Mangalore: Miscreants Rough Up Customers at City Lounge

Mangalore: Miscreants Rough Up Customers at City Lounge 
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)

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Mangalore, Jan 24: Some miscreants beat up a few girls at a lounge in the city on the evening of Saturday January 24.

The incident happened at Amnesia-The Lounge on Balmata road near Woodside Hotel.

Sources claim that three or four girls were beaten up rather badly. Some chairs, tables, and glasses, were also damaged in the incident. 

Sources also said that attackers were belong to Bajarang Dal and Sri Rama Sene groups. When Daijiworld contacted one of the activists of Sene, he said "Vulgar dance was going on during the attack and youth were belong to reputed colleges in the city"

The miscreants pretended to be customers and we went to check. Someone entered the lounge suddenly and started beating the girls shouting loudly, said the manager and a waiter in the lounge.

“When they entered, there were three or four couples as usual”, said the manager of the lounge.

“It is too bad. I came to have some food with my friend and there was no provocation,” said a customer who was present at the scene. 

There was no dance or any other activity going on which might have provoked the attack, said Dr Rajagopal, partner of the lounge.

“It was business as usual and we do not permit any banned activities inside the hotel”, he added stating the miscreants were mentioning illegal activities.

As the girls were running to escape the miscreants, two of them fell down. But the miscreants continued beating them even when they had fallen down. 

One of the boys was also attacked when he tried to questioned the attackers for the reason behind the violence. 

Some people who were outside the lounge have claimed that there were about a dozen miscreants. They escaped afterwards, as the police entered the scene. 

Police from Mangalore North police station visited the spot and registered a complaint lodged by Dr Rajagopal. Police sources informed that three people have been arrested in connection to the attack.


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  • kishore, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 04 2009

    sir, India is a Democratic country, and nobody can dictate terms as to how one must lead his life. The Rama sena and now the Yuwa sena, if you could just make a survey , they are Jobless youth, uneducated and they dont have much source of income, therefore they have indulged in this.Before it is too late the Goverment should bring in a Harsh laws to control such outfits.

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  • Ram, Dubai

    Fri, Jan 30 2009

    They have disgraced the name of Ram by calling it Ram sena.they are liars and giving hindu a bad name

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  • Sharath, Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 27 2009

    Mythology is True. Today we have the proof - Lord Sri Rama had a sena that had Monkeys !

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  • chikka, Mangalore

    Tue, Jan 27 2009

    The incident happend in mangalore is not as sad as it looks like. The politicians, Bar owners , police people and the goondas are together. So nothing is possible to really do anything good in the society. Lot of activities happening in mangalore like there is Gambling why dont the sena people go and close these gambling locations in mangalore??? its a tie up with police , sena , goonda and bussiness people so its running in the heart of mangalore places.

    Instead of beating the innocent girls these people can do lot of other activities. There are lot of illegal activities in mangalore like brothells in every corner of the city. Police are silent sena people are silent. Isnt this is against mangalore?? Its time to act by everyone else mangalore will be the last place that people will choose to reside.

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  • Fernandes, mangalore

    Tue, Jan 27 2009

    You are in Dubai, Is these thing are going on here. Think before you comment .Should not happen to your family members. This is what I Pray

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  • Caroline Saldanha, Juffair, Bahrain

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    Who gives these goons the right to decide how each individual should lead his/her life? Even if the girls were drinking, it is their choice.Who are these goons to take away people's right to choose? India is a democracy and this is a travesty of our country's record of freedom.

    If so called alleged unwanted activities were taking place, the concerned authorities should have been called and the law should have been allowed to take its course. These acts are a blot and shame on the name of our country India.

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  • Irshad U T, Dubai

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    Mr.Ponnuraj D.c.Mangalore please do some favour to those girls.Its your duty.Otherewise its a shame to all  our Mangaloreans

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  • Dr.V.R.Fernandes, Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Jan 26 2009


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  • Santhosh Nayak, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    All I can say is that I am ASHAMED to say that I am a Mangalorean.Shame on Sri Rama Sene and Bajarang Dal.Can any member of the so called Hindu outfit tell me is it Hindu culture to beat up women in the public.

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  • D Nambiar, Bangalore

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    Someone has to help me understand this. Men drink, dance and smoke! Thank god skirts were never introduced for men... but women can't drink, dance or smoke because of our culture and tradition?! You have to be joking...Someone should try and beat some sense into these party memebers.. might do them good!

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  • Kashif Kahn, Canada

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    I think these Hindu fanatics would be well advised to learn something about the horrific consequences of fanaticism for India's development and stature. My native Pakistan has already gone to the dogs on account of Islamic fundamentalism. India, by contrast, is a rising star and widely forecasted to be a major power in the 21st century. Why sully its international image and economic development with such acts of barbarism and intolerance? Please don't let India go the way of Pakistan!

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  • Mukul Trehan, New Delhi

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    Our inherent tendency to run away/panic/look the other way is well documented and is taken advantage of by terrorists and other hostile groups. If few among us had the courage to take the Mumbai VT terrorists heads-on, fatalities could have been capped. The same holds true here. While this was a completely different case, it's a shame that such morons went about their task unchecked. Anybody who was a silent witness to this episode is as much to blame as these fascists from Ram Sena. Go crawl back into your burrows.

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  • Manju, Mangalore

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    This is Bajrangdal way of respecting women.

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  • suhail, Bahrain

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    I agree Mumbai Attack is terrorist, but what is this called so. Any guesses?

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  • Rohan Castelino, mangalore/ Abu Dhabi

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    I condemn this incident with strongest words! From the initial looks it seems these banjrang dal youths are poverty driven who cannot make it to such places of leisure (not in next 50 years) or cannot keep in pace with the developing society. I'm sure these youth are either college outs lured by some liquor/ cash/ food to carry on such cheap acts.

    One has to agree that society transforming fast, with gap between the have's and have not's widening. Tt is remarkabe to know that attacks are happening on the communual classes which are emerging economically strong.

    There is a sense of desperation among bajrangis driven by the sentiment 'if I cannot do it, I wont let others do the same' I think these bajrangis should pick someone of their own match. God forbid if incidents like 26/11 happens these will be the first to hide in their homes under the cot!!

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  • Aditi Mallya, Mangalore/ Pune

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    Traditional Indian woman - whats that suppose to mean? Do those people even know a thing about tradition? is being violent towards women a tradition too? and they want to teach us about culture!

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  • Rai, Mangalore/USA

    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    Shame! Shame...I am pained and shocked to see such behaviour. Instead of focusing on the real evils of society like poverty, casteism, lack of education - these guys are shaming their parents, their teachers and of course ram. shame on you ram talibaan sena and your supporters.

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    Mon, Jan 26 2009

    First of all these Ram Sene party people need to have their manhood removed. By attacking women they are not fit to be called men. They should be given bangles to wear. Who do they think they are to moral police....if they knew what morality and decency means in our country, they would not have touched a single hair on the same women's head that they have beaten up.

    They should be singularly handled by a group of women and shown what decency and policing is all about. Or better still giving to eunuchs who know how to treat them even better. This country is going to the dogs and you can see it with your own eyes.

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  • Walter Dsouza, Moodabidri

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    This sort of attack by these fanatics is an an attack on our country and society.They have to be stopped else there will be anarchy in our land. We have to protect our country from this invasion from inside. 26/11 was an external invasion but this is also far more sinister and equally terrifying. We hope our political leaders wake up and see the writing on the wall and rectify this problem sooner then later

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  • Kusuma Wilson, Nellore/Kundpaur

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Very sad inicdence indeed The polics must take action against Bajarang Dhal They seem to be doing whatever they wnat to do

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  • Stan Rodrigues, Farla/Italy

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    What is happening in Mangalore? It seems to me that Mangalore is heading towards a wrong direction proving to the world that “might is right.” Who are the Bajarandal to take law in their hand? Is the government given them any mandate to cleanup the city? Beating up someone goes clearly against the human rights. The only way to teach a lesson to such people is that beat them nicely in front of the public!  if they had any respect to the human person would not have done like that.

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    Sun, Jan 25 2009



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  • Femina, Dubai

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    This is highly shocking and shameful.All the students have to come together and show these people that it will not work out like how they want it to.India belongs to all and not alone to these miscreants.I strongly believe that all the students shud come togehter and take strict action against this and stand togother to avoid this in the future.Wake up students and stand united against this sort of terrorism!!!

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  • Kenneth D'Souza, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Its a real shame to see things like this happening in the city, we're in the 20th century for heaven's sake... Personally knowing some of the victims its stupid for such false accusations.. Hats off to the brave Pawan Shetty who did his best to make sure that most of the girls were unharmed and took the beating for himself. Politicians do something, don't let such organisations go rogue, we don't want a goondaraj in M'lore

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  • DONY LOBO, Milagres, Doha, Qatar

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    I request and appeal the President of All College Students Unions’ executive Body to be more voceforous and come out in protest against these self proclaimed defenders of virtues camoflauged as Rama Sene and Bajrand Dal activists and launch an all out attack against anyone inciting or encouraging or even taking part in these unruly activities.

    You are the leaders of tomorrow and if you can flex muscles and bring the city to a standstill……for this cause ….all Mangaloreans will support and thank you very much and …I bet, not only you will be successful but even the posterity will also thank you for the same.

    In recent times we came across a few women leaders proclaiming that they are fighting for the helpless girl students of a College against so called atrocities of one of its HOD (who however was popular among 99% of those who expressed their personal opinions through many websites and portals).

    It is surprising why these Lillis and Billys are now silent when “Taaleban like home grown terrorists” are attacking helpless girl students in their own hometown. We do hope they will at least go and investigate if the allegations made by these so called Sene and Dal activists against the youngsters are true or false

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  • Robert Tauro, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Goondaism in Mangalore is increasing day by day in the name of religion. We are a secular country, so let it be governed according to the law of the land and not as per the dictates of any particular religion. As Dr. Deepak Chopra has rightly said, we have a lot of uneducated jobless youth around us and government's prime concern should be to educate and find placement for them. All sort of terrorism whether it is external or internal should be equally condemned. Root cause of this is same i.e. lack of education and unemployment in the youth.

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  • Sadananda Pai, Manipal

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Terrorism in our Mangalore, While we blame terrorists from Pak we have them here too, since 2008 they have done more harm in Mangalore lets tag Terrorists for these people who fled the scene after their attack? A righteous person defends his act! Yeddi will be in US for convention next year for attacks on Christians! Any single attack on others will tarnish and ruin BJP's existence. Hinduism is Ahimsa and an attack is Himsa.

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  • sasi, mangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Politicians and policemen tommorrow your daughters are sitting in these places think what will happen to you . take action

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  • santosh, magalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Just target these guys we will find them

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  • Faisal MOhammed , Mangalore/ Kuwait

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    department have to take action againts these goondas. if these kind of goondaism continues. then the growth of mangalore city will stop. so i request the department to take strict action againts these association.

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  • Khursheed Hussain, Abu Dhabi

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    We foolishly keep on criticising the Bajrang Dal and Ram Sene whenever their goons go on rampage and behave like thier own property. In fact they do not need to take simply because law and order already in their hands. As long as our district/state administration remain impotent, no one can stop them.

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  • Shirish, mangalore / Melbourne, Australia

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    The video footage is really disturbing I am shocked to see how girls are kicked, punched and chased. This matter needs to reported to the Women rights organization . These girls appear to be decent college going girls .what's wrong if they go to a club? no harm in that.... These hooligans appear to be desperate to touch, molest or chase a girl. "BUNCH OF EUNUCHS!!!" and so are the Cops who are hand in glove with these "Goondas". Felow Mangaloreans...If these 'nerve shattered maniacs' are still roaming about freely o the streets of Mangalore then it won't be safe to let your wives, sister or mothers to go out alone. Guess after the last state elections ...Managloreans are surely reaping what they sowed. Pity you guys!!!

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  • salman, dubai

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Request Mr. Ponnuraj (D.C.) to do something against these type of "Goondaraj"

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Yes… well said Ashu… when there are no hopes in police and when these activists can take law in their hands, why cant the others? When I was in college some 5-6 yrs ago, when even a single student was attacked, the next day we used to have strikes opposing these types of acts and 90% of students were supporting these rallies.

    Why it is not happening now? Where are the student leaders now? Even when a single Muslim person was attacked, the next day they used to take revenge either by killing or by badly injuring these miscreants. Why it is not happening now? These acts needs to be repeated now again and this is the only one lesson that the society can teach to these sangha parivars… wake up people… it is your time now

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  • Mohammad yusuf, Mulky,Dubai

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Mr.Yeddi.Karnataka's progress will not be done with gunda raj.  Be loyal to the oath you have taken while taking CM post.

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  • Christopher, Kulai

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    The only way to vanish these communal parties is all marginalized classes have to rethink about their traditional strategy of shifting support to various political parties during elections with the sole aim of defeating their immediate enemies.

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  • Ajit Kumar, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Why do you call these brave sons of the soil as Miscreants? They have lot of energy and courage to up hold the moral standards of Mangalore. They come in groups, start their act and disappear. Our governments should utilize their talent and reward their bravery, immediately air- them in any part of Pakistan with or without parachute, I hope either way they may serve our country good. Are these guys are let loose by terrorists from another country who wants to destabilize India? If they are not controlled right now the days will not be far that any Hindu will be ashamed to call himself a Hindu. It is time our CM should take a stand and Make it clear.

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  • Imran, Al Jubail

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Clear example of Open Terrorism, no one is there to question these terrorists? This is the real situation of mangalore. never gonna change.

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  • Ahmed, Saudi Arab - Jubail

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Somebody in central govt should take initiative to put an ban on so called TERRORIST GROUP  to  get rid of these ANTI SOCIAL ELEMENTS

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  • Rafi Ahmad Ali, Kotekar, Mangalore @ Riyadh, KSA

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    I request Mr. Ponnuraj (D.C.)to do something against these type of "Goondaraj"

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  • Gazzi, Udupi

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Dear Raj, Unless you become the convict of the following in an unknown place or unknown occasion, you would say its a good step to stop these youg generations. Taking law into our own hands leads to Bloodshed.

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  • Ashu,

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    No need to be give police complaint ,pictures are there of miscreants , just target them...

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  • Rajesh, Udup/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Why keep saying shame on Mangalore, its easy to blame, Bajrang Dal or any group who attacked the oulet, but nowadays, Mangalore has gone to the dogs, todays youth are trying to imitate the V channel, but can't do it rightly, and end up messing their lives and tempting others to do the same, its high time that these groups attack more of these joints, so that the class rooms will have more students attending, and less here, please go to the parks etc, where all illegal activities takes place and drive these young couples out, good work Bajrang Dal, what police can't do you have done, police are corrupt with rich and famous Mangalore should not follow the Pune route, let Mangalore be what it was earlier, let sense prevail, todays youth can't be taught only by Bajrang Dal groups or its associates, congrats to the group, and congrats to our Home Minister, will be remembered for years to come, Cheer Acharanna.

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  • Francis, Moodabidri/Sharjah

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    i think this is challenge for Mr. Ponnuraj. these groups wants to show that they will never bow their head to anyone. till Yeddy's Govt is there. I dont know who is taking care of these ativits sisters !! coz they taking care of the world.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Request BJP to ban Baj Rang Dal and Ram Sena immediately before the the situation is out of control. Otherwise people will take law into their own hands. How long BD and Ram Sena can go on. If people take law into their hands and once the bloodshed starts flowing then who will control it. Shame on these goondas.

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  • Jude, Mangalore Dubai

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    This is not the first incident nor will it be the last as long as the present BJP government is in power. It is now clear that a police force does not exist in Karnataka. We have people in uniform and people without uniform who are both used by the people in power to spread fear and hatred amongst the masses. Where is the constitution and where are the fundamental rights of individuals enshrined in our constitution. Where does a common man go now?. Someone has to provide us with an answer and very soon, before we find ourselves in total chaos. Is this the 21st century India where we want our children to live. Why blame al qaida and the taleban for fundamentalism, our right wing fundamentalists and moral police are more dangerous. They are trying to destroy the very essence of our lives.

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  • Vasant Raj, Udupi

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Bravo, it is a very good and ultimate step taken by the people who attacked the young generation. It should repeat everytime and everywhere.

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  • Wenrena P, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    What do these Banjrangdal and their other groups think? They can take Law into their on hands?Why attack so boldly and when the police appear run like lifeless? Cant they face the police?

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  • rahul dsouza, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    The pictures & video footage clearly indicates that mangalore is running short of cops & the DC has handed over their duties to these enuchs. These enuchs are so desperate that they havent seen or touched a girl in their entire life.

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    Sat, Jan 24 2009


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  • anita lobo, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Horrifying acts of terrorism, who has given the authority to these guys, to dictate moral values . Even if something was happening there, then complaints could be lodged. Are acts of goondaism, justified in the name of reformation. Mangalore anymore isnt a safe place ....The goons need to be booked....and severe action initiated against the guilty.

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  • Ifthi, KSA

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    I think such activities by carried out by some otherr activists or communities it would have been called "TERRORISM". But it is not the question of communities here, its our Mangalore, our India which is turning out to be goonda raj here. Let's all peace lovers pray to God for peace in our place.

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  • Pradumnya, Thane

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    These guys claiming to be from Bajrangdal/ram sene are actually goondas on hire. And as in the past they are accompanied by a TV crew. That they are willing to be photographed in itself shows that they care two hoots for the law. Mangaloreans be prepared in future for mumbai type of extortions and paying regular hafta etc. because this will be their next occupation.

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  • JPS, M'lore/dxb

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    The above incident definitely going to influence/provoke the mind & wisdom of young girls to see the degenerated mentality of these hindu youths(good for nothing) who are expected to lead them in life. Violant nature of these young hindu minds are not suitable for any kind of morally acceptable social living, it is quite natural that any guy once committ a sin towards a helpless woman can't keep their respectful look towards them whether it is their own sisters, mother or wives, they are also one or the other day subject to such kind of sinful behaviour towards them also, after all human is a human. It look like (or rather can be suspected as) the main object behind this act is to get regular haftha from the entertainment business community which was heitherto carried out by underworld people, but hence forth with the favourable pro hindu govt in place to provide assured support from the law & order keeping office.

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  • munna, bajpe/Muscat

    Sat, Jan 24 2009


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  • Viju, Mangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Dear CM, Thanks . You have encouraged your brave soldiers to be even braver than the NSG commandos in mumbai. They have actually attacked these dangerous girls. We also salute your spirit of freedom, because you have given these helpless victims the freedom to run.

    We would also like to thank your spirit of democracy that even these lawless people enjoy complete freedom to voice their opinions and beat up whoever they decide does not follow their law. I think you should now request them to proceed to the high court in Bangalore to beat up the lawyers and judges because recent news has it that they havent been practicing their religion.

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  • Agnel, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    It was an attack just to gain political mileage and was well planned.If not how could tv9 and others media get live coverage of this? ITs upto the media now to follow up and use their freedom of press to question the government if all the " napunsaks" in the pictures are booked.Our media needs to take a leaf from national level news channels who support such causes and ensure justice is done to all.Will india ever develop with such gangs within us? would they get away with such crimes in any other place than india?

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  • Arun, Mlore-Dxb

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Dear BJP Govt/ Mr Palemar/ Mr Bhat. Am a aderent fan of BJP. I was looking forward for developing state under your adminstration. Dear Mr Palema & Yogish Bhat, I request you personnely take this this matter and see that the culprits spoiling the Image of Mlore and Hindhu culture are booked under severe IPC.I know evry political party needs a vote bank to bank upon as its one of your pillers of power or one of your chair legs. But this is heights BJP, i believe since you have already come to power, its time you stop supporting such miscreaents.

    Even though its not instigated by BJP these people under the your shadow these people have become nuisense as they think they have a supportive people at power who'l help them to bail out at any stage since they are the Govt makers. Atleast now stop these people, or send them to Maharastra or Mumbai to fight MNS or Shiv Sainiks against the attcks on Kannadigas (i know its not possible). If they are fighting for the good cause even we support them but not this way trashing people around. Felt really bad seeing these people trashing students at the PUB. Let them fight the management to shut down the place if they think anything illegal happening there but not attacking the customer's. Also to the owners of the Club, until these people are around if you cannot provide security to your customers do not open any club or pub. Dear Govt stop these miscrients.

    If you think BJP can survive only with the help of such people, i prefer you stay in opposition than in power. Give good governance, the people will support you then so that you will not need support of such people ever. Its been difficult for a coomen Manglorean,Inncosent people, Couples, Husband & wives , elders, girls, ladies for that matter even innocent mens to walk around free in Mangalore because of these people. They are just like street dogs, sorry Mad street dogs infecting Rabies. There is no option but to sterilise them.

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  • Vinay, Mangalore

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Whatever the illegality committed by the pub doesn't mean that Bajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sene has any right to attack them. Even if the allegation by Bajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sene is true, Bajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sene are equally guilty of the deeds they did. An eye for an eye the world will be blind. By the way even the criminals in this country should have the right to defend. Anyways, in India we don't have any human rights. The only right it seems is that Hindu Fundamentalist can do anything and can get scot free. This video evidence should be used to arrest those who take the legal matters in their own hands rather than going through our judicial system. I condemn the attack of Bajrang Dal and Sri Rama Sene. In Mangalore we need a movement to protect our human rights.

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  • stany Dias, Kemmannu

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Why only in mangalore happening this kind of goondagardi? People who doing this kind of assault are none other than illeterates I can say. this is shame for mangalore police and politicians

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  • Austin Prabhu, Nanthur/Chicago

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Shame on these miscreant who take law in their own hands. There terrorist groups should be banned immediately to bring peace in our communities.

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  • Rehanna, MANGALORE

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    What horrific video. The poice should use all the pic and video to arrest them and than they must show the people of mlore who these culprits

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  • Sunil Karkera, San Jose, California

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    This is a disturbing trend in Mangalore. These groups are extremely intolerant and using voilence to force their views. There is another group similar to them - The Taliban.

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  • Calvin, Mangalore/USA

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    These jokers and goondas think they can dictate terms to others. All have the fundamental right of freedom in this land. No one is above the law. The police can beat innocent people in churches. Why cant they beat these goondas?

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  • vivan, Kulshekar/Amsterdam

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    May be its a business rivalry...proper investigation may prove the real fact........

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  • Shanti, Bondel

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Looks like Mangalore is embracing Talibaan rule !!!. If there was any illeagal activity, law & order is there to take care, who are these people to take law in their own hand??

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  • ifthikar & Freinds,, mangalore / Dubai.

    Sat, Jan 24 2009


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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Mangalore is ruled by Talibans and the district administration is snoring.....

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  • Wilson, Kinnigoli

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Situation in Mangalore is deteriorating day-by-day, which is known for peace. Why the concerned officials are not alert & allowing the GOOONDARAJ? Police should make use of the photographic & video evidence & should arrest those miscreants.

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  • Mohammed, Mangalore, Kuwait

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    I would like to ask so called Gents, but wearing bangle and threads on their hands. I would like to ask you all any one of you have the dare go alone and hit some? You have dare to beat some only you are in group. Dont think that ur brave on beating ladies.Is your hindutva teaches you to respect woman?.

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  • Rony, Mangalore/Saudi

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Enough is Enough in a Peaceful place like Mangalore. If our security force who feeded by us through our tax payment not serve us. Then we have to take law in our hand and to punish both. You can easily catch from this coverage. If not punished the culprit then punish the security force.

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  • Lewis JM, Mumbai/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Its really shocking to note these things. As someone well said, next time while casting vote, think twice whom to vote. It is indeed a shame. Its OK fr us to give shelter to enemies and then pull on stories. At least let us respect our females young men.

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    Sat, Jan 24 2009


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  • mahendra shetty, mangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Nowadays we hear a lot about these so called miscreants. Who are they? Are they responsible to maintain law and order? Why are these miscreants let loose? Who is letting them loose?

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  • Arun Menezes, Udupi/Kuwait

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    We do not need any terrorists from outside to destroy our country, we have enough people within ourselves to do the noble job,

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  • Manohar Kamat, Udupi

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    The police cannot control such crimes, because they are a party to such unpleasant events. Now onwards the people of Mangalore should unite and beat up such hooligans. Just beat them up more badly than they beat the innocent people in the name of hinduism. Hinduism do not support violence or not give power to anybody to punish. Down with such uncivilised organisations.

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  • Siva Naain, Bengalur, India

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Sometime we wonder why this kind of incidents are happening? Is it due to unemployment, enmity between communities or companies or rivalry? Are some hidden politicians using our youth. How we can raise our youth as responsible citizens? It could be violent TV Cinema also. Not just condemnation will help but we public must look for practical ways to stop this kind of incidents.

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  • leena pinto, nejar ireland

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Disgraceful act. making physical contact by hitting the poor girls is so bad. they are worst than animals. Even any animals wont harm unless they are threatened or for the purpose of food.

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  • Vanil Veigas, Bangalore

    Sun, Jan 25 2009

    Shame on these guys! I agree with Roshan (Mangalore/Doha), Should give them some bangles and ghagra's..

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  • Vincent Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Dear BJP please do something about this donot spoil your party name somebody trying this bring them front in public and give them punishment front of everybody in open area like this people fit for like this punishment hurry up donot delay donot give any advantage again and keep your party name in no-1 position

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  • Alex D'Mello, Mumbai

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    This is the way miscreants  work by spreading terror every now & then. This incident too will be dismissed by the policy as business rivalry. Be vigilant there may be more lawlessness in the future. Here the girls may wearing pants or dining with their friends.

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  • john anthony, mangalore/doha

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Who are these senseless people, who are making a paradise like Mangalore into another Baghdad? Does the Police Commissioner need more proof to act now? Are not the photographic evidence enough for the Commissioner to identify each of the goons and take stern action, and make the common man feel safe at home?  We need action Commissioner. 

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  • mohammed, mangalore

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Attack on civilians because we have to blame ur self, we have given vote to such party which will protect only criminals. So,next time think while giving ur valuable vote .........

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  • mabel v menezes, bejai mangalore

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    really stupid thing, if any thing wrong is going those people should complain to police and warn them,instead they go and beat specially girls,why this now in mangalore? Where is Shobha? now let her take action against those miscreants,shame to mangalore

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  • Roshan, Mangaloere/Doha

    Sat, Jan 24 2009

    Good Coverage.... give some bangles and gagras to these attackers... cant fight with men... that is the reason they are attacking the wemen... what a shame for these people...

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