M'lore: Mahendra Kumar Booked Under Goonda Act - Hindu Outfits Issue Warning

M'lore: Mahendra Kumar Booked Under Goonda Act - Hindu Outfits Issue Warning

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

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Mangalore, Oct 21: Bajrang Dal state convener Mahendra Kumar, who is lodged in the sub-jail here, was making all out efforts to secure bail through the state High Court. As if to thwart his efforts, the state government in a brave act, either due to the pressure brought out on it by the union government or to appease the livid Christians and convince those probing the attacks on churches, surprisingly enforced the Goonda Act against Mahendra Kumar.

The Act was enforced through the Chikmagalur court. It would be hard for Mahendra Kumar to get out on bail now, as provisions of the Goonda Act are stringent, it is believed. Personnel from Chikmagalur had come here, armed with an order applying the Goonda Act on Mahendra Kumar and with the purpose of taking him away.

However, the activists of the Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishat, who came to know about the turn of events, gathered in front of the BJP office on Tuesday October 21 afternoon and raised slogans against the BJP government and also the home minister Dr V S Acharya. The protesters then moved to in front of the city sub-jail, where again they gave vent to their anger against the government.

Bajrang Dal leaders Sharan Pumpwell, Rajgopal Rai, Shivanand Mendon etc. were present.

Speaking on the occasion, Vishwa Hindu Parishat district spokesperson Jagadish Shenava warned that all the office-bearers of the Hindu outfits like the Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishat will resign en masse, unless the government takes immediate steps to withdraw the application of Goonda Act against Kumar.

"Even after Mahendra Kumar was arrested, we kept quiet, knowing fully well that his arrest was not justified, because Kumar asked us to keep mum. The government has gone out of its bounds now, in enforcing Goonda Act against Kumar, who has not done anything other than issuing some statements. Unless he is released early, we will intensify our protests and do not care even if the state government crumbles," he warned.

Shenava further charged the government of not booking even those who are directly involved in the acts of attacks on churches and those who were arrested in the aftermath of the events, under the Goonda Act. "We were keeping silent in order not to vitiate the law and order situation in the state. The state government has failed to even find out and arrest those who authored and published the work, 'Satya Darshini'. The government is now trying to make Mahendra Kumar a scapegoat, which we will not allow. We warn the government to withdraw its decision or face music," Shenava said.

The police personnel who had come from Chikmagalur, armed with the order that cited that Mahendra Kumar has been booked under the Goonda Act, delivered the same to the sub-jail. However, they could not take him away on Tuesday.

BJP leader Srikar Prabhu visited the sub-jail. In spite of repeated requests, he refused to speak to the press. He said that the district president will later talk to them.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore/India

    Thu, Oct 23 2008

    Dear Readers. Pradumnya, Thane statement is 100% right. First the BJP government divided the unity of Mangalore. Now they will acquire our land and sell to land mafia as they suceeded in dividing us.

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  • Clarence Miranda, mangalore

    Thu, Oct 23 2008

    Krishna, Puttur Two wrongs can never make one right. Do you understand this?

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  • Neelima, Udupi

    Thu, Oct 23 2008

    It is unfortunate that people with narrow religious outlooks hold the capability of ruining the society’s peace. While other countries have moved forward, India, is paying the price of being a democracy. At times, one should pause and wonder if we deserve democracy at all as in countries like China, where religion, opinion, choice and identity are a dream and hence, such countries stride forward, while India, hindered by the very democracy that it cherishes, lags behind. Parties like Bhajrang Dal, Simi, MNS, Dal Khalsa are a curse to this nation.

    Charities can help the poor without converting them. Muslims can corner the terrorist elements. Hindus can remove the fear from the minds of minorities. Religions all over the world have killed more people than the war. Religion is rightly called the opium of the masses. If any individual is fond of his religion, it is his personal choice and it need not be a weapon in the hands of the wicked to serve their own narrow and selfish purposes. It is time for the supporters to understand that these so-called leaders of any religion are neither serving the supporters nor the religion, but themselves and their family members.

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  • Krishna, Puttur

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    All who have critisised the church attacks in the past,  can you go to the news of Goa bundh and condemn the attacks on 500 (Mind you not 10 or 20 it is 500) hindu temples. If you do this you are really secular.

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  • Aury D' Souza, Mangalore, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mr Arvind, there is something wrong in your vision therefore you cannot see the reality around you rightly. There is something wrong in your heart. Therefore your heart cannot feel with those who are victimized by those fanatic Hindus. There is something wrong in your ears. So you cannot hear the cry of the people who are targetted by those whom you sympathize with. You better go for a full check up including your mental state.

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  • bandhavya, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Who is ruling the state? Bajrangdal or the elected government. If it it is the government, how is that the police returned back empty handed? Where is the SP who took lead in entering the churches and vandalizing them on 15th September and thrashing the Christian youth, ladies, children and senior citizens? Is he afraid of BD people? Where is his power now? They acted like VHP, BD agents. Is there a different law for Christains and BD? The question is who rules the state? From yesterdays incident of BD protesting and police returning empty handed it is clear that the BD rules the state.

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  • madhav, karkala

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mahendra kumar is right he should be released

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  • Antony Pinto, Arakalgod Hassan

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    One day Mahendra kumar (SAUL) becomes Paul.I pray for that cause. I Agree with you

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  • Rakesh Dsouza, Mangalore, Dubai

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mr.Mahendra Kumar has not done anything but he encouraged the attack on churches. The one who encourages anti-social activites definetly he will become Goonda. I Appreciate this act of Govt. and Govt should not take back this. who encourages anti-social activites should be charged like this only.

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  • Brijesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    If you call Kumar a Terrorist, what should you call the publisher of that book SATYA DARSHINI?

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  • Pradumnya, Thane

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mahendra Kumar and his followers will soon realise that they are pawns in the hands of the BJP. Use and throw.They have been used to ignite the communal flame, a once peaceful mangalore is now a  communal sensitive district, BJP vote bank is strenghtened. Now people may never get united for a common cause, so it is boom time for govt. to randomly acuire land and deliver it to land mafia under the guise of development.

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  • Prakash, MANGALORE

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mahendra Kumar is more than a Gonda and since he initiated the attacks on Churches he should be hanged to death and so as other Bajrang Dal leaders. These bajrang dal leaders have no right to live and should never exist in the form of Human life as they behave worse than Animals

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  • Henry, pangala-kuwait

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mahendra Kumar should not be released instead bring all the rest involved in violence and disharmony.Let the ignorant be tamed and trained.No one should think that they are above the law. Let Peace prevail among all the communities. Anti social and communal elements should be curbed once and for all, so that everyone enjoys the freedom, peace & harmony in the society.

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  • Maxim, Mulky

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    This is just a eyewash from BJP goverment. Game plan of Acharya and Yeddys to win few Minorities and secular votes. Once bye-election is over Mahendra Kumar will be out without any cases.

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  • Shakir Ahmed, Riyadh,Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Yes Yu are right Dr Arvind he is not GOOONDA.........but he is a terrorist got it?

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    What about the Satya darshan'ers, the 'Peace preachers', who have PEACEFULLY ignited the fire?

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Why the protesters were not canned by the police? It looks like they came for the tea break in front of jail.

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  • jane, Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mahendra is a terrorist shoot him!!!

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Hats off to central Govt and its policies. They are imposing discipline on Karnataka and Maharastra. There is no choice for petty politicians. They could have saved the face if at all they has any! Atleast pay some respect to the difficult stage of Economy. Fire is reaching home. There is no room for vested interest.

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  • william, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Where are you all supporters of VHP and BD? Do the rally like we christians did. And we want to see the same laathi charge and arrest of you by police.. Hello SP and all policemen involved during the rally of christians, arrest these people and do the laathi charge when they do the rally for BD leader!!!

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    Wed, Oct 22 2008


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  • mahendra shetty, mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Dr. Arvind Kumar, Dr. Acharya: May God save your patients. You are supporting Mahendra Kumar? Definetly he is not a Goonda. he is just a misguided labourer. Please treat him and tell him to go back to his work and earn his daily wages. We all will be really proud of him.

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  • Manohar, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    This is not too bad, though an antisocial element like mk deserved much worse treatment. He should be thrown in Tihar jail for his divisive dirty politics. Treat him the way they treated the innocent muslim-accused were in Gujarat. This should be a lesson for all to behave themselves.

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  • Oliver, mangalore/canada

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Dr. Arvind Kumar, Madepura/Manipal I am with you, Mahendra kumar is not a goonda , goonda word doesnt fit well for him.Many goondas come in the front to fight. Mahendra kumar is too shy he asks his chelas to attack and burn places of worship He should be cosidered for bravery award , and trust me I wont be surprised since he has ruling BJP party at power and educated sympathisers like you !! IT HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA !!!!!

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  • Maxim rosario, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Better to be late than never. Stringent actions must initiated without any mercy. What about the unseen goondas? Extract them from their habitat and book them immediately.

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  • Victor Castelino, Moodubelle/Dubai

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    For our own sake please file an FIR against anybody who goes against the law and hurt the feelings of any body whether they are Hindus, Christians or Muslims or any individual. This is the legal procedure as per the Indian Penal Code. Let the law take its own course. Only goondas take law in their own hands and instigate their followers to use force. If that is the case why do we pay the police force, spend crores on criminal courts, judges, public prosecutors, jails etc. and even have a Government? Let us all have free for all and that is exactly the terrorists do after we the "civilised" and "god fearing" people have forced them to do. It looks like we have come to a stage where human beings eat other!

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  • Simon, Jeppu / USA

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mahendra you deserve much more than goonda act you should be booked under terrorist act. I am very much sure most of the attackers of the churches are among these protesters in the above pictures. They could be your neighbours or friends please try and identify them and stop all associations with such people. Boycott everything of theirs like rikshaws, shops, labours, contracts, etc.

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  • Tresa , Bangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Mahendra Kumar is just a pawn. BJP is up against him because he openly accepted the misdeed trusting the BJP. Now that the by-elections are round the corner, it is only governments eyewash tactics.

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  • Rupesh Lobo, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Dear Readers (especially to all Catholics) Its not upto the readers to decide whether Mahendra Kumar is a culprit behind the attacks. It should be remembered that a person will be a only accused until the court decides otherwise, till then no one has right to call a accused as a culprit. Its really shame that we are spreading hatred among the society and proclaim ourselves as catholics/christians.

    Definitely we are not living by what Christanity teaches us that is to forgive your fellow being. Few sections of the christians protested against a local daily infront of the DC for publishing opinion of well known author.

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  • Ramesh Shetty, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    Bold step by the Government and well appreciated by the public. Goonda act should be enforced against any person who orchestrates and indulges in any communal disturbances. This is the only way we can curb this nonsense.

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  • Usha Kiran, Udupi

    Wed, Oct 22 2008

    May be Dr Arvind Kumar has got wrong doctorate, other he will not neglect the governement ceritificate given to goonda mahendra kumar. if he still not convince, then he should respect his Dr ceritificate which issued by respective govt minsitry also false... if govt doctor says, one patient has malaria, then i don't think you have anything to say if he or she has malaria ? you need some pills to cure your fanatic ideology. or else you need to change your profession to politics or goondagiri. your words are not fit for your career.

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  • Sandeep, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Mahendra Kumar is not a Goonda, but a Terrorist. He should have been booked under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (TADA) Act. This person should be dealt very severely and subjected to rigorous imprisonment for disrupting the peace and harmony of the society. Hats off to the BJP Government.

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  • Richard D`Souza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Mahendra Kumar is only a pawn, what about the other players direct and indirect why is the bjp government hiding them.

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  • Dr. Arvind Kumar, Madepura/Manipal

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    I support Mahendra Kumar completely. The Hindu society must stand by him and support him. I would join in any peaceful rally and demonstration carried out in this regard. He is not a Goonda. By putting him in the same frame as the GOONDAs the Government has fallen prey to the Opposition.

    Mr Mahendra Kumar is a fighter, he has struggled for the Hindu cause. He is not a Goonda. This is oppostition tactics, not the ruling party strategy. i sincerely adivise the govt to take him out of jail.

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  • James D'Souza, Venur

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Anti social and communal elements should be curbed at any cost.The karnataka Govt.has done the right thing.

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  • ARUN CK, mangalore-dubai

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Atleast BJP cares to safegaurd our intrest. I am sure they will win with more majority next time. 

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  • Sunil Pais, Shirva/Bahrain

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Karnataka govt. has taken a brave step by booking Mahendra Kumar under goonda act. Govt should not bend for the cheap politics of BD & VHP

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  • Elias , Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    BJP playing a drama with the VHP / BD. Because if they do not act against him they may lose the vote banks, because bypolls are yet to come. 

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  • Martis, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    He must be handed over to the CBI for detailed investigation about the series of church attacks in mangalore. 

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  • rakssith, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    well done, he deserves that.

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  • Louis Fernandes, Belthangady

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    We all know that a highly inflammatory and defamatory booklet named "Satyadarshini" was printed and distributed outside the gates of several educational institutions in Mangalore. This is said to be the root cause for the attacks on churches / christains in Mangalore. The fact still remain unclear as to who published this booklet.

    Govt and police blames on a section of christian group named New life. I suspect the involvement of Bajrangdal or VHP for their vested interests but as far as i know the new life group neither publicly owed responsibility nor denied the fact. To avoid re-occurrence of similar unfortunate incidents like this, it's utmost important to address the root cause. Otherwise we are just beating the bush around until we witness another incidents like this.

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  • Nityanand, Mangalore/Doha

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    This is all eye wash. God knows what VIP treatment they are getting inside the Jail. They should be arrested with Handcuffs like other criminals. But we see they are arrested like they are kings only to fool the public.

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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/Saudi Arabia

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Brave act BJP Government and we expect more stern action from government against those violate law and harm the peace and serenity of the society.

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  • Santosh, Udupi / Bahrain

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Looks like coming few days will be bad for Mangalore. BD & VHP activists will not take this lightly.

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  • Francis, Sharjah

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    From this we all should learn a lesson that, how politicians work !! 1st they supported and now they called him by  his real name

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Two neighbouring states experience a bone stuck in their throat. (1) Karnataka - Mahendra Kumar (2) Maharashtra - Raj Thyackerey ! Neither can spit it out nor can push it down the throat ! All of this is for the sake of a few votes !

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  • Clara Alvares, Dubai

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Why didn't the police opted a lati charge on them when they could do it on the Christian protester's protesting within the church premises?

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  • Moorli Desai, Belgaum

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Mahendra Kumar should be released immediately. He dont deserves to be in jail since he is fighting for the whole hindu community. All hindus should assemble and protest in response against the charges against Shri Mahendra

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    He needs some counseling to tame. I pray and hope that this Saul may become Paul.

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  • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 21 2008

    Look at the way bajarangi and VHP trying to interfere with the law. Are they suppose to judge who is right and who is innocent ? Are they given rights to run the law and order in Karnataka ? Just look at Maharastra. When MNS activists attacked students, government immediately stepped in and arrested the leader himself. We want similar action by Karnataka government. Arrest every irresponsible and violence minded VHP and Bajarangi. Or else they will run the government soon.

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