China, India to hold two-week military drill from Dec 10

Beijing, Nov 29 (IANS): China and Indian will conduct a two-week joint military drill from December 10 in the Chinese southwestern city Chengdu with an aim to improve their capability to counter terrorism and mutual understanding.

The joint exercise between Asia's two largest armies comes after their 73-day showdown at Doklam plateau near their disputed border last year.

At the 7th India-China joint military exercise, 100 troops from each side will participate with the main to better their counter-terrorism efforts and skills.

"The two sides are preparing for the exercises now. The drill will promote understanding between the two militaries," Defence Ministry spokesman Col Ren Guoqiang said here.

Ren said the drill, 'Hand in Hand', will be held from Dec 10 to Dec 23 that will include live shooting and adoptive and basic training.

India and China have warmed up to each other after the Doklam stand-off with Chinese envoy Luo Zhaohui saying that both countries are having best time of their relationship.

Both sides are in talks to set up a military hotline to avert Doklam-like crisis in the future.


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