity. One need not sell religion to the needy and weak.

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  • M S RAO,

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    If Mr Byrappa is an ordinary writer and if there is no stuff.. why make such a big hue & cry? The article will go unnoticed.. but if it is made an issue it shows that the stuff I sight & very good..

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  • Krishna, Puttur

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Rightly said Mr Manjunath . If M.F hussain can have freedom of expession ,so can S.L bhyrappa. All the people who are crying foul , why are you not voicing against the sexual abuse by a misnisters son to a minor ? Is it because both are christians? Or is it because the minister was an Ex congressman ? If it was done by a hindu , it would have been an international news by now Common friends, a crime is a crime. Condemn it irrespective of religion.

    In case of article of S L Bhyra ,VK has said it is an open forum. Why dont you write against it. Bhyrappa has raised so many questions with supporting evidences , please prove them false by giving some other evidences, not just by crying foul

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  • VR Miyar,

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Bhairappa did his Job, one thing is true if everybudy is hot fav. subjecting" Conversion " may be there is something fishy, only is option to shut the people's mouth is stop your social work with immediate effect, we are edicted to do the good work that that pinches these Gowdas and Nadas... salute to all brothers for the immediate response . May God give more strength to Fr. Willium Martis good to see Ivan, Erik and others together they can bring us Maan Samman VR Desouza

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  • Kelvin Castelino, Mangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Dear M.Bhat, Quite true what you say about Freedom of Expression. But that could have been shown by writing in the articles column or other columns or publishing a book itself. Why publish it in the front page of a newspaper. Newspaper is a medium of publishing and spreading the news -The truth. Not publishing anyones feelings or views or any other things like this. If he so much wanted publish it inside in the readers column.

    This is only to gain popularity else he would'nt have given his snap and to published it right in the center of everything. He could have pasted some pictures of conversion why his snap. All this is is just to make the people fools that's it. Got ma point.

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    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    Dear Mr.Satish n Mr.Sampath, Do you actually think whatever he wrote was truth? Do u remember in a statement he says 500 of them are converted each day. Just calculate yourself how many Christians would be there in a month and then in year. Whatever he has written is either a political gimmick or just to make the situation more worse and just to see people know wrong things and believe that what these fundamentalists are doing is right. Wake up.

    Know the truth yourself. Talk to the people who have been converted and then you will know whats the truth. Then you will really know should we honor this guy or dishonor.

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  • henry valder, Kinnikambla

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    The article Of Dr Byrappa is miss leading because it ushers enmity among the family. If we call India is our home and Indians are members of our family,It is wrong to incite hate among the family members by doing so instead of strengthening we are weekening our family bonds.

    Infighting will pave the way for enemies to enter our home.History says all the invasions happened when infights are at its peak.Byrappa is a great resposible person as he is well known writer.If he willingly wants to create hate among indians god should forgive him.

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  • clarence miranda, mangalore

    Sat, Oct 18 2008

    By now we all should know where we stand in this BJP rule. When there is state support, people like Byrappa can write anything they want. Police can beat the innocent people etc. etc. Many of us who supported and elected BJP are also responsible for this continuing brutality towords minorities. What should be done now? Let all the good people come forword and bring solution.

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  • satish, Udupi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Byraapa deserves to be honoured for being open to this issue ..which was suppressed till now by govt...Wake up atleast now...

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  • Sampath, Bangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    If someone says that he converts people of a particular faith in large number to change the religious demography of India, should we not take it seriously? Should we not debate it and take necessary steps? And simultaneously, one cannot ignore the reality and role of active funding for the purpose of conversions from various foreign sources.

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  • Manjunatha C.N., Kasaragodu/Bengaluru

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Why this hue and cry? Everyone has his right to express his or her views. Don't be biased. There was nothing wrong in M.F.Hussain's painting. That is freedom of exprssion. So the same thing applies here. People dont be biased. If u support M.F.Hussain, then u should support Mr. Byrappa also. In my view Mr. Byrappa has done nothing wrong.

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  • Rakesh, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Whatever author had written was his opinion and fact and we have freedom to express our thoughts in India. Author is just trying to create awareness amoung public and people are now aware of reality and forcible conversions will surely slow down in days to come.

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  • krishna, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    In kannada saying one word is there SATHYA KAHIYAGIRUTTE Truth is bitter Bairappa his 100% correct this is voice of people

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental right granted by our constituion. Everyone has right to express what he feels right. You all have been excercising that right regularly here. Mr.Bhyrappa has expressed his opinion in frank manner, which he thinks right.

    Mr.S L Bhyrappa in many of his novel been bitter critical of hindu traditions and Bhramin customs, but we still read his novels & never protested and tried to throttle his freedom of expression. Likeway If you donot like what he has written ignore him or defend yourself by an return article, why make fuss and create a mountain out of mole hill. Try to accept the facts and ignore unpalatable stuff.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Byrappa and Chidanand Murthy are too old to write new books.They want some portfolio under the present communal government.Hence they indulge in rubbish writing.Vijaya karnataka has been bought by the sangh parivar outfits,so is udayavani.We have to show these papers their places-the dust bin.They can best be used as tissue papers.

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  • praveen, udupi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    M L Bhyrappa has proved that he is a cheap writer. Can he name that swami who is greater than Mother Theresa. I would like to know so also Hindus would like to know who is that swami greater than Mother Theresa.

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  • Felix, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Mr. Suresh Attavar, as you mentioned, Mrs.Sonia Gandhi is supporting and helping such missioneries If there is any truth in it, she will first convert her son and daughter, May be you are a BJP supporter .

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  • Fr. VernonVaz, Kodialbail, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    The communal divide is deep. I have serious doubts of the secular fabric that was knitt together by our interaction with different cultures. WE Managaloreans are proud of our culture which withstood the onslaught of fundamentalists.SL Byhrappa we condem your article.

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  • Arun, Kadri / UAE

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    This writer of such stupid article has lost his senses, we must pray that God gives him redemption from his agony soonest so that he does not cause agony to others.

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  • Alice Haryson, Mangalore / New Delhi

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Mr. Suresh Attavar, You are saying that there are huge charity and welfare centre run by the temple authority and swamiji's in different parts of the country and nothing has been said or appreciated about this. Whom you are waiting ? Why don't you say about them / bring out the truth, if there is any, and people will naturally appreciate this. For charity, there is no religion. Don't make noise like empty vessel.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Yes i agree that this is not the way to protest. Mr Bhairappa has expressed his fundamentalist views. He will remain so and we cannot change his views, as we cannot change Mahendra Kumar or Pramod Mutalik. Since it is an open forum we should counter his fundamental views by writing and publishing the actual truth so that these lies are exposed. Mr Attavar you say that christians protested for little issues.

    Can you tell me how you would have reacted if i had entered one of your temples and desecrated your idols. would it have been a small issue for you. what if someone were to outrage the modesty of the women in your family?. Would you then have written such stupid comments. Please remember friend that to understand pain you have to first undergo such pain yourself. It is very easy for you to sit in your living room and write such silly comments when you don't realise what it means to us to witness what your friends have done to our places of worship.

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  • Suresh Attavar, Attavar

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    S L Bhyrappa is true in the right sense and people of India should appreciate it as there is always a freedom to express and no one can stop this. As stated there are huge charity and welfare centre run by the temple authority and swamiji's in different parts of the country and nothing has been said or appreciated about this.

    Further this charity by hindus are not done for any benifits like converting etc. On the other side if one missioneries does some charity they expect a lot in return and the aim and intention is to convert. Missioneries do not go to help the christians in need as nothing can be got from them but target the poor hindus and lower cast hindus.

    Yes it is true that Sonia Gandhi the Italian lady is supporting and helping such missioneries, her hidden agenda is known to people and this should be exposed to the mass. After the recent communial problem the christians take to the street in group for little issues and this is supposed to be pressure tactics played by the UPA against the ruling Government.

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    Fri, Oct 17 2008


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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    It seems readers tired on commenting and fedup with this issue.

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  • Ramesh Kulal, Vittla

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    This is not the way to Protest.What is published on the paper is writter's opinion,defend yourself by an return article.Vijay Karnataka has annonuced an open forum for the same.

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  • Nancy, Mumbai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    When everything is going to be peaceful and calm in Mangalore, these writers are coming out with something their own with writing, which is hurting the sentiments of Christianas. Like this they put more kerosene for fire instead of putting water. Let that author inform everyone how many leporsis, bedridden and beggers are taken care of by those Swamijis??? (Actuaslly I do not know whether swamijis take care of those people)

    It is not the question of praising Mother Teresa but in a male dominated country like India, one foreign lady was helpings to poor is a Remarkable achivement. Facts and figures are saying that christians population is less compared to other religion. Still why these writers do not understand???

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  • Anil Dsouza, Mangalore / Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Boycott subscription to the newspaper vijaya karnataka. The editor has been irresponsible in publishing this article and re-igniting the sentiments of christians which was coming to normal after the recent attacks.

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  • siddarth, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    We do not need such articles at this point Mr.Bhairappa .This as bad as Satya Darshini ...

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  • lawrence, mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    The writer has cited the history of the previous centuries. Is he telling us "Your forefathers have converted my forefathers, so let us fight now"? At this time, we should spread love and harmony,instead, this writer Byrappa is igniting the fire to destruct the sensitive feelings of christians. May be he is too old to bring more novels, may be he has been promised good money in the deal. Whatever he is writing anti-christianity, the readers are not fools to believe everything he writes. He is fooling himself at the cost of christians.

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  • ronald, barkur

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    This kind of article is certainly dangerous, especially since illiterate a pathetic members of the Hindu Community like any other Community could take the claims about Christians by Mr Bhyrappa to be factual while they are far from the truth - and hence start becoming less and less sympathetic with the ongoing attacks on, and the harrassment of, Christians in the State.

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  • Joe D Silva, Mangalore / Sharjah

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Keep it up. It was really good to see a good gathering at this protest – a mixture of Priests, Nuns, men and women. My sincere gratitude to the like minded brothers K Vithal Bhandary, Haji Hamid Kandak and Hassan Ali and all others who joined this protest. I call upon all Christians and others to boycott this paper and also the works of writer S L Bhyrappa. United we can fight these anti-social elements and puppets of the BJP and its terrorist outfits.

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  • santhosh, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    Congradulations Christians And we all have to condemn all secular people.We all have to condemn this fanatic groups and people.SL Byhrappa we condem your article

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  • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

    Fri, Oct 17 2008

    I do not think Byrappa as a intellectual at all. He is just a ordinary kannada novel writer who lives on the fodder available in the society. He clearly lacks the commonsensical knowledge and it is very clear he is a agent of BJP and Bajarangis. Vijaya Karnataka also is pro-BJP paper. We should not read such cheap papers in the first place.

    They sell their papers by writing issues fictitiously and with certain glamor. There far superior writings by eminent scholars which are worth reading. Byrappa thinks he knows everything. Let him remain where he is. Why is he writing this article immediately after the attacks ? Does Yeddy offered him a ministerial berth ? Yeddy was asking intellectuals after the attacks to speak on the issue. Any material should be researched well and published in journals of relevant discipline. Only then the matter becomes genuine.

    This kind of writing anyone can write. Even I can write in a much better way condemning the wrong practices and oppressions in hindhuism. First let him remove speck in his eye. He thinks swamijis are very nice people .... he has gone definitly mad. I can prove a swamiji is much inferior to evn a common man. But this way of writing will not do good to anyone. Byrappa is proved very cheap now.

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