Chennai, Jan 22 (IANS): DMK MP R.S.Bharathi on Tuesday sent a representation to Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary Girija Vaidyanathan and other officials to admit 108 students in government medical colleges as per a Madras High Court order.
Citing the court order, Bharathi said in the letter to Vaidynathan, a copy of which was sent to the media here, that the government should take the necessary steps to admit the 108 students in 22 government medical colleges in the state.
He said the students were forced to discontinue their MBBS course following the closure of the private medical college, Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Medical Sciences (PRIMS), Manamai Nallur, Kancheepuram district, which claimed to have been affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University.
Bharathi said the court had passed the order on 13.12.2018.